It's Time To Solve These Three Clothing Mysteries

What is the tiny jean pocket for? Why are hats with pom-poms so common? Why do women’s buttons go the other way? Let's find out!

Tiny Jean Pockets

There is little that actually fits into those unusually tiny pockets that are on every pair of jeans. Aside from some Chapstick and maybe a bit of petty cash, it is pretty useless. It wasn’t always though.

Back in the 1800s, pocket watches were all the rage. They would usually be kept in a man’s waistcoat pocket and attached to a button by a small chain. This design, however, wasn’t practical for the blue-collar workers. And so Levi decided to start producing their jeans with this little pocket. Not only were jeans more practical than a waistcoat, but they offered more protection for the watch. 

Hats With Pom-Poms

This might be surprising, but one of the first records of pom-poms on a hat was during the Viking era, and is thought to have been attached to the top of hats to mask the poor stitching.

They were later used by sailors as an extra layer of protection when waters got rough. It also helped them to gauge the height of cabin ceilings when working below deck. Pom-poms entered the fashion world during the Great Depression, as it was an inexpensive way to decorate clothes. They grew more popular during the ‘60s and have stayed in style ever since.

Women’s Shirt Buttons

Ever notice that women’s shirt buttons are often on the left? The reason for this dates back to olden days, when buttons meant you belonged to high society. Buttons were a big deal back in the day.

If you were wealthy enough to own clothing with buttons, then it was unlikely that you'd dress yourself in the morning. The buttons on women’s garments were placed on the left as this made it easier for the chambermaids to dress them. Even though times have changed, this design has not.