6 Red Flags in Job Postings

A job search and dating have one thing in common: In both things, you are looking for the ideal match. To reduce the chances of you saying "yes" to a job and company that end up not being a good fit for you, beware of the following (potential) red flags in job postings.

No 9-to-5 mentality

Some jobs consider it important that you are always "on" or that you are "tireless. They want a candidate without a 9-to-5 mentality and someone who is both flexible and stress-resistant. But what's wrong with a healthy work-life balance? When these terms are used, it means you don't get paid for your overtime, you have to make do in a small team and there is probably a structural staff shortage.

Dynamic work environment

If you are looking for a company that moves with the times and has an informal atmosphere, beware of job ads that describe the work environment as 'dynamic'. In some companies, that equates to ad hoc work, lots of stress, and overworked staff.

Vague job description

After reading the job description, do you still have no idea what kind of position you will end up in? Then an alarm bell goes off. On one hand, it may make you curious, on the other hand, it is a signal that the company itself is not so sure who they are looking for.

Too many requirements

In some job postings, the number of requirements dizzying you, making you doubt whether you are suitable for the position at all. It is a red flag when an employer is looking for a young person with a bucket of experience, the right education, and preferably already big names on his or her resume. Terms like entrepreneurial, team player, hard-working, and initiator are sprinkled around. And of course, you are - as mentioned above - stress-resistant, flexible, and always up-to-date with the latest trends. Chances are that your new boss will have sky-high expectations of you when you start your new job. Should you go for it, make sure the expectations are clear even before you start.

The tone of the text

You can tell what the atmosphere is like in the company by the tone of the text. Where one job ad is written amicably, the other is stuffy and very formal. Based on the tone, you already feel whether the company is a good match for you or not.

Market salary and fringe benefits

There could be more clarity about the salaries in job ads. A "competitive salary" still means that you will not earn the world at this company and receive more elsewhere. Then again, you must get enough satisfaction from the job. And what do fringe benefits entail? It is a potential red flag if a company does not mention this in the job posting. After all, it is also important that you get something in return for your services.