Children Kick Mother Out Of Home, She Gets The Ultimate Payback

A Tough Time Saying Goodbye

In front of her once-loved home, Anna Reynolds stood motionless with tears streaming down her cheeks. 

The thought of packing up her life and moving out of the house where she had spent most of her adult life was unimaginable to her. She felt profound betrayal echoing in her empty heart chambers as she felt the betrayal. Having been through so much, she had a hard time dealing with what had happened.

Feeling Betrayed

Having raised her own children with love and sacrifice, she could not believe that they had decided that she was too old to handle things by herself.

Her gaze was filled with a deep sense of loss and regret as she gazed at the familiar surroundings. However, she could not have avoided it, could she? With her family, she had created countless memories in this house, which had been her refuge from the world outside. 

Staying Strong

However, now it was all ending, and she was forced to leave. Anna knew that she had to be strong despite the pain and sorrow that she was experiencing. 

A new life had to be rebuilt in a new place, and she had to face the future with courage and resilience. Then, she would get her revenge. Anna wiped away her tears and walked towards the car that would take her away, vowing she would never forget what they had done to her.

Taking Care Of Herself

After her children unanimously decided that she should be moved to a nursing home immediately, Anna found herself in a tough spot. 

The decision seemed to have been made despite her protests. Their mistake, however, was little known to them. A critical aspect of their mother's personality and the house in which she lived had been overlooked in their haste to secure their inheritance. It was only a matter of time before they crawled back.

Picking Herself Back Up

Anna slowly adapted to the nursing home's daily routine as the days turned into weeks. However, her temporary situation was only temporary.

Nevertheless, she longed to be back home, where she had made countless memories with her family over the years. She patiently waited, knowing that her children would eventually come back to her - even if only for her usefulness - despite her heartbreak.


Its foundations ran as deep as the history of the Reynolds house, a grand and ancient manor. 

Secrets were buried within the walls, hidden away in the nooks and crannies. Getting to the hidden fortune was only possible with Anna's help. As if it were a living, breathing entity, Anna knew every creak and whisper of the old place, unlike her descendants.


She knew about the hidden compartments cleverly concealed within the walls, secrets passed down from one generation to another. Her family's legacy was preserved, and the treasure of the past was protected. Her children, however, desperately wanted it.

Several months after Anna had been thrown out, an overlooked letter she had left behind was discovered. Moreover, it revealed the house's history, its connection to its family, and, most importantly, its abundance.

The Request

To achieve true fortune inside the house, they would need their mother. The children visited Anna, swallowing their pride. However, it was only to get to the secrets hidden within the house by inviting her back. Anna smiled knowingly and refused. There was one last lesson she wanted to teach her ungrateful children.

A police escort was provided by her lawyer so she could access her home again. She opened a mysterious door that had never been seen by her ungrateful kids. The contents of the box changed everything, though. It was going to be a happy ending for Anna.

Her Upbringing

In spite of her upbringing in privilege and luxury, Anna Reynolds did not become complacent. Despite her parents' fortune, she knew she couldn't rely on them.

At the age of eighteen, her parents cut her off from their wealth, sending her out into the world to forge her own path. With a strong desire to make a difference in the world and help those in need, Anna threw herself into humanitarian work, undeterred by the daunting task ahead.

Doing Her Best

Throughout her young adulthood, she devoted herself to helping others and approached every challenge with unwavering determination and a fierce commitment to her values.

After reaching the age of 25, she realized she had to take control of her life. Getting started was the next step. Starting small, she invested in businesses with foresight and shrewdness. Her savings grew over time, and she launched her own business. 

Building Her Business

With the knowledge and guidance imparted by her parents, she worked tirelessly to establish and expand her business. Finally, after five years of hard work and dedication, she received a very important invitation to return to the prestigious Reynolds Manor.

The young girl was filled with anticipation as her parents informed her that she had passed their test and that they had something truly extraordinary to show her. 

Being Shown The Family Secret

Without further ado, they led her to a false panel in the wall, which they opened to reveal a hidden staircase made of solid concrete. As they descended the steps, the girl felt a sense of awe and wonder building up inside her. What could possibly be hidden down here? 

Finally, they reached the bottom, and her parents revealed the true fortune of the Reynolds. It was a sight to behold, and the girl promised to keep it a secret.

Having A Family

Anna vowed to only reveal it to her own children one day. But she didn’t know what kind of children she’d raise. In the course of the next four decades, Anna had come to be the sole inheritor of her parents' vast wealth and the prestigious manor that had been in her family for generations.

During this time, she had also tied the knot with a debonair gentleman named Cedric, who, despite not having the same level of affluence as Anna, was the epitome of a perfect partner. 

Having Kids

Together, they had welcomed beautiful children into their lives, making Anna's world feel complete. But she had no idea what they would do to her one day. Anna's life was filled with love, joy, and motherhood. Her first child, Angela, arrived in her arms, and just two years later, she was blessed with twins Joan and Arthur.

However, she was taken aback when she found out that she was pregnant again, and this time, she had a son whom she named Adam. She thought nothing could ruin her life, but she was sorely mistaken.

Cherished Her Kids

Anna cherished her children and adored them more than anything in the world. As Anna approached her nineties, she was content with the life that she had lived. She especially had no regrets when it came to love. However, she wished that her children had followed in the footsteps of their family and ventured out into the world to make a name for themselves. 

Instead, they chose to stay close to their family's wealth, which Anna had worked hard to accumulate. Still, she loved them all the same.

Spoiled Them

Anna knew that she had spoiled them too much, but she couldn't resist loving them unconditionally. They were her kids, after all. Nonetheless, the dynamic of Anna's family was about to change forever after a tragic event that would shake them to their core. It happened on a day like any other.

Despite showering her children with boundless love and affection, Anna was always aware that they held more respect for their father, Cedric. But that would all change in the blink of an eye.

Tragedy Strikes

However, shortly after Cedric's tragic passing, Anna discovered that he was the only thing keeping their children from abusing their privileged position in the family. The news of Cedric's death sent shockwaves through the entire family, leaving them all devastated. Anna had lost her life partner, but her kids had something else on their minds.

But just a few weeks after his passing, the children began to rally against Anna, questioning her ability to run the household and manage the vast fortune that she had built herself. 

Sitting Into Her Own Grieve

In the wake of Cedric's passing, a profound silence settled over the old family home, a silence that seemed to echo Anna's grief and disbelief. Cedric, the pillar of their small family, had left the world unexpectedly, leaving behind a void that seemed insurmountable. 

Anna had mentally and emotionally prepared herself for the inevitable grief and sadness that would engulf her life after her husband's passing. 

A Storm Brewing

However, what she had not anticipated was the brewing storm of selfishness and disloyalty that would soon be unleashed by her own offspring. Her children had planned a series of deceitful and treacherous actions that would cause her immense pain and suffering. She could feel that they were up to something.

The anger and betrayal Anna felt towards her own flesh and blood was beyond words. Anna knew that she had to strike first.

Remembering Cedric

Anna was in a daze in the days that followed Cedric's funeral. She aimlessly walked through the different rooms of their house, each one filled with memories of the life they had built together. As she wandered, she couldn't help but notice the hushed conversations and whispered discussions that would abruptly stop when she drew near. 

The people she loved and who had been raised with the same values and love as Cedric - Angela, Joan, Arthur, and Adam - now seemed like strangers to her. But one day, something truly bizarre happened.

A Bad Feeling

That morning, Anna awoke to a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. From the moment she opened her eyes, she knew something wasn’t right. It had been a tough few weeks for Anna. With the passing of her husband, she didn’t know how she was supposed to go on.

But that morning, she wasn’t thinking about her husband. Instead, her mind was on the strange sounds that echoed through the large house. 

The Sound

Anna slowly pulled the sheets from her body, her bare feet hitting the cold floor. But as she approached her bedroom door, the sound became more clear. It sounded like someone was moving something heavy back and forth across the house. But what on earth was going on?

Anna tied a nightgown around her waist and quickly left the bedroom. But she had no idea what she was about to stumble across.

The Whispers

Her feet carried her across the long hallway. She slowly approached the living room, but that was when she heard the whispers of her children. She frowned. Why on earth were they whispering to each other like they were in some kind of library or something? She knew they were up to something.

Anna was careful not to make a sound as she approached the end of the hallway. She stood at the top of the stairs. That was when she heard something that made her heart drop.

Creeping Closer

Anna emerged from the dark hallway and into the area at the top of the stairs. In between whispers, she could still hear that same loud noise. But what were they moving from room to room? Anna had no idea what was going on, but she was about to make a terrible discovery.

She slowly walked to the top of the stairs, desperate to hear what they were talking about. But then, she heard her son’s voice.

They Were Unaware

Anna stood quietly at the top of the stairs. Her children had no idea where she was, but they were about to reveal a secret that her husband had never mentioned to her. It was at that moment that they said something she was never meant to hear: “I found Dad’s will in an envelope in his drawer. I get the house.” She heard Arthur’s voice.

Anna froze, her jaw dropping as he continued. “The house is going in my name, and as soon as it does, we get to choose what comes of it. I’m the landlord now.”

What Were They Taking About?

As soon as those words left her son’s lips, a chill ran down her spine. She couldn’t believe what he had said. Why did Cedric never mention this? What was Arthur going to do to their home? A sense of dread washed over her when she realized what he had done. She had added his name to the house, and he had decided to give it to their eldest son.

They had never discussed the topic. Her heart began to race. She had to get out of there. But as soon as she moved, the floorboards creaked. That was when their whispering stopped.

The Unthinkable

Anna stood frozen for a moment, her eyes wide. Her children now knew that she was right there. She had to go down there. But she was about to find something strange. She let out a long breath, her mind consumed by a thousand thoughts a second. What were they talking about? And what was that sound?

Anna swallowed loudly before her feet began carrying her down the tall staircase. But she was about to walk in on the unthinkable.


Her children remained silent as she walked down the stairs. They all stared at her as she walked into the room. Her concerned eyes were on them for no longer than five seconds before she realized what they had done.

She gasped as she raised a hand to her mouth and spun where she stood, looking around the room that she once recognized.

They Changed Everything

“What on earth are you doing?” She asked her kids, confused by the state of their large living room. They had changed everything. The television had been taken down and replaced with a new, much larger one, but there was more.

The couches had been moved, and a large cabinet had been moved across the room and shoved into a corner. What on earth was going on?

No Consent

Anna turned toward her children with confusion and anger in her eyes. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” She asked. The house had been kept in the same format for as long as she could remember. Her parents had strategically placed every piece of furniture where it had to be.

Anna and Cedric knew never to move it, but now, her children had done so without her consent. But she was about to learn why.

Not Good Enough

She noticed the sinister grin on Arthur's face when he saw the panic behind her eyes. Why would they do something like this? “Because, for all our lives, you got to have the house how you wanted it,” Joan said with a shrug. But that wasn’t a good enough reason.

“I have lived in this house for fifty years. It’s my home,” Anna said, frowning at the four individuals before her. They were smiling, like they were happy to see her so upset.

Feeding Off Her

“Since you turned eighteen, I told all of you that you were welcome to move out and decorate your homes however you wanted,” Anna said. They thought they could do whatever they wanted now that Arthur owned a portion of the house. But little did she know what they truly had in store for her.

“Move this back. You don’t know what you are messing with,” She warned them. But from the looks on their faces, she knew they wouldn’t.


Angela rolled her eyes at her mother’s request. “We like it this way. If you don’t like it, then you can move it back yourself,” She said. Anna couldn’t believe that those words had left her daughter’s mouth. What had happened to her eldest child?

They had always been taught to treat their elders with respect, but something had changed over the last few weeks.


It was like their behavior toward Anna changed the second Cedric passed. But why? It didn’t make sense. As the four of them left the room, leaving Ana all on her own, she tried to think of a reasonable explanation. 

It was then that Anna thought about Cedric once again. Was it possible that the children were just mourning? Would everything be fine in the end?

Giving Them Time

Anna left the room as it was and headed to her bedroom. She needed a moment to herself. She had a terrible gut feeling about her husband’s decision. She kept telling herself that everything would be alright once the children had had the chance to mourn their father, but she was wrong

What Anna didn’t realize was that her children had a plan in mind for her, and they would do everything in their power to get her out of the house.

A Bad Feeling

She couldn't shake the feeling that they were plotting in the shadows, even as they all mourned Cedric's passing. Things weren’t going to go to plan. Anna found herself struggling to come to terms with the sudden loss of her husband, Cedric. As she tried to cope with her grief, she noticed a series of strange happenings within her family.

Although she initially tried to brush off her suspicions, the evidence was too overwhelming to ignore. She had to do something.

Secret Meetings

Secret meetings were being held behind closed doors, with her being intentionally excluded. The once warm and inviting atmosphere in their home had become cold and calculated. It was as if Cedric's death had lifted a veil, revealing a darker side to her family's intentions. The floodgates had opened, and there was no going back.

Overwhelmed by the ambiguity and the mounting anxiety regarding her children's intentions, Anna made the bold decision to confront the issue head-on. 

A Family Meeting

Summoning her family members for a crucial meeting, she hoped that the mere act of sitting together would rekindle the bond they once shared. But the mother was unwittingly stepping into a trap.

With the love that should have been stronger than any greed or resentment in mind, Anna longed for a resolution that would bring peace and harmony back into their lives. Anna sat her children down at the dining room table. It was a chore just to get them to agree to hear her out. 

Tricking Her

But she had no idea that her children had already made their own decisions. They listened to her speak about trying to get along, but they weren't interested. Angela, being the eldest, with her cold, calculating eyes, took the lead, her siblings nodding along with whatever she proposed. They had led her into a trap.

Anna could tell that they would blindly agree to anything she had to say. The plan was simple yet brutal: they wanted to sell the family home.

Selling The Home

The home was the last piece of Cedric's legacy. Angela explained that they wanted to sell it and divide the money among themselves. Anna's protests were met with indifference. They argued that she was too old to maintain such a large house on her own, that it was for her own good. 

But Anna saw through their lies. This was not about her well-being; it was about their greed. She needed to think of a plan to stop them.

Hatching A Plan

Feeling trapped and betrayed, Anna realized she had to act swiftly to preserve what little was left of Cedric's legacy. Then she remembered who she could call. She reached out to an old friend of Cedric's, a lawyer who had once promised to look after her should anything happen. He would make sure that her kids got nothing.

Together, they devised a plan not just to save the family home but to expose her children's greed to themselves, hoping it would be a wake-up call.

A Tough Decision

Anna was faced with a tough decision. She didn't feel like her children deserved to inherit her fortune after all the reckless decisions they had made. So, Anna decided to come up with a plan to make sure that her house wouldn't get sold off and give it to her kids. The home was not only hers, but it held a lot of sentimental value to her.

She wanted it to go to something or someone more deserving and meaningful. Then she remembered something that Cedric had always spoken about. 

A Contingency Plan

It was a contingency plan if they ever wanted to do something with the house. It wouldn't be an easy task, but Anna was determined to ensure that her children didn’t exploit her. She had to make sure that her hard-earned wealth would be used in a way that aligned with her values and beliefs. It was what Cedric would have wanted.

After days of planning, Anna announced a second meeting, this time with the lawyer present. She revealed that Cedric had left a will. Inside there were plans of what should happen to the house.

A Clause

It was a clause that they were unaware of, which stated that the house was to be turned into a community center in his name, a place where children could learn and play.

It was something Cedric had always dreamed of. The shock in her children's eyes was palpable. The realization that their greed had almost destroyed their father's final wish seemed to hit them hard. In the days that followed, the atmosphere in the house changed. Guilt and shame replaced the earlier greed and betrayal. 

Plotting Their Revenge

Anna watched as her children slowly came to terms with their actions, each in their own way seeking her forgiveness. But she had no idea that they weren’t going to respect their father’s wishes.

It wasn't an easy path, and the family had much to mend, but there was hope in Anna's mind. Little did she know that they decided to try to stop her before she could act out Cedric's dream. The kids scrambled to try and put an even more radical plan in action. One where their mother wouldn’t be around to hinder their plans.

Her Sanity Came Into Question

Just days later, Angela gave Anna a concerning letter. She didn’t even talk to her. Anna was enjoying her evening, sitting by the bedside and thinking about Cedric when she saw movement out the corner of her eye.

A letter slipped underneath her bedroom door. Anna picked it up and ripped it open. She knew that it was from angela since she was the brains behind everything. But she couldn’t believe what it was. It was a competency test to prove that she was able to make her own financial decisions. She couldn’t believe her sanity was being brought into question.

Corrupted By Greed

Despite her efforts to prove her competence, their greed seemed to overtake any sense of respect or gratitude they had for their mother. Things were about to change for the worse. Anna had always been a successful businesswoman who had built a fortune through her hard work and determination. But she had no idea that her children had eyed it for many years.

Her children had always felt entitled to her wealth. Unbeknownst to Anna, they had always been unhappy with their share of it. 

Going Behind Her Back

One day, behind Anna's back, they secretly met with the board of directors that she had left in charge of her estate and company. They conspired to remove Anna from her position of power. They claimed that she was no longer fit to run the business. Their real motive, however, was to gain control of Anna's assets and amass more wealth. 

When Anna eventually found out about their treachery, she was devastated and couldn't believe what her own children had done to her. Little did she know that this was only the beginning of the betrayal and heartbreak that awaited her.

World Shattered

Anna's world shattered when she arrived home from the store and found herself ambushed by her family. They forced her to sit down and delivered the crushing news. She was being sent away to a nursing home, stripping her of any say in the matter. Her bags were already packed and waiting by the door.

It was a devastating sight that only reinforced the sense of loss and betrayal she was feeling. Anna had no other option but to comply with their wishes. Every fiber of her being was screaming in protest, but what else could she do? Her children practically forced her into the car. Arthur drove her to her new home.

At The Nursing Home

Anna found herself at the nursing home in a matter of hours, a place she had never been before. Despite her advanced age and frailty, she was far from helpless. As she entered the facility, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The surroundings were unfamiliar, and the smell of disinfectant was overpowering. 

Nevertheless, she was determined to show her children that she was still capable of taking care of herself. Little did they know that their decision to place her in a nursing home would come with consequences they could never have imagined.

An Old Diary

Anna sat in her dimly lit living room, surrounded by familiar objects that had been a part of her life for decades. There was one that was more important than the rest. Among them was an old diary tucked away in a forgotten corner of her bookshelf. It had been years since she had opened it. 

Unbeknownst to her kids, it held a crucial piece of information that could help her in her time of need. She smiled as she got ready for what she was about to do.

Calling A Number

She took a deep breath and reached for the diary, feeling the dust on its cover. She flipped through the pages, her finger tracing the faded ink of her past. And then she saw it: a long list of phone numbers scrawled in her own handwriting. She searched through the numbers until she found the one she was looking for. 

With a trembling hand, she dialed the digits and waited anxiously for an answer. Finally, her lawyer picked up the phone. 

Her Lawyer

Anna explained everything to him, holding nothing back. He sounded appalled that her children would do that to their own mother. He agreed to help her. Together, they crafted a plan to fight back against the cruel and corrupt children who had betrayed her. 

With the diary as her weapon and her lawyer as her ally, Anna was ready to take on the world. She would divulge secrets that she had kept for over forty years.

Coming Back

A week later, Anna arrived at her home, determined to put an end to the injustice. She was accompanied by her lawyer and a police escort, ready to face whatever came her way. As she showed her children the warrant, she knew there was no turning back. With a sense of determination, she marched into her home.

She was ready to take on her children and reclaim what was rightfully hers. As Anna made her way towards her home, everyone followed her.

A Seam In The Wall

She couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. When she finally reached the living room, she paused for a moment and ran her fingers over the wall, searching for something. After a few moments, she found what she was looking for - a seam in the wall. She pushed it and a hidden panel was revealed. 

Without hesitation, Anna stepped inside and started descending the concrete stairs that led to an underground vault. 

The Motherlode

The kids, the lawyer, and even the cop were following her closely. Once they reached the bottom, they all gasped in amazement. The vault was filled with gold, money, and antique paintings, all of them looking as though they had been untouched for decades.

The kids were ecstatic, thinking that they had just hit the jackpot. But Anna's smile told a different story. 

Not Getting A Cent

"You're not getting a cent of this, you hear me?" she said firmly, making it clear that she had no intention of sharing her treasure with anyone. After a long and hard-fought legal battle, Anna emerged victorious in her fight for her wealth, aided by her skilled lawyer. 

However, what she did next surprised everyone, including her own children. Rather than hold on to her newfound riches, Anna made a remarkable decision. 


After paying her lawyer for his help, she donated a staggering 99% of her fortune to various charitable organizations. She wanted to make sure it never went to greed. Anna left only a tiny 1% as her personal retirement fund. It was still more than enough money to see her until the end of her days.

As for her children. They no longer had access to Reynolds Manor. For the first time ever, they couldn’t rely on Anna’s wealth.

Selfless Act

This selfless act left a lasting impression on her children, who learned a valuable lesson. Still, Anna never forgave them. She didn’t want to waste the little time she had left on people who used her.

She had plenty of friends who saw her for who she was. She sold off the family estate and found a much more modest home. From that day on, Anna never once regretted her decision, knowing that her wealth was being put to good use to help those in need.

Not Done Yet

But Anna wasn't done there. She saw the manor as an opportunity. She could finally act out the will that Cedric had left. With how large the property was, she knew that she could still achieve Cedric's dream and make him proud from beyond the grave. It would breathe new life into her routine.

She registered the business and now had to decide where she would go. She could have rented a small apartment, but then she’d be just as alone as she was currently.