La Suegra Insiste En Bañar A Su Nieta Hasta Que La Madre Revisa El Recibo

Cara A Cara

Rara vez se había visto cara a cara con su suegra. La mujer llevaba mucho tiempo encima de ella, haciéndole sentir que no era lo bastante buena para formar parte de la familia. 

La madre nunca se tomó a pecho este trato. Mientras su marido y su hija estuvieran bien, soportaría todo lo que su suegra le echara encima. Pero todo cambió cuando descubrió lo que la mujer le hacía a su hija.


La suegra llevaba una semana bañando a su hija de dos meses. Al principio, la madre estaba agradecida. Era una madre primeriza y apreciaba toda la ayuda posible. 

Pero las cosas empezaron a descontrolarse cuando su suegra aparecía a cualquier hora del día para bañar a la niña. No importaba si la madre ya lo había hecho. Deseosa de llegar al fondo del asunto, la madre colocó una cámara oculta en el cuarto de baño. Lo que descubrió la dejaría yendo a toda velocidad a casa de su suegra. 

No Debía Haber Llegado Tan Lejos

Pero Maya Jackson nunca pensó que las cosas llegarían tan lejos cuando permitió que su suegra entrara de esta manera en la vida de su familia. Últimamente, las cosas se le estaban descontrolando y necesitaba que le echaran una mano.

Maya era una profesora de Biología de Tampa, Florida, dedicada y apasionada, con un corazón de oro. A los veintinueve años había conseguido muchas cosas en la vida, desde una gran carrera que le encantaba hasta un marido maravilloso llamado Michael McElhearn.

Su Marido

Michael era un médico brillante que conquistó su corazón desde que se conocieron. Su historia de amor era eterna, llena de risas, aventuras y un vínculo inquebrantable que duraría toda la vida y las venideras. 

Sin embargo, en medio de este paraíso se arremolinaba una nube oscura en nombre de la tensa relación de Maya con su suegra, Eleanor McElhearn. 


Desde el momento en que Maya conoció a Eleanor, sintió que emanaba de ella una desaprobación palpable. Eleanor creía que su hijo podría haberlo hecho mejor que Maya, y no tuvo reparos en hacérselo saber. 

El origen humilde de Maya y su carrera como profesora no cumplían las expectativas de Eleanor. Ella esperaba que Michael se casara con un médico o con alguien de una posición social similar.

Sin Fronteras

Pero el amor no conoce fronteras, y Michael se dio cuenta de la extraordinaria persona que era Maya. Se casaron en una hermosa ceremonia, prometiéndose apoyo mutuo en las buenas y en las malas. 

Su unión quedó sellada con el nacimiento de una niña, Emma, que se convirtió en la niña de sus ojos. Emma era una niña preciosa en todos los sentidos. Maya esperaba que fuera el catalizador que hiciera que el odio de Eleanor se disolviera definitivamente.

Cambios De Vida

Con el nacimiento de Emma se produjeron varios cambios en el estilo de vida de Maya y Michael. Ambos siempre habían querido tener hijos. Habían pasado meses hablando de lo buenos que serían como mamá y papá. 

Pero ahora que su deseo se había cumplido, veían lo difícil que era la tarea de cuidar y criar a un niño. Si a esto le sumaban que ambos padres eran profesionales, los problemas empezaban a acumularse. 

Dispuestos A Ayudar

Por suerte para Maya, todos los miembros de la familia estaban dispuestos a ayudar con Emma. Pero ninguno estaba tan comprometido con la causa como la suegra de Maya, Eleanor. 

Como Maya había esperado al traer a Emma al mundo, parecía que la mera existencia de la niña se había convertido en el catalizador para hacer que el odio y la constante desaprobación de Eleanor hacia Maya remitieran. Pero Maya no tenía ni idea de lo que su suegra le haría a su hija. 

Visitas Planificadas

Todo empezó con las visitas planificadas de Eleanor. Aparecía todos los martes y jueves por la tarde para ver a su nieta. Normalmente traía regalos para madre e hija y dedicaba unos minutos a hablar de verdad con Maya. 

Por su parte, Maya agradecía estas visitas. Las veía como una oportunidad para arreglar su tensa relación con su suegra. No podía imaginar cómo acabaría todo aquello.

Anhelando Una Conexión

Maya anhelaba una conexión con su suegra, creyendo que el amor y la comprensión podrían salvar la distancia entre ella y la mujer. Sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo, notó un extraño patrón en las visitas de Eleanor. Cada vez que venía, sin falta, insistía en bañar a Emma. 

Al principio, Maya agradeció la ayuda, agradecida por un momento de respiro. Eleanor parecía realmente cariñosa con el bebé y Maya pensó que era su forma de establecer un vínculo afectivo. Debería haber sabido que se trataba de algo totalmente distinto. 

Necesita Otro Baño

A medida que las visitas continuaban, Maya no podía evitar sentirse incómoda. No importaba si ya había bañado a Emma o no, Eleanor siempre insistía en bañarla. 

La situación se volvió cada vez más extraña y Maya empezó a sospechar. ¿Por qué bañaba siempre a Emma su suegra? Maya decidió que había llegado el momento de descubrir la verdad.


Maya empezó a evaluar todos los movimientos de Eleanor cada vez que la visitaba. Se dio cuenta de algunas cosas que la hicieron enojar. En primer lugar, Eleanor nunca usaba ningún bote de champú con Emma.

En segundo lugar, no utilizaba el surtido de pomadas y lociones que Maya había comprado para el bebé. En su lugar, llevaba sus propias pomadas y lociones. Estos artículos eran los más sencillos de los que solía llevar en el bolso. Pero las cosas cambiaron cuando Maya vio el agua del baño de Emma.

Hierbas Y Especias Inexplicables

Maya encontró trocitos de lo que parecían hierbas y especias en el agua del baño de su hija. Aficionada al cuidado de la piel y familiarizada con numerosas hierbas para el baño, Maya no podía reconocer las que había en el agua de su bebé. Alarmada, estudió todo lo que hacía su suegra. 

Se dio cuenta de que entre los objetos que llevaba en el bolso había un surtido de hierbas en pequeños recipientes sin etiqueta. Maya no sabía qué era ninguna de esas hierbas. Algunas eran verdes y frescas, con aromas terrosos que le oprimían el pecho, mientras que otras estaban secas y la hacían estornudar. 

Hay Más

Otras eran húmedas, caldosas y olían a zapatos sucios en grandes cantidades, mientras que otras eran sorprendentemente agradables de inhalar. ¿Qué eran esas hierbas y por qué las utilizaba Eleanor mientras bañaba a Emma?

Maya sabía que no podía hablarle de las hierbas a su suegra. Sentía que su relación era la mejor que había tenido nunca y estaba cegada por eso en lugar de buscar la verdad. A pesar de todo, no dejaría pasar nada de esto.

Buscar Un Experto

Maya decidió visitar al herbolario local en el mercado agrícola de la ciudad. Si había algo que saber sobre estas hierbas, el herbolario se lo diría. 

Cogió algunas muestras y devolvió los envases al bolso de Eleanor. Se aseguró de que todo iba bien en casa antes de ir al mercado. Necesitaba entender lo que estaba pasando.

En El Mercado De Agricultores

El mercado de agricultores estaba abarrotado de compradores y turistas cuando llegó Maya. Fue directa al herbolario y le tendió las hierbas. Explicó lo que ocurría y preguntó a la especialista si alguna de las hierbas que tenía delante era peligrosa para un bebé. 

La herborista se tomó su tiempo con las hierbas. Algunas las inhaló y otras las frotó entre las yemas de los dedos. Otras se las untó en la lengua y otras se las comió. ¿Qué estaba haciendo?

Una Hora

La herborista tardó cerca de una hora con el surtido de hierbas. Pero informó a Maya de que, aunque cada una de las hierbas era extremadamente rara, ninguna de ellas era peligrosa para su hijo. De hecho, su suegra estaba en lo cierto, porque todas las hierbas eran buenas para la piel y el crecimiento del cabello del bebé. 

Maya pensó que todo iba bien. La información que había obtenido aquí le había tranquilizado el corazón. Pero el herbolario se inclinó antes de compartir algo que la haría volver corriendo a casa. 

La Verdad

"Aunque todas estas hierbas son buenas por sí solas", empezó diciendo, "combinarlas e ingerirlas, aunque sea en pequeñas cantidades, puede causar daños irreparables en el organismo. No digo que su suegra le esté haciendo algo a su hijo, pero yo me andaría con ojo".

Empezó a hablar de cómo el cuerpo humano podía soportar un cierto nivel de estas hierbas a la vez. Lo llamó "tolerancia". También añadió que, en el caso de los bebés, esta tolerancia era casi inexistente. Maya no podía llegar a casa lo bastante rápido.

De Vuelta A Casa

Maya no sabía si Eleanor estaba alimentando a Emma con aquellas hierbas mientras fingía bañarla. Rezaba para que no fuera así. Pero sus instintos maternales estaban a flor de piel cuando irrumpió por la puerta principal de su casa.

"¿Dónde está?", rugió mientras entraba en la casa. Michael, que arrullaba a Emma en sus brazos, la miró extrañado. "¿Dónde está quién?", preguntó. Maya estaba en pie de guerra.

¿En Qué Estaba Metida Eleanor?

Maya iba a enfrentarse a su suegra por lo que acababa de saber del herbolario. ¿Qué estaba haciendo? A ella le parecía que Eleanor formaba parte de alguna secta y ahora su inocente hija estaba involucrada.

No sabía a qué se dedicaba Eleanor en su tiempo libre, pero no iba a permitir que su preciosa hija estuviera expuesta a esas cosas.

Giving Her The Creeps

Maya's heart pounded as she stormed through the house, her eyes scanning every corner. She finally spotted her mother-in-law in the kitchen, humming a tune while preparing a bottle for Emma. The sight sent shivers down Maya's spine.

Maya wondered if Eleanor had put some of the mysterious herbs in Emma’s bottle.

Not Now

But before she could do anything, her husband stopped her. “Not now, Maya. We just got Emma to sleep. Whatever you want to do, now is not the time,” Michael said.

Maya’s heart was beating very fast, and she was fired up and ready to give Eleanor a piece of her mind. It wasn’t fair that Michael stopped her. If only he knew what was going on.

Going About Her Business

But she composed herself for the sake of their sleeping baby. She knew how difficult it was to get Emma to sleep soundly until she woke up and demanded all of their attention again.

But the situation still bothered her, and it annoyed her that Eleanor was going about her day like she had done absolutely nothing wrong. 

Heating Up

Maya felt her chest heat up with rage again as she saw her mother-in-law busy in the kitchen. She was so angry, and she wanted to know exactly what she was doing to her daughter.

She couldn’t wait anymore. But once again, her husband stopped her. “What’s gotten into you? What happened? You look angry.” Maya had waited long enough.

Can She Tell Him?

"I need to talk to Mom," Maya grated. "I just found out she's been…" She was about to spill everything she'd learned about the herbs when she first played the words in her mind. 

Maya feared that Eleanor was doing something bad to her baby. But she stopped herself from uttering the words out loud. Such words, especially without any tangible proof, would doom the relationship she and Eleanor had. Maya took a deep breath. She needed a better, more tactical way to handle this situation.  

More Proof Needed

Maya didn't have enough proof that whatever her mother-in-law was doing to her daughter was wrong. She only had the little information the herbalist had offered. 

It also didn't help that the herbalist had given her a two-sided coin. On one side, Eleanor's herbs were good for Emma's skin and hair growth. But on the other hand, they could severely harm her if ingested. 

Which Route Did She Take?

Since Maya needed to figure out which route her mother-in-law had taken, she decided it would be best to take a step back. She needed more information to go on and would need to do more research before she started pointing fingers.   

She decided to take the evening and night to research the herbs her mother-in-law was using. She would compile a proper file of irrefutable evidence before accusing Eleanor. But before all this, Maya needed to do one thing. 

An Evening Drive

Maya checked on Emma to make sure she was alright. She took her in her arms, holding her tight before gently pecking her chubby cheeks. "We're going for an evening drive," she announced with a feigned nonchalance. 

There was only one place where she could take her daughter now, and although it might have felt like an overreaction on her part, it was completely warranted. 

The Emergency Room

Maya took her daughter to the emergency room. But she didn't tell the nurses and doctors that her mother-in-law was possibly feeding her daughter dangerous herbs. 

Instead, she said she'd been sorting through a few jars of old spices and herbs in her yard with her daughter sleeping by her side. But a sudden strong wind had blown by, carrying some of the herbs onto her daughter's lips. She was afraid a few might have trespassed into her system.

Not A Prank

The nurses and doctors looked at her quizzically before one of them reminded her that the emergency room wasn't a place for pranks and jokes. But Maya was serious. "Please, check her," she said. 

A nurse asked her to follow her into another room, and Maya did. With Emma in her arms, they went to a room with a baby incubator, among a few other hospital apparatus. "Place her there," the nurse instructed.  

Hey, Little One

Maya did as told, and a few minutes later, a doctor walked in. He spent a few minutes with Maya, asking about her baby's health background, before turning his attention to Emma. 

"Hey, little one," he greeted her before pepping her a few tests. Half an hour in, the doctor was done with his tests. But his findings would raise more questions than answers. 

An Hour

It took an hour for the test results to be completed. The doctor stared at them for a second before looking at Emma and Maya. "Is everything okay?" Emma asked.

But the doctor didn't ask. He leaned forward, his eyes squinting over his tablet's screen. "You said she ingested some of the herbs, which might be dangerous, right?" he asked, and Maya nodded. 

Something’s Wrong

"I did. Is there something wrong, doctor?" The doctor took a deep breath and shook his head. "We've found some traces of the herbs in Emma's stomach," he said. 

"But her body doesn't seem to have any negative reaction toward them." "What?" Maya asked, moving closer so she could have a look at the results. The doctor tilted the screen her way. 

The Results

"See here?" he asked, showing Maya the screen. A few words and numerals didn't make sense to the mom. But she saw a few words that read 'positive' at the bottom of the screen. 

Her blood boiled with anger. Yet her mind had more questions than before. Her daughter did indeed have the herbs in her system. This only meant one thing! Maya didn't even wait for the doctor to finish before she stormed off. 

It’s In Her System

The fact that Emma had the herbs in her system meant one thing. Eleanor had been feeding her the dangerous substances. Maya almost screamed as she drove home. She didn't even have time to put on her seatbelt. 

Maya stormed into the house, finding Michael alone watching TV. As before, the enraged mom demanded to see Eleanor. But the mother-in-law was nowhere to be seen.


But unlike the first time, Maya's eyes were filled with tears. Her hands were shaking, and she couldn't form coherent words. On her drive home, she'd wondered what she'd do if she lost Emma. 

Who would she blame? Would this be on her shoulders or her mother-in-law's? "What's wrong, honey?" Michael asked, concern written all over his face. "What's with you and asking for Mom every time you come home?"

She Tells Him

Maya told Michael that she'd discovered the herbs his mom was using while bathing Emma. But she didn’t mention her trip to the herbalist or emergency room.  

She couldn’t mention what she'd learned even though it was eating her up inside. She'd never hidden things from Michael before, and doing this broke her heart. But she needed a little bit more proof before telling him everything. 

Installing The Camera

While Michael and Emma were sound asleep that night, Maya installed a hidden nanny cam in the bathroom Eleanor usually bathed Emma in. She hated doing this because, over the last few weeks, Eleanor had been coming here, and their relationship had felt genuine. 

But this wasn't the time for second thoughts. Emma's life was at risk here. Maya needed to stay strong and see this through. 

Eleanor Is Here

With the nanny cam installed behind some old shampoo bottles on the top shelf, Maya waited for things to unfold. Like clockwork, Eleanor showed up the following morning, eager to spend some quality time with her granddaughter.

As was her habit, she took a few items from her bag and carried the baby into the bathroom. She had no idea that a worried Maya was already on to her. 

Her Bathing Routine

Maya watched the footage on her phone when Eleanor returned to her house. She watched as Eleanor prepared the bath correctly and placed Emma into the bubbly water. 

She even talked to Emma lovingly as she did so, playing with her and making her laugh and giggle. But none of this cuteness did anything to lessen Maya's worry. 

In Chilling Clarity

But slowly and gradually, things started to get weird. There, in chilling clarity, Maya saw Eleanor carefully and meticulously adding a few pinches of her select herbs into Emma’s bathing water while humming a haunting tune. 

She swirled the herbs about, watching as the water tinged a milky white. Emma looked spooked by this odd behavior, showing signs of crying. But this was only the beginning.

It Gets Weird

Eleanor's movements as she bathed Emma graduated into something peculiar. Her demeanor was anything but loving. She was serious, mumbling things that the camera’s speaker couldn’t catch. 

Although she didn't show any signs of planning or wanting to feed Emma the bathing herbs, it was as if she was trying to assert some sort of control over the baby. 

Watching In Horror

The show went on for a few minutes, and Maya watched in horror. She’d had her issues with Eleanor before, but she’d never thought her mother-in-law would transfer those issues to Emma. 

Maya couldn't fathom why the woman would behave this way and needed answers. With her heart pounding, Maya rushed to Eleanor's house to confront her about the disturbing footage. 

Confronting Her

She found her mother-in-law in the garden, tending to her roses. Eleanor looked up, feigning innocence. Maya wasted no time, showing her the footage from the nanny cam. 

Eleanor's face turned ashen as she watched herself bathing Emma. She knew she had been caught, and the tension hung in the air. "Why would you do this, Eleanor?" Maya finally asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and confusion.

Her Reason

Eleanor took a deep breath, her eyes filled with remorse. She explained how, in her own twisted way, she believed that by taking over the baby's care, she could prove her worth as a grandmother while also atoning for all the friction she'd caused in Maya's life. 

She thought that by constantly bathing Emma, she could somehow become indispensable in their lives. "I only wanted to help." But what Eleanor would say next would send shivers down Maya’s spine.

Crocodile Tears?

“It hurts that you’d think I’d harm that baby,” she said. “I would give my life for her, okay?” Her eyes were steely, her chest moving up and down as she spoke. 

Maya knew she only got like this when she was serious about something. She looked her in the eye and said, “I took Emma to the emergency room. The doctor found traces of the herbs in her stomach.”

It’s Only Natural

Eleanor didn’t look surprised. “It’s only natural,” she said, her lips curling. “What?” Maya barked. “I know the herbs are dangerous when mixed and ingested!”

“That’s why I don’t mix them haphazardly,” Eleanor cut in. “I know there’s usually a chance the child will ingest the water. I have recipes that I follow. Recipes as old as time, perfected and passed down through generations. I will never make herb combinations that might harm my grandchild!” 

Eleanor's Confession

Eleanor looked at Maya with remorse in her eyes. "I never meant to harm her," she confessed, her voice quivering. "I was just trying to protect her." Maya was taken aback by this unexpected response. "Protect her from what?" she demanded.

Eleanor hesitated for a moment before she began to speak, tears welling up in her eyes. "I’m just very superstitious. I always think something will happen to firstborn daughters.”


Maya stared at Eleanor, trying to process what she had just heard. Protecting Emma from superstitions? It didn't make any sense to her. She knew her mother-in-law had some odd beliefs, but this was beyond anything she could have imagined.

"Superstitions?" Maya repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Eleanor, you've been putting mysterious herbs in her bath. That's not protection; that's putting her in danger!"


Eleanor's face crumpled with guilt and sorrow. She began to explain her irrational fears and beliefs about curses and evil spirits that she supposedly heard whispers about at her church. She recounted stories from her own childhood and how she had lost her own firstborn daughter to an unexpected illness, and how the same thing happened to her mom and aunt.

Maya's anger started to fade, replaced by a mix of sympathy and concern for her mother-in-law's mental state. She realized that Eleanor's actions were rooted in deep-seated fear and superstition rather than malicious intent.

Getting Help

"What we need to do," Maya said calmly, "is to get you some help. Emma deserves a loving grandmother, which you are. But you need to overcome these irrational fears. You can never do anything like this again."

Eleanor knew she had overstepped the mark with her daughter-in-law. When all the chips were laid down, she was, in fact, putting her granddaughter in harm’s way.

Promising The Seek Help

Eleanor nodded, tears streaming down her face. She promised to seek therapy and counseling to address her superstitious beliefs and irrational fears. Maya knew it would take time for their relationship to heal, but she was willing to give Eleanor a chance to change.

But before that, she wanted to have a look at the footage once more. She wanted to see what she had done, even though she was immensely ashamed of her actions.

She Watches The Footage Again

Tears welled in her eyes as she admitted her insecurities and the pain she had caused Maya. It was a moment of vulnerability that neither of them had expected. Watching the video again, she gasped at how ominous she looked, saying she didn't mean any harm.

However, she admitted that all this looked bad. “I could never dream of harming Emma,” she said. Maya, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions, embraced Eleanor. She understood that sometimes, people acted out of fear and insecurity. 

She Wants To Change

Eleanor had let these emotions guide her actions, but now she was willing to change. Over time, she and Maya worked on rebuilding their relationship. 

They attended counseling together to address their underlying issues, and slowly, trust began to grow. Eleanor realized that Maya wasn't a threat but a loving mother who wanted the best for her child.

A Fresh Start

As months passed, the wounds of the past began to heal, and a new chapter unfolded for Maya, Eleanor, and their family. The therapy sessions had worked wonders for Eleanor, helping her overcome her superstitions and irrational fears. Maya, on the other hand, had learned to forgive and let go of the resentment she had harbored.

Emma continued to grow, surrounded by the love and care of her parents and grandmother. The bond between the three generations strengthened, and Maya was grateful for the positive change in their lives.

A Lesson Learned?

The experience had taught Maya that sometimes, misunderstandings and conflicts could be rooted in deep-seated fears and insecurities. It was a reminder to approach such situations with empathy and a willingness to understand the underlying causes. 

She had also learned that family bonds could endure even the darkest of times if everyone involved was willing to work towards healing and forgiveness.

A Bright Future

With Eleanor's commitment to therapy and a newfound sense of unity within the family, Maya and Michael felt hopeful about the future. 

They had weathered a storm that had threatened to tear them apart but had emerged stronger than ever. The love and support they provided for Emma created a stable and nurturing environment for her to thrive.

The Strength of Family

In the end, Maya realized that their family's strength lay in their ability to overcome challenges together. While their journey had been marked by turbulence and misunderstandings, it had ultimately brought them closer and deepened their appreciation for one another. 

As they looked towards the future, they knew that they would face whatever obstacles came their way as a united and loving family.

A New Beginning

With a fresh start, Maya, Eleanor, and their family were ready to embrace the future with open hearts and minds. The past was behind them, and they were determined to make the most of the precious moments they shared together. 

In the end, they had discovered that even in the darkest of times, there was always room for growth, forgiveness, and love.

Mending The Relationship

As Emma grew, she became the bridge that brought Maya and Eleanor closer together. The three generations of women spent countless hours playing, laughing, and creating cherished memories. The love they shared for Emma transcended their past differences, and they learned to appreciate each other for who they were.

Years passed, and the once-turbulent relationship between Maya and Eleanor blossomed into a genuine friendship. They came to realize that family bonds could be mended through love, forgiveness, and understanding.