Our brains can sometimes trick us. We may recall a scene from a movie we just watched only to discover our memory differs from what actually played out. Perhaps we remember the name of a cereal we used to eat every morning, but then find out the name of the cereal in our heads is different from what’s actually printed on the box.

These disconnects are part of the Mandela Effect – a phenomenon in which many people share false memories about a certain historical fact. We have all been through this experience, whether we realize it or not.
So, read on to discover the incredible Mandela Effects and see whether you share any of these strange false memories.
Was It Sex in the City or Sex and the City?
During the early 2000s, this memorable series became a big hit to numerous fans worldwide. The show’s iconic characters, fashion-forward outfits, and humor made a lot of women want to also live in New York. Everyone thought being in the Big Apple meant they could buy and wear Manolo Blahnik shoes every day.

It was a fact that these four women were fabulous, and their adventures (and misadventures) were unmissable. But does everyone know the accurate name of this award-winning series? If you thought it was Sex in the City, you were wrong!
The Correct Name Is Sex and the City
It’s normal to be a tad confused about the names of movies and television shows. Still, it is a bit odd that most of its viewers are unsure whether the show is named Sex in the City or Sex and the City.

The confusion might have some basis, though. The Spanish adaptation is called Sex in the City as well as Sex in New York. As a result, some audiences adopted the name to refer to the original US show. However, its actual name is Sex and the City.
Hot Dogs for Days
Everyone loves a good hot dog. The most famous brand was actually produced by German immigrants during the early 1990s. Do you know how that brand is spelled?

Thanks to Oscar and Gottfried, their product became extremely popular in Chicago. Quickly, they expanded to cover much of the United States. But many are still confused about how to properly spell their surname. The “Oscar” part is easy, but should the last name be spelled with an “a” or an “e”?
The Correct Answer Is Oscar Mayer
A lot of people are still confused about the correct spelling of this global brand. The confusion may have stemmed from how it is pronounced. It may sound like it’s spelled with an “e,” but the reality is somewhat different.

The accurate way to spell the last name is “Mayer.” It seems a lot of hot dog lovers only care about the food and not the name on the label. Did you get the spelling right even before we revealed it?
Does Curious George Have a Tail?
Everyone has surely enjoyed the fun adventures of Curious George. Whether you saw his “monkey business” on television or read the books, he always managed to be the cause of some mischief yet still miraculously came out of it relatively unscathed.

This amusing character was the brainchild of writer H.A. Rey. However, despite the love people have for George, not many can properly recall if he actually has a tail. What do you think? Which of the above pictures is correct?
Tail-free George
If you think you saw George with a tail, you have to look again because your mind is playing tricks on you. In reality, George doesn’t have a tail. The error might be caused by the fact that since George is a monkey, people assume he must have a tail.

However, George is a fictional character, so there was no rule saying a tail had to be featured. We have to admit that we didn’t notice the absent tail. Did you?
Shaggy’s Adam Apple
The animated series Scooby-Doo first hit our TV screens in 1969. Fans have since watched teenagers Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy solve various mysteries with their Great Dane named Scooby-Doo. Though Scooby and Shaggy are the most fearful members of the group, they are probably the characters most loved by fans.

Still, the Mandela Effect is strong with this one and has caused a lot of people to question their memory. Do you remember if Shaggy has an Adam’s apple? Go ahead and look back at the memories you have of this Hanna-Barbera show.
The Real Shaggy
A lot of people fervently swear they have seen Shaggy’s Adam’s apple. Some even claim they saw it move anytime he spoke. However, Shaggy has no Adam’s apple. What is certain is that Shaggy usually has food in his mouth as he is running away from scary characters.

His long, thin neck and lanky physique might have contributed to the image people have of him in their heads. But the truth is that (in this timeline, at least) Shaggy has never had an Adam’s apple.
Pikachu’s Tail
If you grew up watching Pokémon, you probably spent your childhood shouting “Pika-Pika-Chu” with your friends. The Pokemon character was made by Atsuko Nishida and was one of the series’ main stars.

The Pokémon franchise was able to amaze the entire world with its unique battle techniques. For example, Pikachu’s popular “Iron Tail” move always leaves his fans gaping in awe. But do you remember the color of the tip of his tail? Which picture is accurate? The answer may shock you!
Black Or Brown Spot?
Anyone who religiously watched the series distinctly remembered the black spot they allegedly saw on Pikachu’s tail. But all you have to do is rewatch some episodes to discover that Pikachu never had this coloring on the end of his tail.

Fans routinely express surprise when they are presented with the fact that Pikachu actually has a brown spot on his tail, not black. Not only this, but the brown spot is in an entirely different place! Who would have thought our memories could play tricks on us like this?
Crazy Cartoon Characters
Tweety Bird, Bugs Bunny, Pepe Le Pew, and Daffy Duck are cartoon characters that are 100% crazy, in a fun way, of course. Released during the 1930s, this famous cartoon series has been a staple of pop culture for decades.

Considering that it has been around for numerous generations, many have surely seen and enjoyed the series since they were kids. You might blame it on the Mandela Effect when we say that a lot of people still do not know how to accurately spell the name of the series.
It’s Looney Tunes
This Warner Bros series has been on television far longer than a lot of its viewers have been on this planet. Still, its name is hotly debated, despite its lengthy history. Though it is entirely sensible to say “Toons,” many believe it should be “Tunes.” What is definite, though, is the “Looney” before it.

The truth is that Warner Bros was determined to make their cartoon characters wackier than those of Disney. But more than that, the company was also competing with Disney in terms of music sales. Thus the use of the word “Tunes” made sense. Essentially, “Looney Tunes” refers to the “lunatic tunes” that accompanied the cartoons.
Fred Flintsone? or Fred Flinstone?
It’s difficult to think of this show without saying, “Yabba dabba doo!” even in your head. This Hanna-Barbera cartoon classic is set in the Stone Age and features technologies that look similar to those used in 20th-century America. They just have a caveman twist to them!

The popular series follows the fun and shenanigans of Fred and Wilma’s family and their neighbors. The show ran for a total of six seasons and has long since gone out of production. However, people still argue about how the show was spelled. Do you know the correct spelling?
The Flintstones Family
Until this day, serious fans are not sure how to properly spell the show’s name. But the accurate spelling includes two Ts. An easy way to remind yourself of the show’s correct spelling is to remember that the cartoon is about a family living in the Stone Age.

A flint stone was a tool used during that period. It was used for weapons and in making fire. So, it makes sense for the name to be a reflection of this Stone Age tool. We don’t think this one is a true Mandela Effect – it’s just a misunderstanding.
What The Jif?!
Peanut butter has been America’s staple food for more than a hundred years. There are tons of brands to choose from. One of the most famous brands of peanut butter is Jif, or is it Jiffy?

How is it possible that peanut butter – our favorite delicious snack – can be controversial? We’ll just have to blame the Mandela Effect! We completely understand the confusion, as we all had this one wrong. Never fear – we are going to do our best to clear all this up.
It’s Just Jif
The two most famous peanut butter brands in the United States are Skippy and Jif. However, some prefer to call the latter “Jiffy” as they believe it was the original name of the peanut butter brand.

Actually, those who thought that the real name was Jiffy are sadly mistaken. The confusion might have stemmed from combining the name Skippy with Jif. Now that you know the truth, you can go forth and live it. Step boldly into the supermarket and ask the employees where you can find the “Jif.”
Sketchers or Skechers?
If you lived through the 1990s, you probably have a pair of these still lurking in your closet. Founded in 1992, this shoe company is currently the third-largest athletic footwear brand in the country.

All of its more than 2,000 stores are ready to cater to the needs of shoe lovers. But to those who have actually purchased from this store, do you know how to correctly spell its name? Go ahead and take a guess. We bet you’ll be surprised by the answer.
It’s Skechers
If you currently have self-doubts and are not sure if your memory is working, we are here to assuage your concerns. You may have mistakenly looked for Sketchers when you should have looked for the store’s accurate name – Skechers.

Remember that the shoe brand is spelled with no T. The confusion probably arises from the fact that the word “sketch” has a T. Don’t worry – we are as shocked as you are about this little-known fact. Thankfully, we now know the truth.
With or Without a Hyphen
This delicious chocolate-covered confection was first introduced in 1935. Many tout this as the wafer bar of their dreams. But did you know the four-finger version of this chocolate was actually made thanks to the suggestion of a factory worker? Apparently, the worker recommended that the company make a chocolate bar people could easily pack in their lunch pails and enjoy on work breaks.

Fast forward 80 years and this sweet treat is still making a lot of people smile. Still, there is some confusion surrounding how to spell its name. Should it be Kit Kat or Kit-Kat?
It’s Kit Kat
Believe it or not, there was never a hyphen on Kit Kat wrappers. Some speculate that the United Kingdom version of this chocolate was hyphenated during the Second World War. But the Twitter page of the company confirmed that “The Kit Kat name has never been hyphenated on either the UK or US wrappers.”

Interestingly, this hyphen-free version of the Kit Kat logo has been consistent across time and across borders. From Japan to Australia, the US to the UK, Kit Kat has always been Kit Kat. So, where did the hyphen idea come from?
The Monopoly Man’s Monocle
A lot of us have spent numerous hours playing Monopoly. Introduced during the 1930s, this multi-player board game allows anyone to buy, trade, and develop property. Everyone starts on an even footing, but the game is designed to push some people down while others rapidly rise.

Its memorable mascot is Rich Uncle Pennybags, also known as Mr. Monopoly. A lot of sources claim that the character was based on J.P. Morgan, the American banker. Many people seem to remember the iconic Monopoly Man wearing a monocle over his left eye. Does he or doesn’t he?
No Monocle
Our memories seem to show us that Mr. Monopoly has a monocle. Maybe it’s because we associate his character with old, rich, upper-class men of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Monocles are commonly associated with such people, so the false memory kind of makes sense.

Alas, our memories have failed us again because Mr. Monopoly does not wear a monocle. He does have a suit, a cane, a top hat, and a bow tie. However, we can confirm that, in this timeline, he has never worn a monocle.
Kellogg’s Cereal
Both children and adults enjoy cereal, especially if it’s the sweet variety. This sugary meal can instantly make someone smile first thing in the morning. Who doesn’t want Fruit Loops… or is it Froot Loops for breakfast?

These fruity multi-colored loops are packed with flavors. However, the brand name is confusing for a lot of people. This is ironic as the product’s catchphrase is “Follow your nose! It always knows!” Unfortunately, when it comes to Fruit (or Froot) Loops, we actually don’t know.
Fantastic Froot Loops
It was in 1963 when Kellogg’s presented Toucan Sam and his delectable loops. The first time it came out, only yellow, orange, and red loops were offered. During the 1990s, additional colors such as purple, blue, and green were included. But should it be Fruit Loops or Froot Loops?

Our brains tell us that the word should be “Fruit.” However, we believe we are wrong. Fortunately, Kellogg put the issue to rest when it created a campaign that clarified the product’s name – Froot Loops.
Tony the Tiger’s Nose
Whether you consumed Frosted Flakes or not, you probably know Tony the Tiger. The character debuted during the 1950s and is now considered a breakfast cereal icon.

Still, a lot of people are confused by how he looks. Tony the Tiger was created by Eugene Kolkey. Originally, he appeared similar to a real tiger because he walked on all fours. Later on, the character was tweaked to give him a muscular, upright form that is similar to that of a human. But have you noticed the color of his nose?
Black or Blue?
A lot of people remember Tony the Tiger as having a black nose. However, this turns out to be not true at all. The beloved cereal mascot actually has a blue nose. The blue color makes sense when you consider the fact that he’s selling Frosted Flakes. Perhaps all that frostiness makes his nose cold!

To be fair, Tony the Tiger’s appearance has changed throughout the years. But what didn’t change was his nose color. It remained blue throughout the years. Tony also managed to maintain his youthful looks and dynamic personality.
Cornucopia or Not?
Fruit of the Loom is a popular brand of American underwear. It is one of the oldest brands in the textile industry. Rhode Island siblings Robert and Benjamin Knight established the clothing manufacturing company in 1851.

The logo of the company is very well known, and everyone agrees on the fact that it features an apple surrounded by berries. It’s a background element that’s more controversial. Do you remember there being a cornucopia standing behind all those fruits? We sure do!
Fruits Only
A lot of people claim that a basket shaped like a cornucopia actually exists in the Fruit of the Loom logo. However, this is not at all true. Originally, their logo only showed four fruits consisting of a red apple, blue grapes, berries, and green grapes. All these were placed in a square frame. The name of the brand stretches underneath this image in uppercase letters.

We admit that our memory can work in silly ways sometimes. Artist Frank Wess called his album Flute of the Loom and then added a cornucopia-shaped flute on the cover. But the clothing company never had a cornucopia on the logo. One probable reason this may be incorrectly remembered is that cornucopia is a symbol of plenty, nourishment, and abundance – something anyone would think of when they see fruit.
Say Cheese
Everyone has had cheese crackers, and we all love Cheez-It, or is it Cheez-Itz? Do you trust your memory? This popular American snack brand was created by Green & Green Company and was first seen on the market in 1921. It was eventually bought by the giant cereal company Kellogg’s in 2001.

Everyone has surely enjoyed this delectable salty treat at one point in their lives. But have you ever noticed the packaging? A lot of people recall the letter Z at the end of the name, while others believe this is not true at all.
Cheez-It Has no Z at the End
Surprisingly, a lot of people still pronounce it with a Z ending. This makes sense, really, since each packet contains multiple Cheez-Its, so the Z is a way to make it sound pluralized. That may be why a lot of people are confused and mistakenly think its official name is “Cheez-Itz.”

However, the fact remains that this cheese cracker is named Cheez-It. We shouldn’t be surprised at all because that has long been its name. The confusion should end here. It is more appropriate for people to be confused by the 21 different flavors it now offers. There are so many to choose from – how are we supposed to know which to eat?
Breezy Aroma
This product was first seen on the market in the ’90s. Since then, it has become a household brand and its company has earned billions of dollars. However, all that money was not enough to make people spell the product name correctly.

A lot of people enjoy the product’s breezy goodness and how it can instantly change the scent of any room. But most spell its name incorrectly. We are here to unravel the mystery of why many mistakenly spell it with an extra letter.
Febreze Only Has One E
Believe it or not, the product is spelled “Febreze.” We may pronounce it “Febreeze,” but that is certainly not how it’s spelled. The confusion may have come from “breeze” as the item combines this word with “fabric.”

Still, many people claim that they have actually seen the name “Febreeze” on the product. However, the company states that it never changed its name. If you are among the many who also spelled this incorrectly, don’t fret. Even people who worked firsthand on the marketing and design of Febreze have similarly misspelled it.
Confusing Bears
It is impossible to not recognize this lovable bear family. However, many are confused about how their name is spelled. Are they the Berenstein Bears or the Berenstain Bears? Originally based on a popular children’s book, the animated TV series took us into the lives of a family of bears who always learned a lesson after every story.

Though this franchise is much beloved, it has also been controversial. Many are unsure how their name should be spelled and pronounced. What are your thoughts?
The Berenstain Bears
The correct name is The Berenstain Bears. Even diehard fans remember the name incorrectly, and we’re with them. Few names close with “stain” at the end, whereas “stein” is a common name ending. Please feel free to forgive yourself if you made the same mistake we did.

It is unclear why such confusion arose. Fuzzy memory might be the cause or the fact that we are probably in an alternate universe. Either way, it doesn’t erase the fact that this adorable family will always be in our hearts.
The Color of C-3PO
Even serious fans of Star Wars did not notice this detail. All of us loved (or loved to hate) the C-3PO droid created by Anakin Skywalker. But not many noticed the uncanny information we’re about to reveal about this beloved character.

His golden color is what we all remember him for, besides his function as comic relief and a bumbling sidekick to the movie’s protagonist. But do you know that not all of C-3PO’s parts are made of gold? Get set for a surprise!
C-3PO’ Silver Leg
You are wrong to think that C-3PO is entirely made of gold. Believe it or not, this humanoid robot actually has one leg made of silver. Still, die-hard fans insist this is not at all true. Personally, we have no recollection of C-3PO having a silver leg. What do you remember?

To be fair, our memory might have been based on Star Wars action figures and memorabilia that feature C-3PO as entirely made of gold and having no silver leg. Excuse us while we duck out to rewatch Return of the Jedi!
A Dash or a Squiggle?
This carbonated soda has been the go-to drink of a lot of people all over the world since it was first introduced 130 years ago. Many find the drink refreshing thanks to its sweet taste and bubbly goodness. But its long history seems insufficient for people to know the brand’s accurate logo.

Considering the tons of advertising the company has released over the years, many are still unsure whether a dash exists between the words Coca and Cola or if it is a hyphen.
What do you think?
The Real Thing
The logo of Coke has been the subject of debate among those who are interested in the Mandela Effect. Many believe a dash separates the two words, while some say it was either a dot or a squiggle. The fact is that the logo has always had a short dash at the center.

Don’t worry because a lot of people similarly overlooked this tiny detail. Maybe Ferris Bueller was right when he said we should “stop and look around once in a while” otherwise, we “could miss it.”
The Loop
Car lovers and enthusiasts might have their minds blown at the detail they never expected from this giant motor company. We understand if you failed to pay attention to this minor detail, even if you have an affinity for automobiles.

A lot of people put the logo of Ford up for debate because of how it is written. We now have to ask: which of the two images do you think is the real one? Is there a flourish on the F or not?
F Stands for Fleuron
Surprise, surprise – the Ford logo has a fleuron. Though many people don’t recall such a thing, it has actually been there since the 1900s. Did you notice this detail, or did it pass you by?

The first time the loop appeared was in 1907. It was seen in Great Britain’s original Ford Motor Company Limited and was used to differentiate UK Ford dealers. Later on, the oval shape that surrounds “Ford” was included in the design. After this, the company acquired its now iconic royal blue hue.