Doctor Takes One Look At Surrogate’s Baby And Asks Couple To Leave The Room


Amy couldn’t believe the time had finally come. The room was filled with doctors and nurses. The parents of the baby were there, too, tears burning behind their eyes. They were finally going to meet their daughter.

It was all a haze until Amy heard the sound of the baby’s cries. Finally, she was there. She sat up in her hospital bed, but that’s when she saw the horror plastered across the parents’ faces. Something was terribly wrong.

She’d Been Preparing

Amy Long had always dreamed of becoming a surrogate, and when it was finally time for the baby in her belly to come out, she thought it would be a marvelous day. She had been preparing for her hospital stay all month long.

She carried the baby for nine months, and now, it was finally time to meet her. But as she sat in her hospital bed, she had a feeling that something wasn’t right.


She was surrounded by nurses and the baby’s parents, Jack and Alice. They had been waiting in anticipation for this moment. “How are you feeling, Amy?” Alice asked, handing Amy a cup of ice.

The younger woman took it from her grasp, smiling as sweat poured down her forehead. “The contractions are really bad, but I’ll be okay,” Amy said. She was being optimistic, but she had no idea what was to come.

By Her Side

Jack and Alice remained by her side, holding her hand each time she had a contraction. They were lovely people, and she couldn’t wait to make them the happiest people on earth.

Soon enough, the doctor came in to check how many centimeters she had left. Alice remained right next to Amy, talking to her in an effort to distract her from the pain. “It’s time,” the doctor said.

The Happiest Day

They were wheeled off into the delivery room. Jack and Alice followed. They wanted to be there while Amy gave birth to the baby they had dreamed of for so many years. It was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives.

Before they knew it, they were in the room with many other nurses and doctors. “Alright, Amy. Are you ready?” The doctor asked.

Before You Know It

Amy nodded optimistically, but she knew that she was about to be in more pain than she had ever experienced before. Jack and Alice stood on either side of her, each holding a hand.

“You’ve got this, Amy. It’ll be over before you know it,” Jack said, a wide grin on his face. But in just half an hour, his entire world would come crumbling down around him.

All Over

“And, push!” the nurse said, and Amy did as instructed. She was whaling as tears poured down her cheeks. “Come on! One more big push, and it’ll all be over!” the doctor chimed in.

The second Amy heard the baby cry. She knew that it was all over. Finally, Jack and Alice were parents. But when she looked at their faces, she could tell that something was terribly wrong.

An Ordinary Girl

Growing up in Seattle, Washington, Amy Long was your average 28-year-old woman. When she was 23 years old, she graduated from college, and a year later, she moved out of her childhood home.

The first few years in her apartment were nothing short of perfect, but every night, as she lay in bed, she found herself dreaming of one specific thing.

Her Dream

For as long as Amy could remember, she had dreamed of someday becoming a surrogate. This dream started after she learned about her aunt, who was unable to carry her own children.

She eventually found a surrogate, and Amy would never forget the joy behind her aunt's eyes when she met her first son. From that moment, Amy knew she wanted to do the same for someone else.

Getting Started

It wasn’t until she was 26 years old that she decided to do some more research. She found a surrogate agency and decided to sign up with them. Before she knew it, she was on their system.

Excitement coursed through her veins. She couldn’t wait to finally get started. But little did she know that her first attempt would go horribly wrong.

The Holdens

When she learned that a young couple from Olympia, Washington State, had chosen her, she was over the moon. “Their names are Jack and Alice Holden,” She told her friends. 

That night, she looked up their social media accounts, and she was impressed, to say the least. Jack was an engineer, and Alice worked as an English teacher at a local high school. She couldn’t wait to meet them. 

Meeting Up

Just a few weeks later, they finally decided to meet up and discuss the matter. They met at the agency, and as soon as Amy laid eyes on the couple, she knew they would be perfect parents.

“We’ve been trying for years. A few months ago, we learned that I’m the problem. My body just can’t do it,” Alice said, her voice thick with emotion. Amy knew that she was made to help them become parents. If only she had known how it would all end.

She Was Sure

That day, Amy spoke to Jack and Alice for hours. The more time they spent talking, the more sure she was that she had to help them. By the end, she’d made up her mind. “So, what do you say?” Jack asked, his eyes filled with hope.

“I would love to help you become parents,” Amy said with certainty. She couldn’t wait to make their dreams come true.

A Big Step

Just a month later, Amy found herself in the hospital with Jack and Alice. She was impregnated through the use of in vitro fertilization. It was a big step, but Amy never doubted her decision for even a second.

Jack and Alice remained by her side for the next few months, paying for doctor appointments and even delivering a few baskets of muffins.


Throughout the pregnancy, Amy was lucky enough not to stumble into any issues. She was healthy, and her body was made to carry a child. She spent many evenings having dinner with Jack and Alice.

In a strange way, it felt like they were becoming a little family. She had a connection with them that she’d never felt with anyone else before. But before she knew it, her due date was coming up.

Getting Ready

“How are you feeling? Are you ready?” Alice asked. She had come over to Amy’s house, and together, they were packing her hospital bag. A sense of excitement lingered in the air. 

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Amy grinned. Although she was excited, she would never admit that she was also super nervous. She’d heard horror stories about giving birth, and she was praying that everything would run smoothly.

It Was Time

It was just a week later that her water finally broke. She called Jack and Alice the second it happened. Although they weren’t together, they all made their way to the hospital and arrived at the same time.

Alice held Amy’s hand as she led her down the long halls. The younger woman was taking deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. But she had no idea how bad it would truly be.

Waiting For The Big Moment

They were quickly escorted to Amy’s hospital room, and now, all they could do was wait. At first, the contractions were uncomfortable, but they weren’t too bad. “Deep breaths,” Alice would say each time it happened.

But after the second hour, they became rather painful and intense. “It hurts,” Amy said, a thin layer of sweat appearing across her forehead.


She was surrounded by nurses and the baby’s parents, Jack and Alice. They had been waiting in anticipation for this moment. “How are you feeling, Amy?” Alice asked, handing Amy a cup of ice. 

The younger woman took it from her grasp, smiling as sweat poured down her forehead. “The contractions are really bad, but I’ll be okay,” Amy said. She was being optimistic, but she had no idea what was to come.

A Gut Feeling

As the minutes ticked by, Amy couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something was wrong. Despite her efforts to focus on the positive, her gut churned with a sense of foreboding. She tried to tell herself it was just the stress and exhaustion talking, but the nagging sensation remained persistent.

Each time she looked at Jack and Alice, their faces wore expressions of hope tinged with nervousness. It was as if they too sensed that something was amiss but were desperately trying to ignore it.

Whispers and Glances

The intensity in the delivery room grew palpable. Nurses whispered among themselves, and occasionally, their eyes would flicker toward Amy with an unreadable expression. She tried to catch snippets of their conversations but was unable to make out more than a few words.

Jack and Alice, meanwhile, were doing their best to remain optimistic, but their smiles seemed to falter more frequently. Amy noticed their glances shifting toward the doctors with increasing unease.

The Doctor’s Tense Air

The doctor’s movements became more deliberate and hurried, a stark contrast to the calm demeanor he had maintained earlier. He exchanged quick, worried looks with the nurses, and Amy's heart pounded in her chest. The doctor’s words seemed to be drowned out by the rising tension in the room.

He kept his eyes on the monitors and occasionally muttered instructions to the nurses. Amy's eyes followed his every move, her anxiety growing with each passing second.

A Sickening Pause

As the minutes dragged on, the initial excitement in the room began to wane. Amy's contractions were becoming more intense, and she struggled to maintain her focus. Her gut feeling of unease only deepened. She could see the doctors exchanging furtive glances and whispering among themselves.

The feeling of dread was almost palpable, and Amy's anxiety intensified with every passing moment. The once reassuring presence of Jack and Alice now seemed overshadowed by a growing sense of fear.

A Troubling Calm

Despite the chaos of labor, a sudden, eerie calm settled over the room. The beeping of the monitors and the murmurs of the medical staff seemed to grow softer, as if the room had become a stage for an unfolding drama.

Amy’s breaths came in ragged bursts, and she found herself fixating on the subtle changes in the atmosphere. The doctors' faces were a mix of concentration and concern, and their occasional glances toward the baby’s monitor did nothing to ease her anxiety.

An Unspoken Concern

Jack and Alice's hands gripped Amy’s with an increasing intensity. Their faces, initially full of hope, now reflected a shared worry. Amy could see the silent exchange of looks between them, an unspoken conversation that spoke volumes about their growing fear.

Alice’s voice trembled as she tried to offer comforting words, but even she seemed to be struggling with her own growing unease. The supportive facade was beginning to crack, revealing their shared apprehension.

The Doctor’s Presence

The doctor, who had previously been a calm figure of authority, now appeared more serious. He periodically checked the baby’s vitals and adjusted the settings on the monitors. His face remained stoic, but Amy could sense the tension in his movements. He spoke in hushed tones to the nurses, his eyes flickering with concern.

Amy’s heart pounded louder with each change in the doctor’s demeanor, her mind racing with what could possibly be going wrong.

Amy’s Growing Fear

Amy’s physical pain was now compounded by an overwhelming emotional fear. She could no longer focus solely on the contractions; her mind was consumed by the anxiety of the unknown. 

The room seemed to close in on her, and she found herself clutching the sides of the bed, trying to ground herself amidst the swirling chaos. Her breaths came in shallow gasps, and she wished for any sign of reassurance that things were still going well.

The Nurse’s Reassurance

A nurse noticed Amy’s growing distress and came over to offer some comfort. She gently placed a hand on Amy’s shoulder and spoke in soothing tones.

“You’re doing great, Amy. Just a little longer, and everything will be okay.” Although the nurse’s words were meant to reassure, Amy’s anxiety persisted. The nurse’s calm demeanor was a small solace, but it did little to dispel the gnawing worry that had settled in Amy’s gut.

The Unexpected Shift

Suddenly, there was a shift in the atmosphere as the doctor’s attention turned sharply toward the monitor. His brow furrowed deeply, and he began issuing rapid instructions to the staff. Amy’s heart raced as she tried to catch a glimpse of what was happening, but the nurses quickly blocked her view.

The sense of urgency in the room was palpable, and the sight of the doctor’s focused expression only deepened Amy’s fears.

Jack and Alice’s Anxiety

Jack and Alice were visibly distraught, their hands intertwined as they looked on with tearful eyes. Jack’s face was etched with a mixture of concern and helplessness, while Alice’s eyes were fixed on the doctor with a desperate hope.

Amy could feel their shared anxiety like a weight in the room. She wanted to offer comfort, but the fear was so overwhelming that she could only muster a strained smile in their direction.

The Longest Wait

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as Amy lay there, her mind racing through a whirlwind of scenarios.  The doctors and nurses worked with focused intensity, but the lack of any definitive updates only fueled her worry.

Every beep of the monitor and every whispered exchange between the medical staff felt like an eternity. Amy’s grip on the bed tightened, her thoughts a chaotic mix of fear and hope.

The First Glimpse

Finally, after what felt like an age, the doctor turned back to Amy with a more composed, yet still concerned, expression. “We’ve managed to stabilize the situation,” he said. “There were some unexpected complications, but we’re closely monitoring both you and the baby.” 

Amy’s breath hitched as she tried to process his words. Relief mingled with residual fear, and she looked to Jack and Alice, hoping they would find comfort in the news. The ordeal was far from over, but at least, for now, they had made it through the worst of it.

Hours Drag On

As the hours dragged on, the room was filled with a tense, almost unbearable silence. Amy's contractions had stalled, a puzzling development that only added to the uncertainty of the situation. The medical staff continued their vigilant monitoring, and the previously frantic energy in the room had shifted to a more subdued, but still anxious, atmosphere. Amy lay there, feeling a mix of exhaustion and frustration.

She could sense the mounting concern from Jack and Alice, their faces etched with worry, and it only deepened her sense of unease. The thought that something might still go awry weighed heavily on her mind.

Seeking Answers

Amy, with a deep breath, tried to focus on calming her racing thoughts. She turned to the nurse closest to her, her voice barely above a whisper, “Is everything going to be alright?” The nurse gave her a reassuring smile, though her eyes betrayed a hint of the concern that was palpable in the room. “We’re keeping a close eye on both you and the baby,” she replied gently. “Sometimes labor can take unexpected turns, but we’re prepared for anything.”

As the nurse moved away, Amy’s heart sank slightly. The uncertainty was exhausting, but she clung to the nurse’s words, hoping that despite the delay, everything would ultimately turn out well. But she was wrong.

Comforting Her

She was lucky enough to have the couple by her side, comforting her as she prepared to do something she’d been dreaming of for so long. Over the months, she had learned to love them, and she couldn’t wait to make them the happiest people on earth. 

Soon enough, the doctor came in to check how many centimeters she had left. Alice remained right next to Amy, talking to her in an effort to distract her from the pain. “It’s time,” the doctor said.

On Their Way

Before she knew it, she was being wheeled off into the delivery room. Her heart raced as Jack and Alice followed. They wanted to be there while Amy gave birth to the baby they had dreamed of for so many years. 

The room was filled with doctors and nurses. Amy was in good hands. “Alright, Amy. Are you ready?” the doctor asked.

Holding Her Hands

Amy nodded optimistically, but she knew that she was about to be in more pain than she had ever experienced before. Jack and Alice stood on either side of her, each holding a hand. 

“You’ve got this, Amy. It’ll be over before you know it,” Jack said, a wide grin on his face. But in just half an hour, his entire world would come crumbling down around him.


Finally, it was time. The world seemed to stop spinning as Amy began pushing harder than ever before. The pain was awful, but she kept reminding herself that this was what she was made for. 

She held onto Alice’s hand, her palms wet with sweat. Jack wiped a cool cloth over her forehead, trying everything in his power to help. But Jack and Alice were about to receive devastating news.


“And, push!” The nurse said, and Amy did as instructed. She was whaling as tears poured down her cheeks. “Come on! One more big push, and it’ll all be over!” the doctor chimed in.

The second Amy heard the baby cry. She knew that it was all over. Finally, Jack and Alice were parents. But when she looked at their faces, she could tell that something was terribly wrong. 

The Problem

“Wh- what’s wrong?” Alice asked in a shaky voice, worried about the expressions on their faces. But no one said a word. Alice ran out of the room, leaving Jack to explain the situation. 

“It’s not our baby. She’s a different race,” Jack said, his voice a whisper as he stared in shock and sorrow. All along, Amy had been carrying someone else’s child. But what would they do about this?


It was hours later, and Amy was sitting in her hospital bed, her cheeks wet with tears. Alice and Jack sat beside her, speechless. They were waiting for the doctor to get back to them. They needed an explanation.

But soon, the door to Amy’s hospital room swung open, and the doctor walked in, wheeling a bed with a baby inside of it. 

An Explanation

“Mr. and Mrs. Holden, Amy, I have to apologize. The day we did the in vitro fertilization, I made the biggest mistake of my career,” he sighed sadly to himself. 

“That day, two sets of girls came in for the in vitro fertilization, and there was a mixup. The other girl received your embryo, while Amy over here received the embryo meant for that girl,” he said. 


Jack and Alice sat there, stunned by what the doctor had revealed. Where on earth was their baby? Alice was about to say something when the doctor began talking again.

“About two hours ago, the other girl came in, and she gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Your daughter is right here,” he said, revealing the baby in the tiny bed.

Meeting Their Baby

Tears poured down Alice and Jack’s faces as they got up and scooped the tiny baby into their arms. All along, their daughter grew inside someone else’s stomach, but there she was, happy and healthy.

“We have taken the other baby to her parents. I cannot begin to express how terribly sorry I am for what I have done,” the doctor said.

It Didn’t Matter

But it no longer mattered. Amy stared with happy tears in her eyes as Jack and Alice held their baby girl, speaking to her and telling her how much they loved her. In the end, everything was okay again.

As the months turned into years, Amy remained close to the Holden family, and eventually, she became their daughter’s godmother. In the end, everything was okay.