Mad Neighbor Got What She Deserved When Couple Bought Her House


Not talking to your neighbors was completely normal. The weather isn't always a topic of conversation because life gets in the way.

Taylor considered herself to be a cool, calm, and collected individual. Over time, she had grown more stressed and agitated since moving into their new house.

Private People

Taylor Swanson and her husband, Jason Swanson, were generally private people. Whenever they saw a neighbor, they would wave and greet, but they weren't overly social.

It all started with their new pesky neighbor who wouldn't leave their property alone. The pressure was getting to Taylor and her husband, and the sweetest revenge was on its way.

Beautiful Ocean View

The couple couldn't believe their luck when they moved into their new beachfront home in Florida. With such an amazing view, they were thrilled to have snatched up the house.

It had taken them a long time to save up enough money to buy their dream house. Their bedroom window overlooked the ocean, and Taylor couldn't wait to wake up every morning to the magnificent view.


Despite the property's low walls, they did not let it phase them. They were able to renovate, and they envisioned all the barbecues they would host.

When they met Kathy, their next-door neighbor, their happiness was short-lived. Taylor and Jason initially thought she was just a friendly neighbor welcoming them.

The Swonsons

Their very nosy and noisy neighbor, Kathy, made living in their dream home a daily nightmare for the Swansons.

Every move they made was watched by Kathy. She would come over and talk to Taylor and Jason whenever they were outside in their yard.


Kathy initially seemed pleasant. The Swansons were welcomed with a Florida staple, Key Lime pie. Taylor noticed something about Kathy that Jason thought was very sweet.

Her desire to know everything about their lives made her very nosy. Inquiring about their plans for the day, she wanted to know where they were going and what they were doing. It all seemed a bit strange to Kathy.

Something’s Up

Her sweetness seemed genuine, but she was overly sweet. She kept inviting herself into their house, Taylor noticed. Jason was oblivious to what she was seeing, so she had to stop him from inviting her in.

The problem wasn't just the constant chatter. Kathy also wandered onto their property without permission.

How It “Should” Look

Kathy would soon become the proverbial thorn in their sides, as Taylor could see it from a mile away.

Her routine included watering their plants and rearranging their lawn furniture. According to him, this is how it "should look." The Swansons had never seen anything like it before.

Keep It Down

Taylor and Jason's housewarming party caused the first problem. In order not to draw attention, they invited only a few close family members and friends.

In order to get everyone in the party mood, they played some outdoor games and played soft music in the background. The grill was then fired up by Jason.


Due to the nature of the barbecue, everyone was able to see into each other's, so they kept the noise level to a minimum.

Taylor had prepared drinks and snacks for the party, and everyone helped themselves to them. However, they were in for a nasty surprise.

Peering Over

As Jason started to grill the hamburgers and meat for the party, Kathy peered over the low fence to see what was going on. 

Jason could see that she was looking in on them but just let it be. She was just looking, he thought. But he didn’t know just how wrong he would be.

Hiya Neighbor

“Hiya neighbor, having a shindig without me, huh?” Jason just laughed it off, but soon Kathy was in their backyard, joining in on the party.

She grabbed herself a beer and promptly joined in on the festivities. Jason could see his guests looking uneasy with the strange uninvited guest who had joined the private party.

What Was She Doing?

Taylor nearly dropped the salads and bread rolls she had in her hands when she saw Kathy laughing away and enjoying a beer with one of their friends.

Taylor couldn’t believe that Kathy had somehow wormed her way into their private housewarming party. She was worried that this would become a nasty habit of hers.

Fury In Her Eyes

Jason just shrugged as he tried to keep the peace, but he could see the fury burning in Taylor’s eyes. Taylor marched up to Kathy to see what exactly she was doing at their private party.

But before she could go any further, Jason held her back. He didn’t want any trouble, and he didn’t want Taylor to become upset.


“Hey Tay-Tay, just hanging out with a cold one. Great party.” If Taylor was calm once before, she was furious now. And she hated the name “Tay-Tay.”

Why had Kathy become such a nuisance? It was one thing to be friendly, but this was bordering on obsessive. She was now even giving her little pet names.

Party Crasher

Taylor rolled her eyes and shook her head. She was not going to let her ruin their party and just decided to ignore her for the rest of the evening.

She glared at Kathy from a distance, deciding to let her stay for the party. But she vowed that this would never happen again. Not on her watch, or so she thought.

The Wall

As the months went by, Taylor and Jason started making plans to erect a solid wall in their backyard. It was about time they had their privacy, and Taylor was looking forward to having more private get-togethers with family and friends.

And it would also ensure that there would be no more unwanted guests dropping by. 

Would They Finally Be Getting Their Peace?

Taylor rubbed her hands in satisfaction when the delivery truck pulled up with the building materials. It would be a solid wall to make sure there would be no more prying eyes and intrusions of any kind.

Once the wall would be erected, the Swansons could finally have the peace and quiet they had sought. After all, they had worked hard for it.

Very Angry

But Taylor and Jason weren’t ready for the barrage of anger that was coming their way. As soon as the workers started building, Kathy came running out of her house, waving her hands.

As soon as Taylor saw her running up to them, she knew that things were about to get very heated. Kathy looked very angry.

What’s Going On Here?

“Just what do you think you are doing?” she asked. Taylor couldn’t really believe her audacity and told her what their plans were, smirking with every word.

“We just want some privacy,” Taylor replied. But it looked like there was no way to get through to Kathy, and she didn’t want to leave or accept the building of the wall.

Wasn’t Having It

Kathy wasn't having it. "You can't build a wall there. It's against the homeowner's association rules!" she exclaimed. She looked at them both while her fists were balled up. They could see the rage build up in her.

The Swansons looked at each other in disbelief. They were pretty sure that what they were doing was not against any rules.


Taylor was surprised since she had read all the HOA regulations and didn't see anything about building a wall. She asked Kathy to show her where it was written.

“It’s okay, Kathy. We’re well within our rights to be building a boundary wall on OUR property.” Taylor loved the way Jason emphasized the word our.

Who Did She Think She Was?

Kathy just crossed her arms and said, "I'll get the HOA board involved, mark my words." And with that, she marched back into her house, leaving Taylor seething with anger.

How dare this woman tell them what they could and couldn’t do on their own property. Who did she think she was? They had only known her for a couple of weeks.

A Gut Feeling

Taylor and Jason looked at each other in utter bewilderment. Jason now understood the “feeling” Taylor had about Kathy. Her gut told her that she would be trouble.

It looked like they would have a huge problem on their hands in the form of Kathy. Was all their hard work going to waste? Would they have to pack up and leave?

The Dispute

Kathy continued to cause trouble. She argued that the low walls were part of the charm of the neighborhood and that a solid wall would ruin the aesthetics of the area.

The Swansons couldn’t take any more of Kathy’s outrageous claims and suggestions. Why was she telling them what to do? They had just about enough of her.

Trying To Reason

Taylor tried to reason with her, but it was no use. Kathy was convinced that they were trying to shut her out and create a divide between them.

But it was exactly what they wanted. They were trying to secure their privacy at all costs, and Kathy was denying them the right to do so.

Taylor's Stress

Taylor was getting more and more stressed every day. She didn't know how to deal with Kathy’s constant intrusion into their lives. It was like she had no concept of personal space or boundaries.

She looked more and more unhappy by the day, and Jason could see she was taking strain. He wanted to take away all the stress she was carrying.

Jason's Frustration

Jason was frustrated too, but he was also worried about Taylor's mental health. She was becoming more and more agitated, and he didn't want her to have a breakdown.

He suggested that they pack up and go on vacation for a little while to destress, but Taylor refused and didn’t want to leave the house alone in case Kathy did something.


The dispute went on for days, with Kathy constantly harassing the workers and even calling the city council to complain about the construction.

She sat in as they worked every day and told them how and where to put the bricks. The workers became so fed up that they just began ignoring her everyday visits.

A New Plan

Taylor and Jason decided to keep their distance from Kathy. They didn't want to keep dealing with her and endure all the stresses and unhappiness that she brought. 

They just ignored her and let her go on her rants while they continued living their lives. They had better things to do with their time. But it wasn’t long before someone else appeared on the scene.