How Long You Should Wait Before Exercising After Eating?

It's always a tricky question: is it wise to exercise after eating? And once you've had a meal, how long is best to wait before starting your workout? According to experts, this depends on several factors, from your food to the workout itself. 

The more space in between, the better

It can be difficult to plan your meals around exercise. But in general, the more time there is between a big meal and a workout the better. If you start exercising immediately after eating, you may experience symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, acid regurgitation, cramps, and bloating. And that in turn affects your sports performance.

Energy level

In addition, the timing of a meal can affect your energy level. After eating, it is normal to feel more tired and sluggish. This is because the digestive system requires a lot of energy. When you start a workout too soon after eating, all your energy is still used to digest the food instead of going to your muscles. This ultimately causes you to perhaps feel slower during exercise.

The workout

The pause between a meal and working out should depend in part on the workout itself. In a leisurely walk, for example, the timing of a meal doesn't matter. According to dietitian Steph Magill, you only need to think about the break after eating and before exercising if it's a heavier workout. "It doesn't feel right to eat a burrito right before running, swimming, or a HIIT workout. You will probably feel pretty sick and not be able to perform well," she explains to "Bustle. According to Steph, the best period to wait between eating and exercising is two to four hours.

What to eat before exercising?

To avoid feeling hungry, you can eat something small before exercising, according to the Nutrition Center. For example, eat part of your meal and eat the rest after exercise. Or have a whole grain cracker with cheese, a bowl of low-fat yogurt with some fresh fruit, or some snack vegetables.

Exercising on an empty stomach

So although it is better to have some time between eating and exercising, exercising on an empty stomach is not wise. Your muscles will not get enough energy, which is bad for muscle building. It also does not accelerate fat burning and the chance of fainting is much greater.

Eating after exercise

After exercising, it's natural to feel hungry. Eat a normal main meal, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This will give you all the nutrients your body needs, such as enough carbohydrates for energy and enough protein for muscle recovery. In addition, make sure you drink enough (water).