Neighbors Keep Throwing Pool Parties, Not Knowing Man Is Pilot

He’s Had Enough

The limit had been reached for Harry Adams. Recent events had made living next to the Petersons intolerable rather than mildly irritating.  

Initially, Harry assumed the Peterson kids were having a good time in the pool late at night. It was a terrible mistake he made. In fact, he was surprised to see the Petersons carelessly splashing water over the boundary wall instead of children, beers in hand.

Ruining Everything

After repeatedly being soaked by their rain, his polite requests for more consideration fell on deaf ears. Everyone's patience had limits, even Harry. The waterlogged backyard could have been overlooked if it had been an accident, but this was sheer negligence on his part.

Their splashy celebrations continued without a second thought for the peace of their neighbors as the Petersons dismissed his complaints as mere suggestions.

Something Hidden

It was an audacious plan that Harry had up his sleeve, one the Petersons would never suspect. Piloting had been Harry's unusual hobby for many years.  There is more to drones than just small ones—there is a full-functioning helicopter, albeit compact. It is his pride and joy, the culmination of years of dedication and skill. Nowadays, it serves more than just leisure purposes.

A mischievous glint glowed in Harry's eye as he approached the small helipad he owned privately. The engines roared into life as he initiated the startup sequence.

Pay Back

It is undoubtedly true that the sound carried over the fence to where the Petersons were caused more aquatic chaos. When Harry thought about their confusion at the noise, he couldn't help but smirk. The helicopter was piloted with precision over Harry's property, then over Peterson's backyard.

In a helicopter, he lowered a specially designed bucket from their pool, the source of so much contention. Throughout the whole thing, he wondered if he was on the wrong side of the law.

It Was Risky

His piloting skills were put to the test as he executed this bold maneuver without error. Having dealt with his neighbors like this, he knew they would never mess with him again.

He watched in horror as his neighbors scattered. While diving for safety, they spilled their beers. There was something out of a horror movie about it. After bringing a man to the brink of insanity, the Petersons understood what happened. Once the police were called, what would happen?

His Story

Harry Adams grew from a boy with a dream to become the town's most revered protector in Elk Falls, Michigan, among the dense forests whispering tales of beauty and danger.  Forest fires frequently threaten his community, and his journey was made possible by his sheer determination and unwavering commitment.

The stories of his grandfather's valor and technical prowess sparked Harry's passion for aircraft during his childhood. 

It Meant A Lot To Him

Harry's grandfather's memorabilia scattered throughout their home were more than just mementos; they were beacons guiding him toward his future. 

A dream that combined the thrill of aviation with a deep-seated desire to protect took hold of him as he read ancient mechanic manuals and absorbed tales of airborne bravery. He didn't hesitate to graduate high school after graduating. His life was dedicated to protecting Elk Falls by becoming a firefighter.

His Goals

Harry, however, pursued a different goal with equal enthusiasm in the quiet moments between the adrenaline-fueled rescues and the relentless drills.  As an adult, he combined his childhood obsession with his adult aspirations to become a stunt pilot. As soon as Harry demonstrated his unique skills, his superiors took notice.

Aerial firefighting gave him a sense of fulfillment he had never felt before as he moved from the ground to the skies. 

Doing His Best

His quick actions saved countless acres of forest and, most importantly, lives, as Harry often spotted ominous plumes of smoke above treeline. It wasn't the end of Harry's ambitions, however. A more immediate response system was needed to avoid the critical seconds lost while traveling to the helipad at the fire station.

As a personal mission, he constructed a helipad in his backyard with permission from his station. This endeavor involved no small task.

Strength And Determination

The project required months of planning, construction, and substantial financial investment. Despite this, Harry's determination was equal to the concrete he laid. However, this remarkable achievement resulted in unintended consequences. In the neighborhood next door, Harry's neighbors saw only the glamor of a helicopter frequently taking off and landing.

Like Harry's efforts to extinguish the fires in the community, whispers of envy and misunderstanding spread throughout the neighborhood. Nevertheless, things were just getting started.


As Harry was getting ready for his usual patrol on a warm summer evening, he noticed something alarming. Upon inspecting his helicopter, he discovered that it had been tampered with. 

The realization sent a shiver down his spine, and he couldn't help but feel anxious about what might happen during his mission. The fuel line had been tampered with in a way that was not immediately noticeable, but the consequences could have been disastrous.

Fixing The Problem

Harry was both stunned and disheartened as he pondered the possibility that his neighbors' feelings of envy had escalated to something far more insidious and dangerous. 

Harry was grateful that he had stocked up a good amount of spare parts in his garage, precisely for situations like the one he found himself in. He needed the helicopter to do his job and save lives.  He couldn't afford any unexpected downtime. It took him a full hour to drain out the damaged fuel line and replace it with a new one before refilling the fuel tank.

Organizing A Meeting

Despite the inconvenience, Harry knew that it was the right thing to do, and he was determined to notify the community of the incident to ensure everyone's safety. Determined to restore trust and clarify misconceptions, Harry organized a community meeting. There, under the dim lights of the local community hall, he spilled everything.

He shared his story, from his grandfather's influence to the countless hours of training and the lives he aimed to protect. He explained the purpose of the helipad and the critical nature of his missions.

Winning Their Favor

As the events that led to the truth gradually unraveled, the atmosphere shifted from one of suspicion and skepticism to one of admiration and respect for Harry.  The entire community was quick to rally around him, offering apologies and support.

However, there was one family that appeared to be less enthusiastic about him- his neighbors.  Despite the positive response from the community, the family seemed to harbor some doubts and reservations about Harry.

One Family Wouldn't Budge

It became clear to Harry that his accusations were being met with skepticism. The others present asserted that no one had cut his fuel line and that it was something else. They said that it was more likely to have been the work of a raccoon or other woodland creature.

They further expressed their concern that Harry had parked his helicopter in the wrong place. They said that it was too close to a forest where such animals were known to roam. Harry was uncertain what to make of their arguments and attempted to defuse the situation.


However, deep down, he couldn't shake off his suspicions that they might have been involved in the incident. Were they telling the truth, or was there more to the story? Harry knew that he had to watch out going forward. But things were about to escalate again without him doing anything wrong.

The summer sun was relentless, a golden blaze in the sky that seemed to sap every ounce of moisture from the earth below. Unfortunately, not everyone loved it.

Summer Days

For most, this weather was a blessing, an invitation to bask in the warmth and enjoy the season to its fullest. It was the time to have pool parties, but it was also an omen of things to come. As for Harry, it was a constant reminder of the lurking danger that could ignite with the smallest spark. This season was deadly when things turned wrong.

As a dedicated aerial firefighter, he knew all too well the devastation a forest fire could wreak, especially during such a dry summer. But he had no idea that most of his problems wouldn't come from forest fires.

Sounds Of Splashing

Sitting in his living room, Harry tried to distract himself with a football game, and the cheers and commentary were a welcome break from his worries.  The sound of splashing water from next door brought a smile to his face. He imagined little Joel, the Petersons' nine-year-old son, learning to swim under the watchful eyes of his parents.

Despite the recent tensions over Harry's helicopter and its impact on the neighborhood, he harbored no ill feelings towards the family, especially not towards Joel.

A Call From Work

The tranquility of the moment was abruptly disrupted by a sudden ring of Harry's phone. He knew that it was from work and sprang up. He answered the call, pulling his heavy jacket over his shoulders as he did so. He was always prepared to move at a moment's notice.

The voice on the other end of the receiver was his supervisor. He informed him of a raging fire that had erupted a few miles away. 

Not Wasting A Moment

Harry's expertise was urgently required to tackle the emergency situation. Without wasting a moment, he bolted out of the door, his thoughts already racing towards the task ahead.  As he approached the helipad, his sharp eye caught a potentially catastrophic situation that demanded his immediate attention.

As Harry was making his way towards the helipad, he noticed a stream of water flowing steadily towards the electrical wiring that powered the lights surrounding the landing area. 

Strange Source Of Water

The stream was thin but persistent, and it was clear that if not addressed, it could cause serious damage to the wiring. He needed to act quickly. For someone like Harry, whose work often required him to land and take off from the helipad at night, this was a dangerous limitation. He imagined crashing or even worse.

Without wasting any time, he quickly grabbed a nearby towel and deftly redirected the water away from the wiring, making sure that the helipad remained fully functional. 

Heading Out

Even as he did so, he made a mental note to investigate the source of the water later so that he could prevent such an incident from happening again in the future.  Harry started the engine, and his helicopter roared to life. He attached his water bucket and took off into the skies. Before he headed to the fire, he needed a way to put it out.

He was the fastest way to put out a fire, and people were counting on him. He got clearance to grab water from a nearby lake and headed to the raging fire. 

Coming Back

After an intense and nerve-wracking forty minutes fighting the raging fire, Harry finally made his way back to his property. He got out of the helicopter and breathed a sigh of relief. He was exhausted but happy that he had successfully prevented the blaze from spreading any further. It was his job, and he loved doing it.

Despite the immediate crisis being averted, Harry was still perplexed by the cause of the water from earlier. He needed to investigate it further. Where could the water have come from?

Unforeseen Dilemma

As Harry landed the helicopter and began to secure it for the night, his mind raced with thoughts of the mysterious stream of water. The situation perplexed him; there were no hoses nearby, and it hadn't rained in days. 

With a furrowed brow, he retraced the path of the water, following it to the edge of his property where it disappeared into the dense foliage of the Petersons' backyard. The realization hit him like a bucket of cold water. Could it be that the Petersons had deliberately sabotaged his helipad, endangering not only his property but also the entire community?

He Couldn’t Stop Thinking About It

He didn’t want to jump to conclusions and cause any more conflict, but he couldn’t ignore his nagging feelings.  It had been bothering him all day long. Even though he had to focus his mind on getting the fires out, he couldn’t help but think back to what could have happened.

If he hadn’t noticed the stream of water, he could have been mere inches from disaster. Perhaps there was a burst water pipe nearby, he thought.


However, at the back of his mind, he knew that it wasn’t merely a burst pipe. Something about it felt sinister and deliberate. He decided to leave it for the time being. He was exhausted from the day of firefighting and just wanted to have a hearty meal and go to bed.

And that’s just what he did. However, as he ate his evening dinner, he felt that suspicious pang in the pit of his stomach again.

Could It Be?

Could people really be so cruel? Harry didn’t know what to think at this point. He knew that some neighbors were against him having the noisy helicopter in the neighborhood. But what else could he do? He was a dedicated firefighter in the community, keeping everyone safe from potential runaway wildfires.

Why would it bother them so much? Could jealousy really drive people to do unthinkable things such as this? Harry could only wonder.

A Sleepless Night

That night, as he lay in bed, he struggled to fall asleep. His mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts and possibilities. He couldn't stop thinking about what his neighbors could be capable of. He decided that the first thing he was going to do was check his backyard thoroughly.

That was the only way to put his mind at ease once and for all. And what he was about to uncover would leave his blood running cold.

Investigating The Water

He decided to follow the trail of clues that he had noticed earlier, and his suspicions led him to the boundary wall separating his property from Peterson's.  As he peered over the wall, the source of the water became glaringly obvious to him - the Petersons' pool. What had they been doing?

Harry could still see the evidence of recent overflow on the adjacent bricks, which confirmed his initial suspicion. It must have been from their splashing earlier.

Trying To Handle It Delicately

Harry was perplexed by the sudden emergence of what seemed like an overwhelming amount of water pooling around his helipad. He put his head in his hands, "why did it have to be them?" he thought. 

The situation was particularly concerning given the already strained relations between Harry and his neighbors. He knew that any action he took to address the issue wouldn't be easy. He would have to be delicate so as not to further worsen their relationship. Harry was aware that he needed to approach the situation directly but with great caution.

Having A Word

The next day, Harry got up and prepared himself for a conversation he really didn't want to have. He walked to his neighbor's door and knocked on it. He knew that he had to take the initiative to have a word with the Petersons. Daniel Peterson answered his door, but his face turned to a scowl as soon as he saw him.

Harry explained the dire situation to them, stressing the risk that it posed, not just to his property but also to his ability to respond to emergencies. But his words fell on deaf ears.

A Cold Response

Instead of showing concern or remorse, Daniel Peterson crossed his arms defiantly, his expression hardening with each word Harry uttered. Mrs. Peterson stood behind him, her arms folded across her chest, mirroring her husband's stance.

"We don't know what you're talking about," Daniel retorted sharply, his tone laced with hostility. "Our pool has nothing to do with your little helipad problem. Maybe you should learn to take better care of your own property." Harry felt a surge of frustration bubbling within him, but he clenched his jaw, determined to maintain his composure. He couldn't afford to escalate the situation further.

Refusal to Accept Responsibility

Despite Harry's attempts to reason with them, the Petersons adamantly refused to accept any responsibility for the incident. Their refusal only fueled Harry's suspicions further. 

He couldn't shake the feeling that they were hiding something, perhaps driven by their animosity towards him and his helicopter. But without concrete evidence, he was powerless to confront them directly. With a heavy heart and a sense of defeat, Harry left their doorstep, knowing that this confrontation had only deepened the rift between them.

A Growing Divide

As days passed, the tension between Harry and the Petersons seemed to permeate the air, casting a shadow over the once-peaceful neighborhood. 

Every encounter, whether it be a passing glance or a brief exchange of words, was tinged with bitterness and resentment. Harry couldn't help but feel isolated, as if he were fighting a battle on his own turf. Despite his efforts to mend fences, the divide between them only grew wider, fueled by suspicion and mistrust. Harry found himself increasingly alone, grappling with the weight of his suspicions and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Not The End

However, that was not the end of it. The Petersons continue to splash around in their pool, paying no attention to Harry’s concerns. At this point, they were doing it on purpose, and one day, they threw a massive pool party, which was obviously to spite Harry.

Harry was fuming because not only were they making a huge noise, but the stream of water that was now flowing into his backyard had increased dramatically.

A Laughing Stock

Harry marched next door, determined to put an end to the raucous party. He was an exhausted and overworked man, and the last thing that he needed was this disturbance. As he approached the Petersons, they burst out laughing, which prompted all of their party guests to laugh at him as well.

This was no laughing matter. “My backyard is overflowing with water. Do you realize the implications if anything were to happen to my helipad?” But they just continued to laugh at him.

Not Listening

Harry had hoped that despite their differences, the Petersons would understand the gravity of the situation. However, Daniel Peterson's face darkened. He glared at Harry before speaking in a dismissive tone, "Sorry buddy, maybe you shouldn't have built your helipad here. You realize how loud that thing is."

He stumbled slightly, a tumbler of whiskey in his hand. The noise of the helicopter seemed to be at the forefront of his mind.

The Audacity

Harry's frustration reached a boiling point. He couldn't believe the audacity of the Petersons, dismissing his concerns and making light of a potentially dangerous situation. 

With a clenched jaw and a steely resolve, Harry knew he had to take matters into his own hands. But what could he do? Confrontation seemed futile, and legal action felt like an extreme measure. As he retreated to his own property, Harry's mind raced with possibilities. He couldn't let the Petersons continue to jeopardize his safety and that of the entire neighborhood.

His Next Move

But as he pondered his next move, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. Perhaps it was time to fight fire with fire, to give the Petersons a taste of their own medicine. With a determined glint in his eye, Harry formulated a plan that would not only put an end to the Petersons' reckless behavior but also ensure they never dared to cross him again. It was time to turn the tables and show them the true extent of his resolve.

But little did Harry know that his retaliation would ignite a chain of events that would push the feud between him and the Petersons to dangerous new heights, threatening to tear apart the very fabric of their once-peaceful neighborhood.

Under The Cover Of Darkness

The following day, Harry set his plan into motion. With meticulous precision, he began his preparations, gathering supplies and enlisting the help of a few trusted friends who shared his frustration with the Petersons' behavior. 

Under the cover of darkness, they executed Harry's plan with the skill and determination of a well-coordinated team.  Quietly and swiftly, they infiltrated the Petersons' backyard, their mission clear: to deliver a message they wouldn't soon forget.

Leaving Their Mark

Using a combination of harmless but annoying pranks and strategically placed signs highlighting the dangers of their behavior, Harry and his team left their mark on the Petersons' property, ensuring they couldn't ignore the consequences of their actions any longer. 

As dawn broke and the Petersons emerged from their home, they were met with a sight that left them speechless.  Their once-pristine backyard was now adorned with brightly colored banners and caution tape, a stark reminder of the havoc they had wreaked on their neighbor's peace of mind.

Not A Care In The World

The next morning, Harry awaited what he thought would be the Petersons, finally realizing that they had been messing with the wrong man. When he heard a knock on his door, he knew it was them. He smiled smugly as he opened the door to a very annoyed-looking Daniel.

“Do you think your little stunt is going to stop us from having fun? You’ve got another thing coming. I have a good mind to call the cops on you!” Daniel Peterson clearly didn’t care at all.

Caught Off Guard

Harry was caught off guard by the man's reaction. He couldn't believe that Daniel Peterson failed to recognize that the noise from the helicopter was a necessary inconvenience to save lives.  

Harry tried his best to convince the man, but he was met with a slammed door. Feeling helpless, Harry returned home, contemplating his next move.  The crack in the wall was now more significant, and it would be a challenging task to fix it. He was still determined to try but knew that he needed permission from the Petersons.

Seeing Something Terrible

Unfortunately, he was aware that it was highly unlikely that he would get their approval. The following morning, Harry was startled by the sound of splashing coming from the direction of the pool.  

Intrigued, he decided to investigate, expecting to find little Joel enjoying an early swim. However, his curiosity was met with a chilling sight that sent shivers down his spine.  As he peered over the wall, he was taken aback to see Daniel Peterson and his wife, Margaret, frolicking in the pool like mischievous children. 

Being Careless

Their raucous laughter filled the air, but what caught Harry's attention were the beers they held in their hands. It was then that everything fell into place, and he finally understood the root cause of their delinquency. 

Harry was consumed by a surge of anger that seemed to take over his entire being. He couldn't believe how callously the Petersons had dismissed his request. But now, they continued with their reckless behavior, endangering lives in the process. It was frustrating to think that the Petersons could have avoided it all if they had just been a little more cautious.

They Didn't Care

It was evident to Harry that they didn't care at all. He knew that he needed to come up with a plan.  Harry was fed up with his neighbors' behavior, and he knew that they weren't going to change anytime soon. He couldn't sit around - he had to act.

He decided to spend his weekend insulating the wiring for his helipad lights in order to make sure that they wouldn't damage anything. But it would take longer than he expected.

Thoughts Of Revenge

However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he needed to get revenge on his neighbors for ruining his days off. He wanted his revenge to be both petty and justified for the greater good. Suddenly, an idea struck him, and he sprinted to his phone to call his supervisor. He had come up with a scheme that was sure to make his neighbor's life a nightmare.

Harry had a secret plan of revenge that he discussed with his supervisor in a hushed voice as if he feared someone might overhear them. He knew that he couldn't be caught.

Patiently Waiting

He made sure that his plan wouldn't interfere with his job, and only after receiving the green light he rushed over to his helicopter to make the necessary adjustments.  

With everything set in place, Harry could now only be patient and wait for the moment to strike. He knew that he would get a call soon enough, and he was determined to save the forest while enacting his revenge.  Fast forward a few days later, and Harry gets the long-awaited call from his supervisor. There was another fire to take care of.

A Unique Opportunity

Harry smiled at the opportunity not just to put out the fire but also to solve the problem of his neighbors. He rang out to his backyard, where he heard the splashing from his neighbors in his pool. 

He knew this would be the last time they'd be so careless. He ran alongside the small stream that led to the now insulated lighting cables and headed for his helicopter.  He attached the water bucket and put the helicopter into the air. This time, however, he wasn't going to go to the lake for water. He had a closer destination in mind.

Getting His Revenge

He moved the helicopter with grace just a few feet until it was hovering directly over his neighbor's yard. He knew they wouldn't be expecting this. Meanwhile, the Petersons were enjoying their pool, not caring about the consequences it had on their neighbor.

It didn't matter to them that they were interfering with emergency services. All they cared about were themselves. But Harry was about to give them a wake up call.

The Shock Of Their Lives

When the noise became louder and louder, the couple in their pool finally looked up. All they saw was the red underside of the helicopter. "What is he doing?" Daniel shouted, his blood boiling. But the selfish man couldn't slam his door in the face of a machine like this.

The helicopter started descending on the couple. It seemed as if Harry had lost his mind. Daniel was sure they were going to be crushed, but that wasn't Harry's plan.


He looked down and saw them yelling, the downforce of the helicopter causing waves in their pool. But Daniel could only stand his ground for so long. The Petersons yelled up at him, shaking their fists as they spilled their beers and retreated out onto their patio.

They watched in disbelief as Harry brought out his secret weapon. "You can't do this!" Mr. Peterson shouted, but no one could hear him above the sound of the helicopter.

Taking The Pool

Once Harry made sure that the couple was safely out of the way, he enacted his plan. He just needed the water in their pool. Harry lowered the water bucket into their pool and scooped up a sizable amount of their water. As he flew off, he realized that their pool looked half full now.

The Petersons were left furious. Not only had he taken a lot in the bucket, but Harry had also splashed their whole house with water from the pool.

Calling 911

Daniel was quick on his feet and raced inside his house. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number he thought would spell Harry's doom - 911. He asked the officers to come immediately. He wanted them to wait for him once Harry got back home.

Meanwhile, Harry was unaware of what was waiting for him back home. He smiled with satisfaction, thinking about what he had done.

Doing What He Did Best

Now with his mind back to the task at hand, he raced to the forest where he could put it out with the Peterson's pool water. From that point on, it was just a normal day for him. 

He battled the fire and even had to get additional water from a nearby river. In the end, he was glad that he had taken the water. Without the Peterson family's water, he wasn't sure that he would have been able to put out the fire in time. It really did work out for the best.

Coming Back

After half an hour, he returned, happy about what he had done. But he had no idea what he was going to be greeted with when he returned.  Harry set down the helicopter and walked back into his home, but not five minutes later, he heard a banging on his door.

He answered it and saw just who he expected - Daniel Peterson. The neighbor screamed in his face, but he wasn't alone. Harry noticed the flash of blue and red behind him. 

The Police

A police officer walked up to his door and asked Harry why he'd "stolen" Mr. Peterson's pool water. Harry casually replied, "You see, officer. I needed to extinguish a dangerous forest fire not ten miles away from here." 

Harry continued, "With the lake being in the opposite direction, I grabbed the nearest source of water. That being Mr. Peterson's pool water." The officer looked surprised.  He had no idea what to do. The neighbor shouted, "Arrest him!" But the officer stood down. "You'll have to take him to court if you want justice, sir. But I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Reimbursing The Neighbors

The officer bid both men a good day and left in his patrol car. Daniel screamed obscenities and threats of legal action.  Thankfully, Harry knew his rights since he had spoken to his supervisor beforehand. He knew that Mr. Peterson had the right to legal compensation. 

The government would reimburse him the money to refill his pool, but after what Harry had done, he knew better than to misbehave.

A Loss For Words

The Petersons were filled with shock and horror as they witnessed the entire spectacle unfold before their eyes.  They knew that Harry, who was standing before them, would not hesitate to repeat his actions if provoked again. They backed off for good.

As they glanced towards their pool, they were at a loss for words, noticing that the water level had significantly depleted - a visible consequence of Harry's actions.

A Shift In Their Attitude

After the incident with the Petersons, Harry couldn't help but notice a significant shift in his neighbors' attitude towards him. The constant splashing and loud music that had previously disrupted his peaceful backyard had come to a sudden stop.  It seemed as though the Petersons had finally understood the importance of respecting their neighbors' boundaries. Despite the unconventional means he had used to make his point, Harry felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that his message had been received loud and clear.

His display of ingenuity and audacity served as a reminder that respect is a two-way street and that every individual's right to peace and privacy must be upheld. As the days passed, Harry continued to enjoy his tranquil backyard, free from the disturbances that had once plagued him.  Although he had no desire for any further confrontations, he felt a sense of pride in knowing that he had stood up for his rights and helped restore peace in his neighborhood.