Black Friday! Yes, those two words do make some of us excited. Why not? It is the day (a very busy one) when people get pumped to go to shopping malls, buying anything they want because they know they can get it for a lower price than usual. Who would not want that? For some of us, it elicits an enthusiastic “hell yeah!”

Of course, we cannot guarantee that nothing crazy will occur because malls are crowded with shoppers anxious to find the best deals (it is a crazy day, after all). Though plenty of accidents happen on Black Friday, we’ve decided to focus on the humorous side of things.
The result is this list of the funniest stories ever to arise from Black Friday.
The Things You Do
You probably think this photo shows a typical Black Friday event, with many customers flocking inside to purchase something. But you're mistaken. There is a crazy story behind those people in the photo – something big is about to happen to them.

What can you expect when shopping on Black Friday? Well, there will always be a lot of people. Surprisingly, one shopper did not take to that kindly. She complained to a staff member and requested that they "make the people leave!" Of course, no one was going to follow through on such a ridiculous request. However, the angry shopper got the last laugh by setting off the fire alarm. This triggered the evacuation she wanted, but it also led to her being arrested.
The Worst Day for Mall Employees
For shoppers, Black Friday is a great day to go shopping. But for shopping mall employees, it is one of the worst days. Imagine having so many people lining up, grabbing anything, and even fighting with each other to get a deal. One word to describe it? Chaos.

Still, employees are good at handling these situations. They are trained to keep the peace at all costs. They have to deal with it every year, and they do it well. So, props to them for handling those crazy customers.
Don't Bring Your Children to Black Friday Sales
Parents, don't make things harder for yourself by bringing your children to the mall on Black Friday. If you can leave them at home with a babysitter, by all means, do it. Fail to take this advice, and all sorts of horrible things might happen to them in the mall.

Here’s an example to illustrate the point. Simone, who works at the cash register, had a terrible interaction with a customer and her child, who peed on the floor. The worst part was that the mom just went about her business, paid for her stuff, and then left.
A Useful Trick
Have you ever shopped during Black Friday? If yes, you’ve probably seen this type of situation. Everyone wants to be in front, facing the door, so they can be the first inside, ready to grab the best deals in the store. Unfortunately, if you want that privilege, you must wake up early and stand there for God knows how long.

Jason Parker, the tall man in the photo with a questionable smile, has a trick you can use next time. Read this very carefully: Tap everyone on the shoulder, and when they turn, wiggle past them on the other side. It's a gamble and a hazardous move, but it might be worth a shot.
Shopping as a Mom
Black Friday is no longer a day for you when you become a parent. Instead, it's time to load up on cheap gifts for your kids. Often, you will see parents (mothers specifically) in the kid's section, trying to find a child's outfit or toy.

Mothers are always on the lookout for everything and anything that their kids might need on that day. But again, remember not to bring your kids to the mall during Black Friday if you can't control them. Things can go wrong quickly.
A Not-So-Royal Rumble
Fighting over something? That's common during Black Friday events. Of course, it's wrong to throw down over a handbag or pair of shoes. But if you simply have to add it to your collection, you must fight for it. Right?

Disclaimer: We are not promoting violence here. Let's say you managed to get that bag – it may already be damaged because you had to fight for it or take it from another woman. No matter how great a bag may be, it is not worth fighting for if it has been ripped to pieces by two unruly customers.
The Hidden Technique
If you don't want to argue with someone or are tired of everything but don't want to let go of a product, then you must use this trick called the straddle technique. The only thing you have to do is move close to the item that you want and put your weight on it.

Hannah (pictured above) used this trick when shopping on Black Friday. While holding an HD TV box, a young girl tried to grab it from her. The worst part was that the young girl was not alone. She was with her dad, who obviously helped his daughter steal the product. Hannah employed the straddle technique, and they had to drag her and the TV to the registers.
The Star of the Day
Do you know who the main act is during Black Friday shopping? Well, yes. The ever-so-hardworking employees who deliver the “GOOD NEWS” to shoppers. They suddenly become like stars in our eyes because of how they handle all those crazy shoppers.

Black Friday is always a test of a shopping mall employee's patience and customer service. Imagine having someone arguing with you because the product they've been coveting is out of stock. So, let's respect mall employees because they are doing their best to keep us (the shoppers) happy and satisfied.
Black Friday Sales for Everyone
Regardless of your social status, a sale is always tempting. Even celebrities who can spend money like it’s going out of fashion won’t miss the opportunity to shop during Black Friday. If you can get something at a much lower price, then why not?

Some stars may buy something worthy enough to be displayed in their homes. Others might just buy something for their kids. Whatever it is, shopping during Black Friday is for everyone. So, cheers to everyone who has enjoyed a Black Friday sale.
Wrestle Until You Drop
What usually happens during Black Friday shopping? Well, there’s bargain hunting, of course. Then there’s the brawling, the hair-pulling, the screaming matches, the crushing crowds. Are we missing anything?

We hope everyone learns to shop in peace because the shopping mall staff don’t have the time to deal with your craziness all the time. So, don’t be like these two young ladies in the photo. Learn to be civil, and perhaps we can avoid any awful Black Friday tragedies in the future.
You Need Some Luck
People who love shopping during Black Friday know the drill. Weeks before, you have to stretch, do some exercise, maybe a little yoga, to make sure you're flexible enough to roll, duck, and do whatever you have to do to secure that one-in-a-million product on sale.

You will need that prep time because Black Friday shopping is not for the weak. We do not know what will happen, but usually, people have a tough time getting their desired products without screaming or acting crazy.
Beast Mode Activated
If you're out of luck during Black Friday and don't know what to do, it's time for the beast within you to come out. If you're dying to have that 40" Flat-screen TV, you must act crazily and squeeze your way through that crowd. We know it's not good to do that, but if you have to save up for months for this one purchase, go all out.

If someone bumps into you, please don't start brawling or anything. You're better than that. Besides, the chances are slim that you’ll manage to get the product anyway. If by some miracle, you do snag it, your efforts will be well worth it in the end!
Shop in Style
Yes, shopping on Black Friday is crazy and crowded, but that shouldn't be a reason not to dress up. Shopping and getting great deals while being a fashionista is still good. But we can't guarantee your outfit's safety. You can dress up as elegantly as you want, but the other aggressive shoppers will still fight for that one-in-a-million deal.

You can also dress casually and comfortably because we all know you must go through hell to get what you want. So wear your best outfit on the day of the Black Friday sale, but don't be surprised if it's a mess once you get home.
Beware of Item Snatchers
Black Friday is the best way to see people's true colors. Some may act kind on the outside, but Black Friday shopping usually brings out the worst in people. Some will suddenly try to grab your items when you're about to walk away with them.

We're not talking about some friendly-joking-around type of grabbing. We are talking about aggressive grabbing, where you need to know whether the item will still be in your pile of goods. It's like playing a game of cat and mouse, but if you have an item in your hand, then you're the mouse, and they're the cat.
Lost Shopping Bags
If you think you're safe after paying for your products, you're wrong. You are safe not until you enter your own front door. Since most people purchase multiple items in one store, they usually have more than five bags for one brand, making it easy for crafty thieves to steal them.

So, we advise you to put your haul in your car before risking having your items stolen. If you don't have a car, you must be extra careful. Shop wisely, use your common sense, and be alert. That way, you can avoid the fate of these two women who lost their 9th bag of Primark items.
Time Well Spent
When you're shopping during Black Friday, the only thing you shouldn't waste is your time. Instead, make the most of this precious resource by getting the items you want, getting out of the mall, and making it home within your time limit because if not, you might end up with too many things to carry.

Going on a nonstop, fast-paced shopping frenzy is not something we recommend. However, you may request that the store staff awkwardly follow you around the supermarket with the trolley, as this woman did. We don't know how safe that is, but it worked out for her—your call.
Need to Recharge
After the nonstop walking, running, and standing, you'll feel like all your energy has been drained. Of course, it's worth it once you're home, as you'll have all those great deals to keep you company. But on the day, running empty isn’t a good idea, so carry some snacks.

You'll need something to fill your tummy when your eyes are bigger than your stomach. And a drink (or two) will also help prevent dehydration and exhaustion. You can also take a 10-minute break after each purchase to recharge so you can go on another frenzied shopping spree.
Stilettos on Point
What's the best way to show off your Black Friday purchase? Wear them immediately, just like what this woman did. Of course, we're talking about the stilettos. Even if you're going to get kitchen supplies from the supermarket, you’ll look great in your new heels.

We have nothing to say, but she nailed it. Ladies and gents, don't wait for a specific time to wear your new clothes purchased on Black Friday. Instead, wear them as soon as possible. After all, the faster you wear it, the sooner you'll be able to get your money’s worth.
The Look of Surprise
Below, you can see what we all look like when we finally get a chance to enter the shopping mall after waiting in line for hours in the cold temperature outside. Look how these people barged inside as soon as the doors opened.

Kudos to the employee who secured the entrance. He did a great job ensuring that no one would fall during that time. Are you wondering why those two women have jaw-dropping expressions on their faces? Well, it was a two-day sale! So they can go back again tomorrow when the store restocks.
Time to Take a Group-ie
No matter how crowded, crazy, and hectic Black Friday shopping is, people never miss an opportunity to take a photo. Why not? Even if you're amid a frenzy of shopping, you should stop to take a picture of you and your besties having a party as everyone else goes bonkers around you.

Gathering your family and friends and spending quality time together is still a far better use of your time than shopping! Don't forget to share a laugh, a smile, and a few precious moments with each other.
A Big Slap!
Stealing during Black Friday isn't unusual. There are a lot of people who do that, taking advantage of the crowded and crazy day. Some are too shy to steal from stores, so they take from people’s shopping bags when they’re not looking. If you're going to shop, always be cautious, and learn how to protect yourself from these thieves.

Primark has formulated a solution to minimize the cases of theft in their shop. Do you see those big blue hands worn by the store assistants? You're correct if you think they will use those hands to slap thieves. So anyone considering stealing something from Primark better reconsider.
Two Are Better Than One
Shopping with someone else during a Black Friday sale is always a good idea. You'll save time and energy and cover more ground. It's also a good idea if you go with your bestie. It will make the trip more memorable, and you can bond over your shopping spree.

Lastly, don't forget to take advantage of the Black Friday deals by getting something for yourself and your friend. Doing so is an excellent way to celebrate your friendship. So, next time, bring a buddy with you. You will never know how wild Black Friday can be until you have a friend who makes your shopping crazier.
An Unhygienic Wait
Hey, let's not judge. Some people who really are a sucker for good deals will do everything to be first in line. Camping outside the store means they have nowhere to bathe or brush their teeth. And what about going to the bathroom? It would be a shame to encounter these filthy people on your way to the mall.

All you have to do is bring with you some wet wipes that can freshen you up after those long hours of waiting. We also recommend finding a way to brush your teeth, use mouthwash, and clean the dirt from your face.
Better in Disguise
Sure, shopping during Black Friday is crazy. We all know that. So, people who aren't fond of so many people will have a massive problem shopping on this day. Some are too shy to interact with strangers, while others want their time to be well spent. Whatever the case, you should avoid shopping during Black Friday if this is your story.

But if you're going to do it anyway, you should wear something that will make you comfortable while shopping. For example, you can wear a disguise like the costumed person in this picture. Wearing this will give you the confidence to grab whatever you want without being seen in public.
Netflix and Chill
A brand new Smart TV for a cheaper amount? We’re in! You cannot predict what will go on sale during Black Friday, and the choices are endless. You can buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, appliances, and more. We always look for good deals on appliances because we cannot survive without them.

Appliances are a must-have on Black Friday. Look at the people in this picture flocking inside an establishment selling Smart TVs for a lower price even though they already have three to four Smart TVs at home. Apparently, those weren't enough!
Not Enough Toys?
Lia, the woman in red, was shocked to see what was happening in front of her. The two women were sisters, buying so many toys for one kid. It looks like someone is spoiled in the family. Do you agree?

You might think that a kid doesn't need so many toys, but if you are a parent yourself, you'll probably understand that these women have their reasons. The kid may not need this many toys, but we are pleased to see this level of family love.
WWE in the Making
It's terrifying to mess with women who love Black Friday shopping. If you think she's shy and weak, you're wrong. Put her inside a store during Black Friday, and you will see the beast inside her. So many people say women aren't civilized when they are in the middle of getting something during a sale.

There is no escaping the fact that Black Friday is not for the weak. It's for people willing to fight for what they want. So always be careful when shopping. You never know what might happen in a split second.
Shopping Bags Keep Piling Up
Black Friday taught us that finding deals and hailing cabs are both challenging tasks. Why? Because of the shopping bags weighing you down. Of course, when you purchase something, you'll have a shopping bag. And if you are still new to the magic of Black Friday, you will buy so many things that you'll have a hard time carrying your mounting pile of bags.

You'll probably get tired from all those bags. But who cares? Having so many bags means you have many things to keep you busy. The pain will be worth it once you have time to rest after shopping. So, go out and find yourself some bargains!
Unamused by the Situation
We’ve said it before, and we’ll happily repeat it – don't bring your children with you when you hit the Black Friday sales! Getting a sitter will save you time, and you'll be able to focus on buying the best deals on toys for your children. Let them rest while you face a hectic day in the shopping mall. You can handle this one, but for them, maybe the crowd is too much.

If you bring your kids into a store, ensure you safely carry them out as well. You must protect them and ensure they don’t disturb other people in the mall. Also, keep them beside you always, or you'll give shopping mall employees a hard time. After all, no one is happy when a kid goes missing!
Crazy for Xbox Games
Who wouldn't go crazy if they discovered there was only one copy left of their favorite game? It's sad to hear the news, but we are not surprised. Many people will be mad if they are still looking for Xbox games.

If you’re a dedicated gamer, you will put a lot on the line for that game you’ve been wanting. So Black Friday is the perfect time to find what you want at a price you can't resist. We are still determining how those people would react once they know that only one game is left. We double the reaction would be good!
It's Not for You
You must have some good luck whenever you shop on Black Friday. Sometimes you can only purchase what you want if everyone else is distracted by other things. It is okay, though. At least you are safe from the crowd.

Sure, you missed out on getting your dream product for a lower price, but life goes on. So, take a break, drink some water, and calm down if you can't get what you want. Remember to return if the thing you wanted appears again on the shelf!
Long Lines
Long queues are probably the first thing you think of when you hear the words “Black Friday.” We love a big sale, but the big line is something we would happily do without on the big day. To make things worse, there are also a lot of people who are in a hurry. So, you have to wait your turn cautiously.

The people in this picture are cool, calm, and completely collected. They are all gathered in one area inside the mall. We hope everyone can get what they want in the store and that nothing crazy happens. Their orderliness makes it seem like shopping at a Black Friday sale is not a bad idea!
A Tourist's Struggle
Going on vacation to the US during Black Friday is not a bad idea, but you should be ready for what might happen inside the mall. If you're not there to shop, we suggest you stay away from malls at this time of year. If not, then good luck. It will surely be a nightmare if you don't know how to act around people.

We bet this part wasn't included in the tourist guide you read before going to the US. Poor you, but it's not the end of the world. You'll be okay if you learn how to deal with people on Black Friday. And, of course, try to find the nearest exit to save you from all the hustle and bustle.
The Aftermath of Shopping
Shopping takes so much energy and time, especially on Black Friday. So many people are lining up, running here and there to get the best deals. And what will happen after a long day of doing that? You will feel exhausted just from standing in line and getting your money counted. After it’s all finished, you deserve a good night's sleep!

All those draining activities will be worth it once you settle into bed and think about the bargains you scored. So, go on and waste your energy shopping during Black Friday. The pain and soreness come and go, but the memories will last forever.
Emergency Purposes
Some people do weird things to get into stores early on Black Friday. If you're one of them, we’re sure you have your reasons. Just don't lose your cool (like this woman) because you want to purchase something in a store.

If you're wondering what she did, let's say she hid some of her purchases inside her pants because she didn't have a basket. Not only that, but she still wants to get more stuff. Well, it is just a typical Black Friday sale. What can you expect from these people?
A Long Queue
What do you expect during a Black Friday sale? A line that starts before midnight. It's just so surprising how dedicated people are to getting bargains that they are willing to wake up early or even camp outside the mall to ensure they are the first ones in line. It's crazy.

One thing we hate about waiting in line is that you can't go anywhere, even to pee, because once you leave, you will have to go to the back. You can only imagine how crazy the waiting line is. But anyway, one thing is for sure: if you want to be the first to buy that item, you should arrive early.
Calling the Emergency Services
When mall staff cannot control customers fighting, they must use their hidden duress buttons to call the emergency services for help. It's the best way to handle all kinds of emergencies, especially when people are fighting.

However, this only applies when an incident is already out-of-hand. You cannot call the authorities if the problem remains in control. That's a big no-no, and you'll get arrested if you do it too often. So, store employees generally have to tough it out. They have our sympathy!
Great Deals of What?
Sometimes we wonder what on earth is going on in this world. There are things that we can’t stop ourselves from questioning, such as this advert. Of course, we understand that marketing is essential in a business, but is this necessary?

There's nothing wrong with letting the public know what's on sale; it's just that the choice of words is somewhat questionable. For example, if you look closely, you can see an ad for a printer, but what type? A problematic one, that’s for sure. Another one is the “Enchanted mayo,” which is sealed with a kiss from a Twilight Forest fairy. Crazy, right?
She Knows What She's Doing
Guys, if you plan on going Black Friday shopping, we suggest you list all your needs on paper to use your time efficiently. This tactic will help you focus only on what you 100% need to get. Then, you'll be able to go around the store and choose everything in a flash.

This was the approach used by the girl wearing the pink jacket in the picture above. She knew how to use her time efficiently. Now, look at that smile on her face! Why not follow her example? Save your time, focus your efforts, and you too can enjoy a happy end to your Black Friday adventure.
Black Friday's Purpose
Since Black Friday happens near December, a time when gift-giving is common, people tend to pick up items in a frenzy, rushing to find things to give away at Christmas. That is one of the purposes of Black Friday and why many people go wild during this time of year.

You will surely be able to save some money on Christmas shopping, but it’s also important to at least try to get people gifts they will actually use. Otherwise, you may as well do all your Christmas shopping from the catalog pictured above.