HR (Human Resources) departments are standard for companies and corporations. Working there is never easy because you spend your days dealing with other employees directly, but it’s still essential to running a corporation. The job can get tedious, but excitement often comes via strange requests, awkward incidents, and unbelievable complaints. Some of them are so wild they can make your day (or if you’re truly unlucky, break it). If you’re curious about what it’s like to be an HR representative, scroll down to discover all the dirty secrets!

The stories you’re about to read are all 100% authentic, shared anonymously on Reddit by HR reps who wanted to protect their identities.
Get set to discover the shocking realities lurking behind the walls of HR departments worldwide.
Too Tall for the Job
You might have to rub your eyes at this one, but we can confirm this post is the real deal! That's right – someone reported this woman to HR just for being too dang tall. You have to wonder why anyone would write someone up because of their height.

Changing your attitude is one thing, but adjusting your altitude? Would anyone seriously be affected by this woman’s height, which she cannot control? Of course, those people really have nothing to worry about except a sore neck, but they’ll get used to it!
Worst Day on the Job
This Reddit post will hit you where it hurts. Though the man in question was a good and understanding person, he got hired and then laid off within a single breath. Can you imagine walking into work full of excitement for this new chapter, only to discover that it’s over before it has a chance to begin? The situation must’ve been pretty awful.

The father of the poster obviously had no fault in this – he was just doing his job, albeit a difficult one. However, imagine being in his shoes and having to fire half the company, including a newly hired worker. He must’ve felt terrible!
Sleeping on the Job
If your work is stressful and tiring, it isn’t easy for HR to blame you if you accidentally end up catching some Zs. However, some people like to leverage any weaknesses they can find. Such employees think it’s pretty clever to clock in and catch up on sleep since they’re still technically “at work.”

The difference with this guy is that he did it for two weeks straight. Despite this blatant display of disrespect, HR still gave him a chance to explain. Unfortunately, he had nothing good to say for himself, so in the end, HR had no choice but to fire him.
Lack of Professionalism
Saying you just need to earn money is understandable, but having no valid reason when coming to an interview is just plain bonkers. If anything, you are just wasting the interviewer’s time. Why even bother applying in the first place?

So many people out there stake their lives on scoring a decent job through an interview, yet the person in this story only cared about evading the IRS. The strangest part? He simply said his reason without any sugar-coating whatsoever.
Conspiracies Abound
This man claims he’s the center of an international conspiracy, which warrants our curiosity. He wrote his claims on a couple of A4 sheets of paper, which sadly weren’t included in this Reddit post. This lack of evidence leaves us wondering what those documents contained and how he supposedly ended up amid a “conspiracy.”

It’s a shame it was such a long time ago because we would love to know more about him and his predicament. Part of us also wishes he got hired so the story could get extra spicy. It would be like watching a real-life thriller unfold!
Black Magic
HR complaints usually contain your run-of-the-mill stories like bad hygiene and toxic attitudes. But every now and then, a really wild one comes along. This is that time. Apparently, someone accused their co-worker of performing witchcraft. In this day and age, this accusation caught HR’s attention.

You have to wonder what made this person think their co-worker was an evil sorcerer. Maybe they were just envious. In any case, this complaint would undoubtedly make our day if we worked in HR.
Not Acceptable
Any form of discrimination is never okay today, but that doesn’t seem to stop some entitled individuals from going where they have no business. One example is showing up to an interview just to offend the company and its staff.

Adding to the person’s malice is that he contacted HR to complain about the interviewer tricking him into saying racist slurs. Thankfully, the interviewer worked in a company that had a reasonable HR department; otherwise, that man could have ruined their career!
That’s Gotta Sting
After reading this post, most people have this question in mind: Was the wasp dead or alive? For the wasp’s sake, we hope it died quickly. Sadly, he harmed a little creature to prove he was “metal.” isn’t. Still, you can’t deny that it’s a unique way to stand out (not that his musical background was relevant to being a software developer).

He pinned a dead wasp and emphasized his band’s achievements on his resume. Perhaps he wanted to show that he was capable of fixing bugs. Whatever his reasoning, it doesn’t sound like he got the job.
Guts and Grace
People with guts can be a big boon to the workplace because otherwise, work would be far too boring. But, of course, this concept does have its limits. The woman in this story went above and beyond, but she pushed things a little too far.

Luckily, the CEO handled the whole thing very well, considering he was swamped at the time. Still, we’re left wondering what was going on in her mind when she just barged into his office. At least the others were amused.
Violence Doesn’t Solve Anything
In the real world, violence is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean it has a place at work. Nor does it mean we should ever encourage it. This interviewee’s answers shocked the interviewer. What was going on in his mind to make him say such a thing?

The last thing a sane person would do in a professional setting is beat up a co-worker over some disagreement. Just simply saying, “I don’t know,” would have been a better response. After all, keeping emotions in check when at work is essential.
Not So Happy Birthday
Attention to detail is crucial when working in HR. Everything must be checked thoroughly to ensure the company’s integrity. Just a couple of wrong numbers can spell doom for the company and the livelihood of everyone working there!

Thankfully, the man in this story didn’t get away with it, thanks to a savvy HR representative. Either that, or he isn’t as good at covering his tracks as his background makes him out to be. Either way, it was a close scrape!
Putting Your Worst Foot Forward
Even today, foot fetishes are only understood by a few besides those who have them. Of course, it’s nice to admire other people’s beautiful features, but why would one obsess over it to the point of neglecting their job?

Even worse, the man was working in IT, so he thought he could get away with indulging his fetish on a work computer. Was he not fully aware that the company could track his search history? At this point, it’s safe to assume he’s also an exhibitionist.
From Bland to Worse
Laziness is a common trait, and Kevin is a paradigm case. With no work ethic nor care for the job, getting an email in response to his terrible CV should have seemed like a miracle to him. Unfortunately, even with this blessing, Kevin still managed to screw up.

If anything, the person in charge of replying to him took a risk that resulted in a waste of time. We’re pretty sure being a graphic designer or artist does not include just being able to create a PowerPoint slideshow.
A Catty Coworker
Picture this: it’s a beautiful morning, and you’re working in HR. All of a sudden, hundreds of complaints start streaming in, lighting up your computer with an endless torrent of notifications. Some are reasonable, some are just downright ridiculous, and then there’s this guy complaining about bobcats – as in actual bobcats.

While we feel for that guy, the story still warrants a giggle for many of us. At least the company was considerate and made an exception for him. Bobcats certainly can be scary, but only when you’re out in their environment. We’re pretty sure you don’t have to worry about them in a corporate office building!
A Killer Post
Things would've gotten messier if the guy didn’t explain his Facebook post. Unfortunately, social media gives us very little privacy nowadays, so there can be alarming repercussions if you use the wrong choice of words. This guy nearly dug himself his own grave with the post described below.

Not only did the kid risk losing his job, but the company could’ve also slapped him with a lawsuit. Using social media and having an improper state of mind is dangerous, and the latter can already hamper one’s well-being. Take care out there, kids!
The Stench of Failure
While HR jobs certainly take the cake when it comes to weirdness, hiring managers also deal with plenty of odd incidents. Take the story below, for example. A cashier stole $15,000 worth of items by voiding the transactions. He then had the gall to lie to the judge about having a non-existent sick brother.

Surprisingly, that wasn’t even the craziest experience this hiring manager had! Her other story was about an interviewee who rolled in late for her interview, smelling funky, and wearing a crusty velour tracksuit. Being late may be understandable if you have a good reason and value your hygiene. However, the lady in question was just a walking collection of red flags.
Funny Email Name
When going through the list of personal email addresses, you’d expect “brownglitter69” to be only used by teenagers. Sadly, this was from someone applying for a professional position. They could at least try to use a new email address to make themselves look more presentable.

Email address names like “brownglitter69” can give corporations the wrong impression. If this was just a prank, that person has a terrible sense of humor and is immature. They’ll have a hard time landing a job with that attitude. Maturity is an essential factor in the hiring process, after all.
Test Successfully Failed
Some people will do everything they can to avoid punishment, like the woman in the story below. Props to the judge for being ever so patient throughout the process! That shameless woman probably wasn’t the first they had to deal with in their courtroom.

We would've also been left speechless if we had been there. It is, of course, a logical strategy to avoid a drug test until you know you’ll pass. However, the woman’s logic clearly ran out after that thought, as her next bright idea was to tell the judge about her unscrupulous plan!
The Dangers of Ignorance
How can people ignore others’ complaints about them and simply go about their daily lives? This unacceptable way of thinking can have serious long-term consequences. Take the security guard in this story, for example. He clearly does not understand his limits.

If anything, the guard should have been fired or, at the very least, given a stern warning by the boss. If the boss continues to turn a blind eye, then a legal complaint by the affected employees will be filed.
Flat Earth, Flat Out
Flat Earthers are challenging to understand, and they like to provoke others. Take this guy, for example. His work was suffering, and he was being insufferable towards his coworkers just to make a point about the planet being flat.

Needless to say, that man got dragged out by security. As to what happened afterward? Nothing was said, so we can only hope it worked out for the best. Some people can be so unprofessional, but the Flat Earth advocate was on a different level!
A Terrible Yet Timeless Classic
While many things may have changed over the years, some things remain as they are. Trickery and deceit are good (or should we say, bad?) examples. Many employees are still trying to exploit the system for their benefit, and though they now have technology at their disposal, the scams they run are much the same.

They either leave early or return late when it comes to scheduled breaks, and sometimes they do both. The saying “old habits die hard” rings true in this case. Not all change is good, but the lack of it isn’t any better.
That Was Just Messed Up
Unusual HR stories can either make us laugh, invoke anger, or stoke fear in our hearts. The stories below relate to the latter. Are fast-food drive-thrus cursed, or do they simply attract the wrong kind of people?

The takeaway? It may take a while until the dark truth about some people comes to light, especially if they keep to themselves and cover their crimes well. The most terrifying aspect of all this? There are probably many unreported stories like these out there!
Husband Goals
Marriage always has its benefits, chief among them having your spouse come to your aid when needed. That’s exactly what happened to this woman when she got fired, though not in a way one would expect. Was she trying to spite him?

In any case, the husband (literally) picked her up and left, just as the boss instructed. As for the wife, no one knows what was going through her mind to pull off such a thing. Still, she is lucky to have such a caring husband!
Non-Confidential Information
Workplace privacy and confidentiality are paramount, especially when you work in HR. The HR manager straight up forwarded this poor soul’s email, even though the signature flat out said to keep it confidential. Who in their right mind would do that?

The poor guy was even blamed for the whole incident – talk about disrespect! Usually, the employee is responsible for this kind of screwup, but this time, it was the higher-ups who messed things up. We pray that the guy has gotten a better job!
Take a Shower
This is a reminder that, once again, hygiene is paramount! Unfortunately, your health isn’t the only thing affected by your hygiene. The people surrounding you are also impacted, especially if your hygiene is lacking. It’s difficult to understand why some folks don’t even bother keeping clean.

The conference room must’ve smelled like rotten cheese! Those poor clients probably hightailed it out of there after their meeting was over. So, brush your teeth and take a bath – not just for others but for your own sake!
The Darkness Within
Anyone can be racist, including the otherwise competent and skilled. Any person, no matter how good they may seem to be, can harbor a terrible darkness festering inside. This capable but racist woman is a tragic example.

Social media may have drawbacks, but it does sometimes help expose people’s true colors. Had the HR department not checked this candidate’s posts, she might have ruined the company's image in the long run. People like her need major attitude adjustments before seeking employment!
Hitting on the Competition
It’s always a thrill to watch a hitman get hired and do their job in action films, but we would not be thrilled at all to see this go down in real life. If anything, the man who hired a hitman should seek out therapy… from his prison cell.

Healthy competition can help you improve yourself. However, it apparently also inspires some people to resort to ruthless tactics. We can sympathize with his disappointment, but to go that far is not understandable at all. If you’re ever tempted to hire a hitman, we recommend reading the story of Patrizia Reggiani so you can see how it will likely work out for you!
A Troubling Aroma
After reading the post below, it’s safe to say EA1 deserves no respect. After all, she continued wearing her perfume, fully aware that it would trigger EA2’s allergies. Toying around with a person’s health is nothing less than a foul deed!

Luckily, a caring soul – EA3 – decided to stick up for EA2 and take revenge on EA1 for her actions. Although what happened next wasn’t mentioned in detail, we hope EA1 finally learned her lesson. Another story of justice well served!
Super Effective
2016 was a pretty wild year with the release of Pokemon GO. It made such an impact that someone hit their head on an easily avoidable metal pipe. Mind you, the pipe had ‘caution’ written on both sides!

Adding to the hilarity is an official report that said there was a Pokemon by that pipe: A bird-like creature going by the name of ‘Pidgey.’ The company should probably have added a sign saying, “Beware of wild Pokemon in the area.” Thankfully, that craze has long since died down.
Fake News
Some people will do anything to keep their jobs, and others just couldn’t care less. Regardless of how he felt about his employment, this man could have dug deeper for info before going ham on the company (and his hand). His actions are truly baffling!

To lie and attempt to sue the company because of some gossip is nothing short of pathetic. Does he have so much beef with the higher-ups that he would pounce on any opportunity? Anyway, it’s always important to think twice before acting.
No Touching
Does this manager have nothing else to do than poke his employees for kicks? For outsiders, it might seem funny, but the opposite can be said for the employees themselves. Unfortunately, this guy got away with his behavior for a long time. Then, he made the mistake of bothering the wrong person.

In the end, the manager learned his lesson the hard way. He’s lucky he didn’t get fired. Perhaps this tale should warn those who like to mess around with others for no good reason.
Happy Birthday?
What was supposed to be a kind gesture for this employee turned dark and saddening. To think that something tragic would befall this poor person on his birthday is genuinely distressing and heartbreaking.

Having the company you work for remind you of the worst thing to ever happen to you would break you down. Still, you could hardly blame them for trying to show appreciation for their employees. Hopefully, the company will honor his request and ensure no one ever tries to celebrate his birthday at work.
The Importance of Mental Health
Mental health issues are something to take seriously. Be sure to seek help from your friends, family, and a trusted therapist if your mind doesn’t feel right. In this case, both the supervisor and employee suffered from mental health issues.

Never forget that your brain is a physical part of your body, so taking good care of it is just as important as the rest of your body, if not more. As for the two people in this story, we hope things turn out well for them in the end.
For Real?
Here’s another sad case of mental health issues. Again, the poor manager was being blamed by an employee for things he could not possibly have done. Adding to the matter was the fact that the employee had been working in that company for a long time.

He could barely tell the truth from illusions anymore. We can only hope that he wasn’t punished for this crazy act, as it’s clear that what he really needs is professional help. This is another reason why talking about mental health should be normalized.
Purr-sonal Freedom
Freedom of speech is one thing, but invoking it so that you can meow whenever you want? Now that is the strangest thing we’ve heard! Maybe the woman thought she could talk to cats, but cats don’t even meow that much.

If you were there, would you report the crazy shenanigans to HR or just hiss at her, as an actual cat would? Either way, this bizarre incident can serve as a reminder that freedom of speech always has a catch.
Ridiculous Excuses
Of all the ridiculous HR stories, this one has to be one of the craziest. Did this guy expect them to believe in something that could easily be refuted? Also, no sane person would stick their head outside a moving car.

You can’t just inhale a significant amount of drugs by hanging your head out of a moving vehicle. It just doesn’t work according to the law of physics! Instead, we’re more inclined to believe that people will concoct the craziest explanations to get out of trouble.
A Huge Mixup
Now, this is absurd: one guy gets paid while the other doesn’t. And it all resulted from the fact that they have the same name. Imagine all the chaos that ensued regarding processing and data entry. We don’t envy the HR department!

The whole thing was so ridiculous that the first guy lost his job! Sure, he got his job back. However, things immediately dissolved into chaos again. At this point, one of them might as well change their name.
Poop Got Serious
Hatred can take on many forms, and today we learned that stocking up on dog poop to dump on your foe’s car is one of them. We wonder what the poor soul did to that guy to have his vehicle covered in stinky dog poo.

We feel bad for the guy who was unable to get in his car without smelling like an unholy pile of excrement. By the sound of it, a couple of visits to the carwash (or more) will be needed to eliminate that dreadful stench.
A Ridiculous Interview
Usually, it’s the interviewer that we worry about, but in this case, it was the interviewee who lacked professionalism. So why bother scheduling an online interview if you’re not going to prepare for it?

That is a big no-no in the world of professional work! At the very least, you should dress appropriately, close all unnecessary windows, and then answer the interviewer’s call. The company would’ve looked like a bunch of jokers if they hired him after such a display. We can only assume he never wanted the job in the first place.
Home at Work
This story is about a guy who created a chamber of secrets at work, complete with his own fridge and running electricity. Whoever he was, he’s a genius for being able to build such a thing! At least he can easily relax during break time.

As for his coworkers, we’re sure they had a few disturbing moments, wondering about the odd noises coming from the ceiling. We wonder if the night guard ever bothered to investigate those strange sounds. Still, kudos to him for keeping this secret for so long. We bet he saved plenty of money on rent!