Couple Adopt Surrogate Twins, Hospital Staff Overlook Huge Error

New Beginnings

Their dream of starting a family had always been a reality. They seemed to build their future on the solid foundation of their unwavering love.  However, fate had other plans for them. After the young wife was diagnosed with a disease, their dreams were thrown into disarray.

Their struggles for her life led them to realize that they might not be able to conceive naturally. It was necessary for her to consider other options.

What’s Next?

After five years of blissful marriage, Michelle and James Russell's love grew stronger with each passing year.  Spring Bush, Massachusetts, was a small town on the outskirts of Boston. There were lush greeneries surrounding their home and birds chirping sweet melodies. 

For years, they had been renovating the house slowly in preparation for starting a family. When Michelle learned she had cancer, her life seemed perfect.

Remaining Positive

Michelle, 38, and James, 39, always dreamed of starting a family together. They envisioned the pitter-patter of tiny feet, laughter, and love for their lives.  

She went to the doctor for a routine checkup, but the visit turned out to be a nightmare. As a result of Michelle's cancer diagnosis, their lives were turned upside down.  It was a devastating blow, one that threatened to destroy their dreams. The couple, however, did not allow despair to consume them. Hope was their choice instead.

Difficult To Accept

They were rocked by the harsh reality of Michelle's illness as their world crumbled around them. However, they remained unwavering in their love regardless of adversity.  

A journey of hope and resilience led them to overcome the odds. The couple made a difficult choice - to begin a family through surrogacy due to Michelle's impending treatment.  They were both excited and trepidation, but they were willing to do whatever it took to fulfill their dreams.

Exploring Different Options

Michelle and James were determined to become parents despite the difficulties they faced. Prior to finding a woman for their child, they needed to find the right one. It was a labor of love for the couple, who spared no expense to ensure the best outcome. With the amount of information they were bombarded with, they joked that they were writing medical exams.

They attended countless doctor's appointments, prayed for a miracle, and held each other close. The only way to adopt was through surrogacy.

What’s Next?

One of the nurses at the hospital had been a surrogate donor before, and she offered her services to them. They signed paperwork with her and the doctor, and she seemed legitimate.

In order to ensure the best possible outcome, they talked to several professionals about the process. The doctors were given permission to perform IVF immediately because they didn't want to waste any more time. In spite of heartbreaking setbacks and countless IVF treatments, their prayers finally came true. Lisa, Michelle's 37-year-old surrogate, was expecting.

Good News

As soon as the doctors saw the positive results, they were overjoyed. Michelle had access to only a small number of eggs, and a batch was still frozen in the lab. Michelle's condition worsened with each passing week, casting a shadow over the couple's upcoming marriage.

In the midst of the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope - a promise of new life and the arrival of two tiny souls. It was with all her strength that Michelle clung to her unborn children's hope.


As soon as they learned that their surrogate was expecting twins, their prayers were answered.  It was a joyous sight to see their precious babies arrive. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they eagerly awaited their arrival. Their long period of infertility was rewarded with a baby.

As they started nesting, the couple went on a whirlwind shopping trip. The nursery had already been painted, and the house had already been baby-proofed. Parental preparation was evident in their actions.

A Difficult Journey

They had turned to surrogacy as a last resort with heavy hearts and unyielding determination. He was still surprised that it took longer than any of Michelle's treatments. 

In the hope of bringing a new life into the world, they poured their hopes and savings into IVF treatments. Unfortunately, they had bad health and medical luck for some reason. It was with indescribable joy that they discovered twins, a boy and a girl, at the five-month scan.

Making Plans

It was an overwhelming feeling of joy and gratitude for Michelle and James upon hearing the news. In addition to being happy that the babies were healthy, Lisa, the surrogate, was also pleased. Counting down the days until they held their babies in their arms, they eagerly awaited their arrival.

Their happiness was tempered by apprehension, however, as Michelle's health declined. Cancer had left her weak and vulnerable due to its effects on her body. At times, she wondered if she would survive the birth of her children.

Early Labor

Over the next two months, Lisa struggled with her pregnancy. One of the babies had shifted to an uncomfortable position. It was a risky pregnancy. But as fate would have it, their joy soon turned to anguish when the babies decided to make their entrance into the world much earlier than expected.

They received a call from Lisa that she had an emergency. Michelle and James rushed to the hospital, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation.

The Twins Are Coming

The day finally arrived. In a whirlwind of emotions, Michelle and James rushed to the hospital, their hearts pounding with anticipation. 

They were too late to watch the babies being born. Lisa lay in the hospital bed, covered in blood. She was conscious but barely able to talk. Already, things didn’t feel right. It was as though they were outsiders looking in. They had missed the birth of their babies.

Alive And Kicking

In the neonatal intensive care unit, they stood by helplessly as their tiny miracles fought for their lives. They had to be prepped before they could see them. 

Their joy was short-lived as they were greeted by the sight of two tiny infants lying in incubators, their fragile bodies hooked up to machines, fighting for every breath. Michelle couldn’t contain herself and burst into tears. The babies were born prematurely at just 31 weeks. They looked so helpless that she didn’t know whether they would survive.

Touch And Go

The days blurred together as they kept watch by their babies' incubators, clinging to each other for support. Tears welled up in Michelle's eyes as she reached out to touch her babies for the first time. She had to wait until she was alone.

They were so small, so delicate, yet so full of life. James wrapped his arms around her, offering silent support as they watched over their precious miracles. They had no idea what was going to happen to their new babies.

Their Children

Despite the odds stacked against them, the babies showed remarkable resilience, slowly but surely gaining strength with each passing day. As their facial features started to form, Michelle decided to do a small naming ceremony for them. The boy was Eric, and the girl was Ellison.

Michelle and James breathed a sigh of relief, their hearts overflowing with gratitude for the precious gift of life. But they had no clue what was happening behind the scenes.

Michelle Takes A Turn

Just as they dared to hope for a brighter future, a new wave of uncertainty washed over them. Michelle's cancer medication wasn’t working. 

Poor Michelle's cancer had taken a toll on her body, leaving her weak and exhausted. She fainted and they actually had to book her a bed in the same hospital. The demands of caring for premature babies only added to her stress and anxiety. While she was at the lowest point in her life, somebody was waiting to take advantage of her.

A Strong Mother

The new mother was worried. "I don't know if I can do this, James," Michelle confessed, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm so tired, and the babies need me more than ever." 

James wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he whispered words of reassurance. He was always her pillar of strength. He sat next to her. "We'll get through this together, Michelle. We've overcome so much already, and we'll continue to fight for our family." But he was so wrong.

Trusting Each Other

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Michelle and James clung to each other, drawing strength from their love and determination. There was nothing else they could do but wait and heal. The babies had to be incubated to protect them from germs. It was difficult not being able to hold them or touch them when they wanted.

But they stood strong. For they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm.

In The Hospital

Days turned into weeks as the babies struggled to gain strength, their tiny lungs battling to breathe on their own.  During this time, the surrogate, Lisa, had recovered and was up and about. She visited Michelle in her ward a few times. She was genuinely concerned that the babies were premature.

Sometimes they would visit the babies together. The couple spent every waking moment by their side, willing them to survive, to thrive, to defy the odds stacked against them.

A Sick Family

As Michelle's illness lingered like a shadow, the dream of children sustained them. They held on to brighter days. Lisa was a great help and brought Michelle homemade meals in bed and helped to fight the cancer sickness. “You’re like our own personal nurse,” Michelle said one day.

The babies seemed to be growing nicely. They were tiny fighters nestled in incubators, their miniature frames battling for life, becoming the center of the couple's universe.

All On James

It was a stressful time for James because he was the only fit and healthy one. He had to take some time off work to deal with his sick wife and babies. They seemed to roll with the punches. But amidst the chaos of the neonatal unit, Michelle couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

She noticed subtle changes in Lisa's behavior whenever she visited the babies – a nervous twitch, a fleeting glance exchanged with the nurses, a reluctance to make eye contact.

A Shady Surrogate

Michelle started noticing that Lisa would go and visit the babies on her own. She had caught her there twice without telling her. Lisa claimed that she was just concerned about them. But their happiness was tempered by worry as the babies took their time to gain strength, fragile and vulnerable.

They spent agonizing days by their side in the hospital, watching over them in their incubators, praying for their strength and health. The couple had no idea what Lisa was planning to do.

Like A Hawk

Michelle had started to regain her strength and could move about the hospital. She spent every spare second watching the tiny babies. Amidst their nighttime watch routine, a shadow of suspicion crept in. Lisa started visiting the babies late at night when none of the other nurses were around.

At first, Michelle thought that she was genuinely concerned. But when the visits became more frequent, she knew there was trouble. Surrogate Lisa's behavior seemed odd; her visits were fraught with unease. 

Too Attached To Them

At first, Michelle brushed it off as exhaustion, attributing Lisa's strange demeanor to the stress of being a surrogate.  But as the days passed and the babies' condition remained precarious, her suspicions grew stronger. She was spending too much time with them.

Michelle had caught her holding the babies even though the doctors had left them with strict instructions not to touch the babies due to cross-contamination. But Lisa told her off, saying it was just for a second.

The Struggling Parents

Days blurred into nights as Michelle and James hovered over the fragile beings in the hospital, their hearts swelling with love and fear in equal measure. Amidst the beeping monitors and hushed whispers of nurses, they found solace in each other's embrace, their hopes intertwined with the flicker of life in those tiny bodies.

At times they felt that they were all alone, and wondered what they had gotten themselves into. But the twins were here now, and they had to buck up and be good parents.

Signs Of Hope

The babies started showing signs of normal behavior. They woke up more often and even tried to suckle from a bottle. The doctors had promised that the twins could be discharged soon.  

But amidst the routine of hospital visits, a disquieting notion began to gnaw at Michelle's senses. Something didn’t feel right. She noticed subtle shifts in Lisa's demeanor during her visits, a nervous edge to her smiles, and a hurried glance toward the nursery.

Did You See Her?

Soon, the worried mother couldn’t keep it to herself anymore. She called her husband over and pointed out the strange surrogate. She was talking to one of the nurses at the station. "James," Michelle whispered, her voice tinged with apprehension, "Have you noticed anything strange about Lisa?" James furrowed his brows, his gaze flickering to where Lisa stood.

“What do you mean, honey? Weird in what way?” he replied. Despite being a great new father, James just didn’t have the instinct of a mother. If he had, maybe everything could have been prevented.

Too Buddy-Buddy

“I just find it odd how buddy-buddy she is with the nurses. She’s meant to be a patient here, too. Why is she never in her bed, recovering?” Michelle asked skeptically. James looked thoughtful as he observed the woman chatting to the nurses. “Maybe she knows them well from the last time she was a surrogate?”

But Michelle wasn’t convinced. She had seen Lisa interact with countless nurses, far more than one would bond with during one surrogacy, and from far too many hospital units. Something just didn’t seem right about it.

Discreet Investigation

As the days passed, Michelle’s suspicions only grew stronger. She decided to investigate discreetly, in between visits to the babies, hoping to set her mind at ease.

She started talking to nurses and staff members who had interacted with Lisa. One nurse confided in Michelle, revealing that Lisa had been asking unusual questions about the twins' medical records and seemed overly curious about their progress. It soon became apparent that Lisa's inquiries went beyond mere concern for the babies' well-being. It was clear that Michelle needed to dig deeper.

Sharing Her Findings

Armed with her findings, Michelle couldn't keep her discoveries to herself any longer. She shared everything she had uncovered with James. "We need to confront her," Michelle asserted, her voice tinged with urgency. "We can't risk the safety of our babies. Whatever Lisa's intentions are, we need to know and protect our family."

James nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting determination. Little did they know that this confrontation would unravel a web of deceit and danger they could never have imagined.

Back To Bed

But before they could take it any further, a cruel twist of fate intervened. The increased stress and emotional turmoil took a toll on Michelle's already fragile health. 

Her illness flared up again, leaving her weakened and bedridden. James, torn between caring for Michelle and unraveling the mystery surrounding Lisa, felt overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events. As Michelle battled her illness once more, their plans to confront Lisa were put on hold, leaving them in a state of even more uncertainty and vulnerability.

Distancing Herself

James found himself caught in a balancing act between caring for his wife and visiting the babies in the NICU. With limited time and emotional capacity, he had little opportunity to observe Lisa's behavior. 

However, Michelle, despite her own battles, remained vigilant. She noticed a concerning pattern: Lisa was not coming to visit her during this bout of illness. It seemed as though she was intentionally distancing herself from them. This realization heightened Michelle's suspicions even further, adding another layer of complexity to their already fraught situation.

Slow Improvement

Michelle's resilience and determination to see her babies kept her pushing forward. With time, her health slowly improved, reaching a point where she could finally visit the babies again in the NICU. 

James accompanied her, their hearts filled with apprehension and hope. As they approached the neonatal unit, Michelle felt a surge of emotions – fear, excitement, and a burning desire to ensure her babies' safety. With each step closer to the incubators, Michelle's strength and resolve grew. She was ready to confront whatever obstacles lay ahead and protect her precious twins with all her might.

There Yet Again

During their visit, Michelle and James couldn't help but notice Lisa's presence near some of the other babies in the unit. Her face was partially obscured, but her nervous demeanor was unmistakable.

Michelle couldn't shake off her suspicions. Why was Lisa spending so much time in the NICU? And why was she still in the hospital when her role as a surrogate was completed and she was fully recovered? These questions lingered in Michelle's mind, further intensifying her determination to uncover the truth behind Lisa's actions and motives.

A Weird Woman

James pointed out that she was muttering something under her breath. “Something seems really off with her,” he observed. “Maybe she has postpartum depression,” he suggested. Michelle supposed that postpartum depression could explain Lisa's desire to be around babies. It could be comfort in a time of darkness, a way to cope. 

But that didn’t explain why the hospital would give her so much freedom to roam the wards, particularly the NICU – meant to be extremely secure. It just didn’t make sense, and Michelle wouldn’t rest until she had an explanation.

Something Sinister

As they left the NICU, Michelle couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, her instincts prickling with suspicion like a warning sign in the dark. Something sinister was about to take place within the hospital walls. 

The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, but the full picture remained elusive. Michelle knew they were on the brink of uncovering a truth that could shatter their world. With determination to protect her babies burning in her eyes, Michelle vowed to delve deeper, to uncover the secrets lurking beneath the surface.

On High Alert

As Michelle's drive to uncover the truth grew stronger, she kept a vigilant eye on Lisa's movements within the hospital.  Days turned into nights, and Michelle remained on high alert, waiting for the right moment to confront Lisa about her suspicious behavior.

Each passing day fueled Michelle's resolve to protect her babies and unravel the mysteries surrounding Lisa's actions. Tensions flared as the new mother anticipated the confrontation that would soon unfold.

Strange Behavior

One evening, as Michelle sat watching her babies' incubators, she noticed Lisa lingering in the hallway, her eyes darting furtively around the room.  She spotted Michelle and tried to sneak away without talking to her. But Michelle was too quick for her. She quickly ran after her before she could disappear into the hospital halls again.

Sensing an opportunity, Michelle approached her, her heart pounding with trepidation. She stood in front of her, blocking her path.

Face To Face

Michelle looked at her face. "Lisa, is everything alright?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite the rising tide of fear. Lisa hesitated, her gaze flickering nervously towards the door. "I...I just wanted to check on the babies," she stammered, her voice betraying her unease.

But Michelle wasn't convinced. There was something about Lisa's demeanor that didn't ring true, something lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered. There was something suspicious about this surrogate.

Lisa Won’t Say

The new mother wouldn’t take no for an answer. "Lisa, please," Michelle implored, her voice trembling with urgency. "If there's something you're not telling us, now is the time to speak up. We need to know." 

For a moment, Lisa seemed on the verge of confession, her lips trembling as if poised to reveal a long-held secret.  But then, as quickly as it had appeared, the moment passed, and she shook her head, her eyes clouded with guilt.

Talk To Me

Michelle knew that there was definitely something wrong, “Is it about surrogacy adoption?” she questioned her. Michelle was kind and gentle but Lisa just looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the hum of the machines. "I can't..."

And with that cryptic response, Lisa turned and hurried away, leaving Michelle standing alone in the hallway, her mind reeling with unanswered questions. There seemed to just be problem after problem.

Nobody Will Talk

As the days stretched into weeks and the babies' condition began to improve, Michelle couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides.  Then, shockingly, after visiting the babies every day, Lisa hadn’t been there at all that week. Michelle tried calling her, but her cell phone was off for days.

She knew that Lisa was hiding something, something that could shatter the fragile semblance of normalcy they had fought so hard to maintain. But she had no clue how her life was going to be affected.

An Eerie Hospital

Amidst the beeping monitors and hushed whispers of medical staff, a shadow of unease crept into their hearts.  When she returned, Lisa's visits grew infrequent, her demeanor increasingly aloof. Michelle couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Something just wasn't right, but Michelle pushed it aside, focusing on the well-being of her newborns. When she left the hospital to sort things out at home, the twins had an unexpected visitor.

The Babies Are Better

Finally, the day came when they were allowed to take their babies home, a day they had longed for with every fiber of their being.  Officer Stevens, the kind soul who had overseen their case, assisted them as they prepared to leave the hospital. But as Michelle took one look at the infants, her heart sank.

As they stood before the nursery, Michelle's heart plummeted at the sight before her. "These aren't ours," she whispered, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Meeting Their Children

James froze, his eyes widening in shock. "What do you mean?" "I mean..." Michelle's voice faltered, tears welling in her eyes as she stared at the babies before her. "I mean, these babies... they're not ours." 

Suddenly, Officer Stevens, the hospital's security liaison, approached them with a grave expression. "We need to talk," he said, his voice tinged with urgency. James and Michelle’s gazes flickered between Officer Stevens and the unfamiliar twins before them. Nothing could have prepared them for this.

Security Footage

Michelle clutched James's arm, her eyes wide with horror. “Please, come with me. I can explain,” Officer Stevens urged. His face looked like he had seen a ghost. Confusion etched across their faces, Michelle and James followed Officer Stevens to a dimly lit room where a monitor displayed grainy security footage.

Officer Stevens, sensing the gravity of the situation, sprang into action. He swiftly retrieved the security footage, his hands shaking as he fast-forwarded through the recordings, searching for answers.

The Hospital Footage

Their hearts plummeted as they watched the scene play out. Just hours before they could arrive, a hooded figure was seen in the hospital nursery. This was the last person who was with their babies. 

As they watched in tense silence, the truth unfolded before their eyes. “I know that woman,” Michelle said with tears in her voice. Surrogate Lisa, the woman they had trusted with their most precious hopes, had crushed the dreams of not just Michelle and James but also another couple, switching their babies in a cruel act of deception. 

The Sneaky Surrogate

Lisa, their surrogate, had indeed been acting strangely during her visits. But her intentions were far darker than they could have imagined.  The footage revealed her swapping their babies with others in the nursery, a calculated act of deception. The room fell into stunned silence as the realization sunk in.

Michelle and James's world shattered around them, the betrayal cutting deeper than any physical pain. But amidst the wreckage of their shattered dreams, a glimmer of hope remained.

When Nobody Was Looking

Officer Stevens, the solemn figure of authority, stood at their side, his expression grave as he reviewed the security footage with furrowed brows.  The truth unfolded before their eyes like a nightmare made real. "Lisa," he murmured, his voice heavy with condemnation, "she switched the babies."

"We'll find them," Officer Stevens vowed, his voice firm with determination. "We'll bring your babies back to you." But he had no idea the mystery they were about to uncover.

A Hospital Horror

In the chaos that ensued, as sirens wailed and frantic footsteps echoed through the sterile halls, Michelle and James clung to each other, their world crumbling around them. "We have to find them," James declared, his voice a steady anchor amidst the storm of emotions.

With newfound energy, Michelle and James embarked on a journey fraught with uncertainty, their love for each other and their unborn children guiding them through the darkness. Would they be able to find their kidnapped children?

A Conspiracy

Determined to uncover the truth, Michelle embarked on a desperate quest for answers, scouring hospital records, interrogating nurses, and piecing together fragments of information like a detective unraveling a mystery.

And then, one fateful day, her persistence paid off. In a dusty file tucked away in a forgotten corner of the hospital archives. Michelle stumbled upon a revelation that sent shockwaves rippling through her soul. It was a conspiracy happening specifically in the IVF department.

Lying Lisa

It turned out that Lisa wasn't just a surrogate – she was also a nurse at the hospital, entrusted with the care of the very babies she had helped bring into the world. Buried within the depths of her personnel file was a dark secret that threatened to destroy everything Michelle and James held dear. 

With trembling hands, Michelle unearthed the truth – Lisa had a history of neglecting her patients, cutting corners, and bending the rules to suit her own agenda.  And now, faced with the consequences of her actions, she was willing to go to any lengths to cover up her misdeeds, even if it meant putting innocent lives at risk.

Something Went Wrong

Shock rippled through Michelle and James as the truth sank in. Their precious babies had been taken from them, stolen under the guise of trust and goodwill.  They tried to contact Dr Mohammed, who helped them with the IVF, but he was away on leave. Anguish and disbelief warred within them as they struggled with the enormity of the betrayal.

Officer Stevens assured them that every effort would be made to apprehend Lisa and recover their children. But in that moment, all they could feel was the crushing weight of loss and betrayal.

Finding The Sleuthing Surrogate

As they waited, their barren home was now a haunting reminder of the family they had almost had. Each passing moment was a torment, a relentless cycle of hope and despair. 

And then, a few days later, a breakthrough. A tip led authorities to a rundown apartment on the outskirts of town, where Lisa had supposedly been hiding in plain sight.  With hearts pounding, Michelle and James accompanied Officer Stevens as they approached the door. They could only pray that their babies were inside – and safe.

Crying Inside

As they stood outside the apartment door, their hearts raced with fear and hope. But before they could even knock, they heard a baby's cries emanating from inside. 

Michelle's breath caught in her throat as tears welled up in her eyes. James gripped her hand tightly, his expression a mix of anticipation and dread. Officer Stevens shot them a knowing look. The sound was both a relief and a stark reminder of the urgency of their mission. With renewed determination, they braced themselves for whatever awaited them on the other side of that door.

Open Up

Officer Stevens took charge of the situation, his voice firm as he knocked on the door, demanding to be let in. "Open up! This is the police!" he called out, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. The cries from inside momentarily ceased, replaced by muffled sounds and hurried footsteps. Michelle and James exchanged anxious glances, their hearts pounding in sync with each other.

They held their breath, waiting for a response, hoping beyond hope that their babies were indeed on the other side of that door, waiting to be reunited with their rightful parents.

Behind The Door

The door slowly swung open, revealing a disheveled Lisa standing there, her eyes shifting nervously. Officer Stevens stepped forward, his authoritative presence filling the cramped space.  

"We have reason to believe you're involved in a serious crime. Step aside," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument. Lisa, her facade crumbling, stepped back, allowing them to enter.  The cries of babies from within intensified, urging them forward into the heart of the unfolding drama, each step fraught with anticipation and dread.

Guided By Cries

With Officer Stevens leading the way, Michelle and James followed closely behind, their hearts pounding with a mixture of anxiety and hope.  The apartment was dimly lit and cluttered, adding to the tension in the air. The cries of the babies grew louder, guiding them through the maze of cramped rooms until they reached a makeshift nursery.

There, in a small crib, Eric and Ellison lay, their cries echoing the tumultuous journey they had endured, a testament to their resilience and the family's unwavering love. 


Michelle's eyes filled with tears as she reached for her babies, her maternal instincts in overdrive. James stood beside her, a mixture of relief and anger etched on his face.  

Officer Stevens maintained a vigilant stance, ensuring everyone's safety. The twins, sensing the familiar presence of their parents, calmed down slightly, their tiny hands reaching out.  It was a moment of bittersweet reunion, knowing the ordeal they had just overcome and the strength they had found in each other's embrace.

Safe In Their Arms

As Michelle cradled Eric and James held Ellison, the weight of their ordeal lifted, replaced by overwhelming gratitude. Officer Stevens proceeded to apprehend Lisa, her betrayal now fully exposed. The authorities were contacted, and justice began its course.  

Michelle and James's focus shifted to healing and rebuilding their family. They vowed to cherish every moment with their precious twins, knowing that their love had triumphed over deceit and adversity.  With the babies safe in their arms, they walked out of the apartment, ready to embrace the future with renewed hope and determination.