Couldn’t Bear The Thought

One of the not-so-great part of having pups is there tendency to chew anything and everything in their path. This guy's dog decided an antique stuffed panda looked too delicious to handle and chew the face-off!
For revenge the owner made him wear the panda site! It may not have worked, but it made a cute photo!
Cereal Killer
The owner of this pup is as punny as it gets, and this is probably the cleverest dog shaming sign on the list. This pup is clearly a cereal fan and took it into his own hands to get some for himself

This owner might want to consider putting a padlock on the door of the pantry next time!
Doggy Terminator
This adorable doggy takes the safety of his owners very seriously! Which is why he ripped the $700 Roomba to pieces.
It seems like he is the dog version of the Terminator! From that adorable facial expression to the grizzly demeanor.

He also takes after Arnold Schwarzenegger’s terminator who is all about the potential threats of machines taking over the world. And a clean home?
This dog will just not have it!
Mean Team
It looks like this team has everything they need to assure a steady diet of fun and socks.
It seems this duo are partners in crime in the mystery of ‘where are all the socks?’

Of course, the pup looks rather pleased with his action, not a care in the word about his sock eating tendencies! The cat, however, does not seem impressed.
When One Door Closes
What is it about dogs? They never seem satisfied with the dog food provided by their owners and seem to be busier trying to find alternative diets! Like diapers in this case.
It seems he took his thirst for a diaper to a new level this time and caused quite a bit of damage.

When this guy realized he was locked in a room after he devoured all the diapers available, he decided it was time to get out and ripped a hole through the door!
This bug guy deserves a timeout and no more access to diapers for his lifetime!
When You Least Expect It
I’m sorry but I have a soft spot for pugs so if this little guy sneezed in my face I would punish him with a hug and a cuddle.
But the truth is while you imagine you may catch a cold during your daily missions when you pass hundreds of people, you expect your home to be a safe place.

Well if you have a pet think again! This cutie makes it a mission to not only lick his owner's face but spread some germs with a big sneeze right on the mouth!
Bad Guard-Dogging
While dogs are a man’s best friend and make great companions, some people also get dogs as a means of extra protection in case of break-ins.
After all, there’s nothing to scare away a crook quite like a teeth-baring growl!

I don't think this dog got the memo though, and his friendly personality overtook him.
It seems he got along just great with the crooks that entered his house, nevermind that they took the TV!
Thank god he remained unharmed though.
Criminal Cat
Pets really can up the quality of life, but no one denies that they are costly!
There is purchasing one in the first place, getting all the shits and equipment needed, and of course regular vet visits.
Some pets, including this naughty kitten, can be exorbitant!

This little guy decided that a $100-dollar bill just looked too tasty to ignore and chewed it up.
Talk about a cat crook!
Hungry Homicide
There are so many questions surrounding this picture!
We tend to think of turtles as slow-moving, peaceful creatures who role around or take shelter in their shells, but it seems when these guys get hungry, their murderous streak gets loose!

Seems they take “hangry” to a whole new level. But we can’t help but be confused by this particular pet shaming sign.
Is this supposed to imply that he’s a cannibal turtle?
Was he caught eating other turtles? Or does he refer to plants as his friends?
Baby On Leash
Puppies are similar to babies in many ways.
They need patience, affection, and they may keep you up at night! But this pet owner seems to have taken things a bit too far with the whole baby/dog parallel and gave his pup his very own pacifier!

We’re not ones to judge, and who knows, maybe in Scandinavia, his is the accepted way to treat pets! But according to the sign, this pup stole the pacifier from one probably very angry baby!
Showering With Love
Dogs can do some weird and wonderful thing, but one thing is for sure, they never fail to keep us entertained!
Take this hilarious dog who enjoys intruding people’s showers to lick their bums while their heads are turned!

Can you only imagine the fright people must get?? It can even be a slipping hazard! What canines will do for attention never fails to surprise.
Holy Cow – A Holy Dog
This dog has some clear religious issues. Or maybe he just takes the term “food for thought” way too literally. The bible is filled with delicious ideas and this dog just couldn’t resist!

When this pup took a glance at the holy scripture he couldn’t resist and gobbled up not one, but two bibles in a week!
Judging from the picture he is suffering from severe tummy ache thanks to the inedible objects lodged in his poor tummy!
Stool Is The New Black
Parrots are one of the most fascinating creatures around. They are the only birds or animals that can speak, and some have even been fluent in up to 2000 words! But this naughty parrot will not be remembered for his large vocabulary…

Rather, he will go down in history as the parrot who pooped on every white t-shirt he came across! We can only assume one of the first words this parrot learned was ‘I’m sorry!’
Wet Kisses
This little guy is beyond adorable1 and the tiny size of him makes it hard to believe that his little tong could make those large wet marks on the couch!
We all know pets are fond of licking, be it another dogs bum, their owners face, or the couch.

But on top of his licking tendencies, this dog seems to have quite the attitude. He’s looking at the camera as if he is saying what the hell are you looking at??”
Poser Puppies
One of the phenomena that have taken the world by storm in our day and age is the photobomb.
Thanks s to the obsession with selfies and photos in general, who can blame someone from feeling left out when they don’t make the snap- hence photobomb!

Apparently, this phenomenon extends to the animal kingdom. Take this adorable group of dogs. It looks like the one on the top left felt a little left out!
Sweet Lullabies
Dogs can be strange creatures. Often, they are spoilt rotten and live in big homes with play areas, treats and walks multiple times a day.
This is one of those dogs, Tank, and judging by the pic we can only assume his owner is one committed musician.

Tank must have gotten bored close to death by his owner’s guitar practice and has taken to sleeping on the guitar case!
We are sure that this sleeping arrangement is nowhere near as comfortable as his actual bed.
A Free Spirit
One questions that must be posed- if dogs are covered in fur, can they be considered naked? According to this owner, yes!
Gracie has written this adorable sign next to her naughty pup that has decided his red collar is no longer comfortable.

What can we say, maybe some chewing toys would have solved the problem, or perhaps a more comfortable collar!
Stinky Situation
Mellie is one naughty pup!
As this hilarious sign explains in detail, this pup could not bear the thought of his beloved owners abandoning him and took matters into his own hands when he tried to tag along and hide in the suite case.
When that didn’t work he left his mark by pooping in it!

One thing is for sure, the owner of this stinky pup probably did not forget about him for a second.
Job done!
How The Grinch Stole Christmas? This Is How
Where to begin on this hilariously bamboozled photo! First the adorable dog and hilarious sign. It seems this dog has serious issues with Christmas (what the pumpkin is doing in the back we honestly can’t tell).
Channeling his inner Grinch, this pup decided to take matters into his own hands and devour all the Christmas chocolates!

Just look at the mess before him. a bunch of chocolate wrappers and destroyed decorations with nothing good insight!
Winnie The Who?
Why is it that poor Eeyore always seems to get the wrong raw end of the deal!
This dog clearly got fed-up with Eeyore’s sad expression and decided to rip one of his eyes out! The worst part is that he doesn’t look one bit sorry!

At least Eeyore has one eyeball left to keep his canine enemy in sight…you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer!
Bad Boy
It’s impossible to look at that cute shmushy face of Hitch and be expected to believe that he is a bully!
Nonetheless, he must have done something to warrant being kicked out of doggy day! Maybe he was being a little aggressive to the other dogs, but it takes two to tango!

We’d like to believe his actions were purely out of self-defense. Don’t worry Hitch, we got your back!
Turtle Turbulence
Never judge a book by its cover and never judge a turtle’s gender by their shell! So goes the sayings. This little guy wanted to set the record straight as his owner points out in this rather hilarious sign.

Whether he wants us all to know that he is well-endowed, or whether he wanted to stop his owner buying him female clothing, his point has been proven.
Sharing Is Caring
Cats can be hilariously unpredictable creatures. At one second, they seem to be doing anything to win over their owners’ affection and in the next, all they want to do is get their claws on a delicious mouse!
This cat seems to want to do both and takes things a bit too far…

He wanted to present his brilliant catch to his owner, we can imagine that were all but pleased when they were awoken by a mouse being stuffed in their mouth! Ewww.
You Had One Job
It takes talent for a dog to learn how to open a door…but this little guy used his skills for the wrong reason!
It seems his friendly nature got the best of him and instead of protecting his home from intruders he opened the door for them!

The next thing you know, the dog’s new ‘friend’ was off with half his owners belonging! Poor pup needs to be taught how to protect his territory.
Warm Welcome Home
It's not always easy for pets to get along, especially when they are different species! But come on, surely it's clear that a dog and a hedgehog are not going to be the best of partners!
This poor pup got quills stuck all over him when he decided a hedgehog would make a delicious meal.

We bet a new power hierarchy has been formed and the little hedgehog will become the ruler of the roost from now on.
Morning Aroma
There is nothing quite like a hot cup of coffee to wake up to…that and stepping into your dog’s poop of course! Although looking at this adorable pup’s expression it's hard to imagine that he means any harm!
He is probably just trying to wake his owner up more efficiently!

We just hope for the sake of his poor mom that this doesn’t become a daily habit…although judging by the sign it doesn’t look like this was a onetime occurrence.
Picking Sides
It's hard to know what goes through our dog’s minds sometimes, like this pup who has an affinity to the left shoe and will never eat the right!
Doesn’t really help the owner who loses the ability to wear the shoes anyway.

We wonder how on earth he developed this strange habit…who knew there was such a thing as a suspicious pup.
No Pain No Gain
This picture is heart-breaking and heart-warming at the same time!
It’s clear that the huge dog has no idea the strength he has and had no intention of hurting the cat when he sat on him, but the damage was done, and the cast is there as proof!

We like to imagine that these two are like two peas in a pod and that any harm that one inflicts on the other is either a result of playing together or from a genuine accident and judging from the pic it looks like that is the case!
Creepily Staring And Releasing
Another delicious pup that I would adopt in a heartbeat!
This little guy knows how to stare into the souls of his owners’ guests (as all canines seem to do) and just look at those adorable eyes! I for one would not mind a staring competition with this guy.

But farting is a totally different thing. Staring may be cute, but constant farts are sure to make even the biggest pet-lovers uncomfortable!
Outrageous Obsession
Addictions come in many forms and are often detrimental to the life of an addict. But this is one addiction we have never heard from and belongs solely to the canine family!
It seems this pup has one weird obsession with the taste of cats! At least he is admitting he has a problem though.

Whether or not he overcomes his addiction is yet to be seen, but we sure hope that AA helped on one way or another.
Recycling Isn’t For Everyone
This dynamic duo looks like they are just itching for their next adventure!
Bailey and Hamilton do everything together, including sleep, eating, running around chasing other dogs, you can rest assured that these two will be attached at the hip.

So, when their owner found a mess of coffee beans spread all over the floor after being dug out of the trash, there were only two little guys who could have been responsible…
Are You Gonna Eat That?
Another beyond adorable pug on the loose- we all know that if food is in the vicinity, a dog will not lose hope of getting their paws on it until it disappears.
But it seems this guy has some manners and won't just grab the food, rather he spreads his germs all over it with a sneeze and hopes for the best.

To be honest, we prefer having the option of listening to the dogs’ cries and then deciding whether they deserve food or not!
Too Fashion Forward For You
Who says dogs can’t be fashionistas too! Take it from this dog who turned the most mundane object into a total fashion piece.
He made the armrest look like a stylish poncho!

We can only imagine that his owner must be into the Poncho fashion to have this kind of influence on their pup. Despite the mischief, we have to admit he looks adorable!
Drunken Doggie
Poor little Ellie looks like he is clearly suffering from an awful hangover! And that’s exactly what is happening.
As the sign explains, he had a little too much fun when downing 12 bottles of chocolate and is paying the price!

That price including getting drunk and projectile vomiting all over the floor…we hope this owner doesn’t get too angry, after all, a hangover is enough punishment, isn’t it!
The Force Is Strong With This One
This dog is clearly on the dark side and looks totally content with his act of cold-blooded murder!
We think he should be renamed- “Darth Dublin”. This dark lord of the dogs was clearly impervious to Yoda’s Jedi mind tricks!

One thing is for sure, the force was not with Yoda on this fateful day of his death. There is a new dark lord in town.
She Had It Coming
Killing Dora the Explorer is no small matter. She has been a symbol of youth and exploration for children across the world for so long, and this adorable pup destroyed her!

However, judging from his guilty expression he is fully aware of the damage that he has caused and knows he has destroyed something beautiful. In his defense, that doll should not have been left in a dog’s reach!
They Call It Puppy Love
Another odd couple, the star-crossed lovers of the animal world!
This dog seems to like humping the cat and wears the pet shame sign with pride. It's clear from the cat’s sideways expression that she is not as entertained with the dog’s umping habits.

Sometimes, in a relationship, you have to make compromises, but its clear the dog has gone too far!
Urine Trouble!
A mistake that can be made by any dog!
After all, a Christmas tree looks like any other tree in nature and seems like a perfect place to mark one’s territory which is exactly what that pup did.
Little did he know he was peeing on the Christmas presents!

But just look at that adorable face! It is clear he has no idea what the fuss was all about. We hope none of the presents got too destroyed!
Italian Chick
This is one hilarious situation that probably makes the dining experience a hell of a lot more exciting, just think about this chick circling the dining room and running away with guest’s pasta!
Is there any funnier image to imagine?

While at first you may be disappointed that your food has disappeared, there’s a point where you have to sit back and laugh.
Despite its comedic qualities, somebody might want to call up the chicken Godfather to whack this traitor!
All You Can Eat
A pet doing something mischievous that warrants a pet shaming note are one thing but trying to eat up that note (and the evidence of the action) is a whole new level of audacity!
Judging by these parakeets very proud demeanor he has no shame at all.

It’s clear that it has already been taking numerous chomps out of the note. Let’s not forget the reason this note existed in the first place – he destroyed his mommy’s keyboard!
Party Of Five
One of the cutest pet shaming signs on this list!
Everyone knows how those one-night stands can become nights with serious consequences, just ask this cat whose night of fooling around led to a full box of litters!

Although the identity of the dad may be a mystery, judging by the cuteness level of these kittens we are sure she has no regrets.
Expensive Taste
Everyone knows that technology has become what makes the world go around in today’s day and age, and clearly the love for technology has extended to the animal kingdom!
Just ask this mischievous pup who was not content with eating regular books and had to go on to chow his owners’ iPad and phones!

Seems like this guy has some expensive taste.
Although it is safe to assume that he didn’t actually fully devour the device, he probably caused them a lot of damage, enough to warrant a spot on this pet shaming list!
Oh The Irony
A random coincidence? Or a well through-through plot!
This adorable hound seemed to have sniffed out his owner’s viral dog shaming book and took it on himself to save the reputation of naughty pups around the world by chewing it u beyond recognition.

That…or it could have just been lying around in his reach and made a great distraction. Either way, this situation has us all looking at dog shaming notes in a new light!
All Wired Up
There are a few very important questions to be asked when it comes to this pet shaming picture…like why the hell does anyone have a rodent for a pet?!
Not that we’ve gotten that out the way, it seems that this pet rat doesn’t want his owners to have any form of entertainment other than playing with him.

He chewed through virtually every single electronic device at man's disposal and looks rather pleased with himself!
I Feel Pretty
This adorable shaggy pup has one inquisitive nature!
When his mom’s purse was left unattended he took it upon himself to go through its contents…and eat everything he found including red lipstick and three $1-dollar bill!

We’re sure it wasn’t the meal this cute little thing was looking for. Also, the owner probably could have made good use of that cash, like buying real treats for her pup.
House Rules
Some dogs have some strange habits that their owners can only marvel at, like this adorable bulldog’s habit of biting through one door, and one door only and only until four pm!
Who knows how he established this hilarious pattern.

But after all, how can we as humans judge? Some of us bite our nails, some bite pens, he bites doors!
Food Baby
This poor poor pup looks like he is in agony! And we have all been there… you know that feeling when you have one too many helpings of dessert and land up with a food belly that makes a pregnant woman look small?

Well, this little pup got hungry and finished off both his and his brother’s food, the result is not being able to move!
Racist Rascall
Can dogs be racist?? Apparently, according to this dog shaming sign, they can!
This dog only barks at Mexicans, how on earth he knows to spot a Mexican is beyond us but looking at that evil dog face we can’t help but believe it!

We also wonder how the owner noticed his dog’s racist tendencies….perhaps dog walks began t get a little uncomfortable…
Distinct Taste
Have you ever heard of a pop band encourage a bowel movement? No? Well, now you have!
How on earth could a pop band make a rabbit defecate? The part of this pet shame note that does make sense is the idea that the rabbit would do such a thing on its owner’s lap!

Maybe we are onto something here. Who knows what Black Sabbath could make a bat do, or Britney Spears could make a dog do? The options are endless!
Colorful Personality
One of my personal favorite on the lost both because that pug’s face is edible, and the sign makes him even cuter!
The ability for any living being to poop rainbows is hard to believe but we can’t rule it out, can we?

Regardless of the cute level of the situation, eating crayons cannot be good for a dog and the owner should probably keep them far away!
Paw Problems
Dogs do not have a reputation for being the cleanest of animals. They tend to knock things over, chew things up, and leave behind traces of their mischief wherever they go.
Take this up for example:

In an effort to carry is food to his desired location, he leaves his house in a mess. Moral of the story- don’t take your appendicle thumbs for granted!
I Break It – You Buy It
Dogs are creatures of habit, and if anyone disturbs this they risk suffering the consequences.
Take this dog for example- he decides to cause havoc by ruining the blinds just because his mom decided to change up her routine!

We like to give him the benefit of the doubt and think it’s because he didn’t know how to open them properly.
Cloudy Judgement
What a rouse! We don’t believe these signs for a second. Surely this tiny and adorable little pup couldn’t have been the only one taring this pillow apart.
I firmly believe the cat played a role and threatened his friend into defending his innocence (can you tell I’m a dog person?)

In all due respect, the cat has a face that screams out, “I am a naturally malevolent character. I am the real villain. Muahahaha.”
Curious Case Of The Butter
This sign is one of the funniest. It seems the pup got a little too excited when the groceries were delivered and went straight for the butter sticks! But he thought it through and tried to cover the evidence.

His mom was far from fooled by his behavior and found the scene of the butter crimes in no time!
Pillow Fight!
We all know we can get a bit ahead of ourselves when it comes to pillow fights, and that extends to canines too.
This pup left such a mess that it looks more like a pillow war than a pillow fight! And he was caught red-handed.

Instead of scolding the little guy, his mom decided to have some fun and name and shame him, documenting the events in the way that the dog said they happened.
Bedroom Bandit
Another dynamic dup who take their crime to new levels thanks to the encouragement of the other.
This owner was sick of his dogs pooping and the other eating it up (one of those gross habits dogs have) and decided to call them out on it!

We can only hope this public shaming will put their pooping habits to rest!
The Insomnia Problem
Dogs crave attention, and it seems this one goes to great lengths to assure that even at times of sleep his owners know he is there!
Instead of climbing up to cuddle, he took things into his own paws:

But his cries for attention came at a cost and this little innocent-looking guy kept his owners up all nights with his sounds!
One Big Mess
One of the first steps when getting a dog is getting them pity trained so they don’t make a mess everywhere they go! But you can’t avoid accidents once a while.
Seems like this poor pup had an upset stomach and had to relieve himself all over the back of the car!

Never to leave his fellow pup alone in the trouble the other dog took it upon himself to join in on the fun and sit in the poop!
The Innocent Eyes
It is impossible to get angry at a pup that looks like this! I mean just look at those cute eyes and those adorable ears!
Besides, we’re sure he didn’t mean any harm and though the iPhone chord was a toy.

But he could know that with his looks he can never get into trouble and take advantage of the fact by chewing everything in his way!
Daft Pooch
This is one of the cutest- it appears this pup uses the fluffy toy as his means of entertainment, whether that means dragging him around the house or humping him to no end, he certainly is lucky to have such a compliant companion.

The assailant doesn’t seem to care though but has to sit there and take the pet shaming from their owner.“
Why do I have to wear this sign? I enjoyed myself,” he’s probably thinking.
Game Of Thrones?
What a sight to behold! It seems this dog decided he wanted to be the king and was crowned with his very own throne!
We can only wonder how exactly he landed up breaking the toilet seat and how his owner came up with this hilarious form of punishment:

Also, the inside of the lid is the perfect place to put a pet shaming sign. One thing’s for sure, the owner can’t expect their dog to fix it!
Can I Bite It?
It seems fair punishment- you chew the head, you wear the head!
There is so much going on in this image, firstly, if you are a casual fan of hip-hop, you know for sure that this dog-owner is a diehard lover of the classic group A Tribe Called Quest since one of the members (who recently past away) is called Phife Dawg:

Then we can focus on how absolutely adorable this little pooch looks with that fur on his head! This could become a new pet craze!
Holy Meal
Another adorable pup with a devout religious affiliation. Although it's hard to believe he had any intention of eating up the Christian symbol, he has some serious atoning to do!

As a result, it seems his repentance includes dog shaming to the rest of the world and admitting his sins.
Thanks For Nothing
Dogs are not the best at thinking ahead and are known for shooting themselves in the foot from time to time. Poor Trey here did just that when he wanted to help his owner with Thanksgiving dinner preparations.

You’d think that a small dog-like Trey would be able to maneuver himself in tight situations, but he got himself into a bit of a pickle when he tripped his “mommy” over!
Not much to say thanks for this year!
Bad Role Model
Many kids are lucky enough to grow up with a dog in the household. They can make fantastic role models and teach children many lessons. but sometimes they can also be pretty bad influences!

As a result, the parents have split up the kids and everyone gets the chance to have a timeout.
The Walking Dog
You've got to be a Walking Dead fan to get this one! Long story short, Rick Grimes is the main character and he is trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, as well as a legion of terrible human beings.

Obviously, the dog owner of Jasmine is a big fan and even bought a toy of the iconic TV character. It appears that Jasmine either hasn’t watched the show or just hates Rick Grimes.
Another classic case of “if you haven’t watched it, you won’t get it.”
In this case, this pet shaming sign is all about the best show out there - Spongebob Normally, the answer to the question on the sign is simply – Spongebob Squarepants, of course!

However, the photo seems to imply that the dog took Spongebob out of his pineapple home and had him for dessert!
What a tragic ending to one of my favorite shows growing up!
Doggy Diet
When it comes to a dog’s diet, this simply means – eating anything that I don’t trust and isn’t human.
Even though the dog’s owner is adamant that he needs to improve his pup's diet, she ultimately can’t make him adhere to the sort of diet that humans are capable of subscribing to.

This little pup decided to protest and took its owner’s shoe and had it for lunch.
Toilet #2
This dog also tried to get to the toilet and get a drink.

At first, it didn't mind drinking through this kiddy-seat, but it came back when it wanted to leave.
Pretty Pampered Pup
In the life of a pet only very few things matters… namely their owner's cuddles, food, and toys!
It seems like this cute pup thought that his mom’s new lipstick was yet another toy to add to his collection:

It sounds a little like a child who tried on their mommy’s lipstick, although the dog probably mistook it or a popsicle!
Offering Charm Instead
Now, this is one hilarious start. Although it’s a commandment to love thy neighbor as you love thyself, apparently this doesn’t apply to a canine species.
This dog for sure didn’t know what he was getting himself into when he snuck into the Buddhist neighbors’ homes and ate their food offerings to their god!

We can only imagine them coming home to find that their food offerings had disappeared… a miracle I tell you, a total miracle!
Doggy Design
If you can't see it at first, look again:

Her sweater has a new design a-la-dog. She must like it so much... and you can see how sorry the dog is. Yeah, right.
You can't really resist marshmallows when you're a dog.

I'm sure the little girl couldn't resist marshmallows if she saw it on her little sister's art project. Who could blame her?
Caught In The Act
I wanted to say "They", but as you can see, only one pup is actually doing the chewing.

The other seems semi-conscious. I guess he's not the brain in this operation.
Can't Stop
It doesn't matter what they do, this family can't stop their dog from attacking and killing TP rolls.

It must be the fluff and softness. it's actually their fault. Companies should make TP's hard and coarse.
This four-legged dude got the better of a vaseline tube...

I would not want to be the guy who discovered what the result looks like. It sounds bad enough.
I Eat, Therefore I Fridge
I see that guilty look on your face... you can't hide it!

This dog, like so many others, knows how to open a fridge. That is scary and cool at the same time. Next step - teach it to get a beer.
Smell The A/C
If there's one thing I fear, it's this. The little cute pup wanted to keep the house clean for its owners so it searched for a place to do what he needs to do.

Note to self: "Place the A/C vent up high."
Shopping Spree
A shopping spree is needed, but only because this dog ate the underwear.

How can we make sure it would never happen again? Not use any?
The Green Lantern
This dog can't get away with it. No matter how hard he tries. But he shouldn't feel ashamed.

It's not his fault companies put flavors and yummy smells in their markers.
Family Dog
Yes, it's funny (if the thong was not an expensive one).

I Just hope and pray for that family is that it didn't happen when their local priest was visiting.
No Manners
If it were my kids, they'd be punished for having no patience and manners!

Look at those doggy eyes... how can you not forgive them. I mean, the package was for them.
Hide And Meat
This guy must not have a backyard, so when he wants to hide his precious, he goes to the only place where he can dig - the couch.

From now on he will be watched while eating.
Two Wrongs...
If both dogs act funny, someone should start thinking about why is that. Just saying.

Seriously, they both damage each other, so why should we care? Good luck to both sides.
Doll Killer
In the English language, if I remember correctly my days at school, a baby is also referred to as 'IT'.

So we truly hope the 'ripped its head off' means - the dolls' head :-)
Has The Force
Hey may have the force, but he's misusing it.

This dog should really be on the dark side. It seems his doings fit them much better.
Cats & Dogs
It might not be raining where you live, but when this dude eats the cat litter, it could be raining cats and dogs.

A solution should be found, so doggy won't be eating the cat litter.
You could blame the guy for getting stuck in the blinds.

I mean, he DID chase the cats, and he IS a dog, but look at him... awwww... he's just a puppy, and he was probably playing with the cats, not trying to hurt them.
Little One
It's always the little ones who do the most harm!

Large dogs create large problems, but it's the small ones that create the most annoying problems. Now they can't read while doing fitness.