One of the most challenging parts of owning an Airbnb property is actually getting people to rent your place. This can be surprisingly tough due to the competition out there; if you are the only Airbnb in your area, you must live in a very remote location!

Here, though, are some tips that could help you to start getting more people turning up and taking bookings at your Airbnb residence.
Make sure your property is well-lit
It might cost you more in energy bills, but making sure that your Airbnb property is well-lit is your first step to getting bookings. Make sure that all of the photos and videos show a well-lit property. Darkness in images and videos can often feel to potential lodgers that there is something worth hiding in that darkness.
By having a lot of lighting, you show people that there is nothing to worry about when staying with you.

Change the accents
Another big part of the Airbnb experience is making sure your property feels welcoming. You should therefore focus on getting as many accent colours as you can. Primary colours are the go-to choice, but accents look more modern and understated.
Find accents that pair up with your preferred primary colours. This adds zest and freshness to the walls and can go a long way to making sure your whole property just feels a bit more welcoming and modern.
Move around your décor
One of the easiest ways to change your property in terms of aesthetics is to move around décor. You could find that you can simply reuse the same décor that you have differently. From changing rooms to angles to placements and combinations you can make it easier to add a more inventive look to your property.
Often, using what you have is preferable to going out and spending money on new decorations.
Invest in some artwork
While you do not want to go too far with this, you should look for some welcoming artwork. Focus on things that feel relevant and a bit more universal. For example, if your property is based near some lush greenery or a beautiful castle you could use this in a photo.
Look for some abstract art online, too; something that matches in with the colour scheme that you are going for.
These simple tips can make an Airbnb more appealing and convince people to get involved with your property. A few changes here and there can encourage someone to come along and give your property a try compared to the one down the street. It’s worth a go, right?