It is a natural part of aging, losing some degree of our eyesight as we grow older. But thanks to a new study, that might change! It appears there’s a way to slow down the deterioration of your vision, and it requires just a few minutes of your day.

According to the Journals of Gerontology, the best way to keep your eyesight in good condition is to stare at a deep red light. If you do this for just three minutes each day, it could drastically impact your vision. This is due to the light increasing mitochondrial performance, a process that typically decreases when over the age of 40. Your retinas require a lot of energy from the mitochondria to keep functioning, so when the operation of these cells starts to slow down, your eyesight weakens. However, if looking at a red light can speed them back up again, your vision may begin to strengthen.

This study was conducted using 24 participants between 28 and 72 years old who had no history of ocular disease. Their peripheral and color vision were tested on the first day before they were sent off with an LED torch containing a deep red light. For two weeks, they looked into this light for three minutes a day, before returning for another eye test. The results showed that participants over 40 had a significant increase in their cone function, which is the photoreceptor cell responsible for color vision. The improvement averaged out at 22%. There was also a rise in rod function – the cell that gives us peripheral vision – but this wasn’t as high. Thanks to this discovery, it’s possible that the future may start looking a lot clearer for us all!