Old Woman Sees Familiar Face At Husband’s Wake, Discovers His Lies

The Day Had Come

Margery had always feared the day she would lose her husband. She always knew he would go first, and now, her biggest fear had come true. The day of her husband’s wake was one of the toughest days of her life. 

Tears stung behind her eyes as she looked into the coffin and saw the face of the man she loved. But everything changed when she looked up and saw a familiar face in the crowd. Margery decided to approach the other woman, but she had no idea what was coming her way.

A Tough Day

When Margery Wiliams woke up that morning, she knew that a tough day awaited her. For the first time in forty years, she was alone. That morning, she pulled her gray hair into a low ponytail and dressed in all black. 

Her son arrived just after 10 am, and they made their way to the wake together. Her son, Michael, could see the pain behind his mother’s blue eyes. That was the day they would have to say goodbye to their husband and father.

On Their Way

Margery remained silent as her son drove through the familiar streets of Chicago. “How are you feeling, Mom?” Michael finally asked. The older woman took a while to respond. Her mind was filled with a thousand thoughts a second. 

But then, she finally responded. “I’m holding it together,” She said quietly. “I’m going to push through today. But so help me, if anything else happens, I might just snap.” But she had no idea what was coming her way.

A Second Alone

They arrived at the funeral home just half an hour later before anyone else could arrive. Margery wanted a second alone with her husband. Michael waited outside, giving his mother all the time she needed to say goodbye to the man she’d loved for so many years.

 Margery slowly walked into the large venue. As soon as the staff spotted her, they left the room. She was grateful, but that day was about to become even harder.


As soon as Margery approached the coffin and spotted her husband’s face, tears welled up behind her eyes. She couldn’t believe what had happened. Her husband, Tom, looked like he was asleep. 

She was starting to wonder if he was really gone. Slowly, the older woman reached out a hand and placed the tips of her fingers on his cheek. He was cold. This only made her cry even more.

Talking To Him

Memories flashed behind her eyes of the man she’d loved for so many years. He was her rock and her best friend. But soon, her perspective of the man would change. “You know, Tom. I always knew you’d go first. But secretly, I wished it would be me. How could I survive without you?” She spoke quietly to him. 

But that’s when she heard something. As soon as the heavy doors to the room opened, a frown set between her eyebrows. She wondered if Michael had come inside. But she was not prepared.


Margery’s eyes slowly raised from her husband’s face to the set of doors to her right, but as they did, she saw the small crowd of guests. People had started to arrive.

Margery smiled at the familiar faces, wiping the tears from her cheeks. But as her eyes trailed from face to face, they suddenly stopped on one woman in particular. Then it hit her: she had seen that face before. That's when she realized there was something she didn't know about her late husband.

The Man Of Her Dreams

Margery Williams lived in Chicago all her life. It was where she went to school and attended college. But it was also where she’d met the man of her dreams. Margery met Thomas Williams when they were just teenagers. 

Throughout their years together, she watched him grow into the perfect man. They stayed together all throughout high school, but when Margery decided to go to college, the unexpected happened.

Heartbreaking News

For years, she and Tom had spoken about college. Their plan was to attend Chicago State University together. But when the time finally came, Tom broke the heartbreaking news to his girlfriend of two years. 

“I’ve been accepted into Yale. I can’t give this up,” He told her. Margery was beyond baffled by his confession. “Yale? In Connecticut? You didn’t even tell me that you applied for Yale!” She said, her face twisted in pain.

It Was Over

Tears had begun spilling down Magery’s face. “I didn’t think I’d actually get accepted. I’m sorry,” He said, but Margery knew what was coming.

“So you’re just going to end our relationship and move halfway across the country?” She asked, her heart breaking more and more by the second. It was at that moment that she noticed a single tear escape his left eye. She knew it was over then and there. He left just a week later.

She Wanted To Call

For years, Margery tried to move on with her life. She often considered calling him, but she never went through with it. Four years later, she completed her degree and found a job in the city. She thought of Tom almost every single day.

She still felt utterly destroyed and betrayed. Margery was certain she would never see his face again until one casual evening out.

Catching Up

That night, Margery was out with friends from school. The girls decided to go to a bar downtown, where they got to catch up over drinks.

It was that night that she tilted her head back, laughing at a friend’s joke. But as she looked to her side. She saw those familiar eyes watching her from across the room. The second she saw Tom’s face staring straight at her, she stopped laughing. In fact, she decided to go home. “I have to go,” She announced suddenly.

She Left

Margery’s friends were confused as she placed her drink on the table and rose from her seat. They tried to stop her from leaving, but they couldn’t. Margery dashed for the door, and as soon as she left that bar, she was hit by the cold Chicago air. Her mind was racing.

She thought she would never see his face again, but now, she knew. Tom was back in town. She tried to run off, but before she could, a hand grabbed her arm.

He Ran After Her

When she turned to face Tom, he didn’t say a word. Instead, he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips. He’d missed her just as much as she missed him. She had always known that they were meant for each other. They got back together right away.

But she noticed something strange about him. No matter what, he refused to tell her anything about his time in Connecticut. She always wondered what he was hiding as he took his private phone calls in different rooms.

Getting Married

Margery asked him about his time at Yale for years, but she never got any closer to finding the answers. Over the years, however, his private phone calls seemed to stop. Eventually, she let it go. The pair got married when they were only twenty-five years old. 

Shortly after their wedding, they had their first and only child, Michael. Over the years, Margery only seemed to fall further in love with Tom. She forgot all about what had happened all those years ago. But someday, she would know the truth.

Their Son

Together, they raised the perfect son and gave him everything he ever needed. At just twenty years old, Michael left their house. Margery and Tom enjoyed their alone time together, and eventually, they retired to a lovely home in the suburbs, close to Michael’s house. 

But just a few years later, tragedy struck their small family. Tom suddenly fell ill, and no doctor was certain what the issue was.

By His Side

For months, Margery sat by her husband’s side as he went for all kinds of tests. Eventually, he was forced to stay at the hospital. They all knew that this was the end of Tom’s story. Margery refused to leave his side. 

Every day, she sat beside his hospital bed, praying for a miracle. Tom held her hand. He wasn’t afraid of what was to come. “You still have so many great things coming your way,” He told his wife.

Losing Her Mind

But Margery didn’t want to hear it. Just the thought of losing her husband and best friend was enough to make her lose her mind. Unfortunately for Margery, there was nothing the medical team could do. 

She and Michael sat with Tom the night it happened. Tom passed peacefully with his wife and son by his side. It was a devastating night, but thankfully, Margery still had her son.

Coming To Terms With It

The following week was the hardest week of Margery’s life. She was in a state of shock and bewilderment, and she tried to come to terms with what had happened. 

Michael stayed at his mother’s house that week, ensuring that the older woman had everything she needed. She lay in bed for days on end, crying. But by the time that weekend rolled around, Margery knew it was time to start planning her husband’s wake and funeral.

A Wake

“I want there to be a wake. That way, close friends and family members will have the chance to see him one last time,” She told Michael. He held his mother’s left hand over the table as she wrote the details into her planner. “That’s a great idea, Mom,” Michael reassured her.

That afternoon, they called everyone they needed to call and arranged the wake. But Margery had no idea what was coming her way.

A Sobbing Mess

The days seemed to fly by, and before she knew it, it was time for the wake. That morning, she was a sobbing mess. She knew that in just a few hours, she would see her husband’s face for the last time. 

She wiped the tears from her face and put on a thin layer of makeup. Michael arrived just in time, and together, the pair drove to the wake. “I’ll give you a moment alone with Dad,” Michael said when they arrived.


Memories flashed behind her eyes of the man she’d loved for so many years. He was her rock and her best friend. But soon, her perspective of the man would change. “You know, Tom. I always knew you’d go first. But secretly, I wished it would be me. How could I survive without you?” She spoke quietly to him. 

Tears burned behind her eyes as she stared at the face she had loved for so many years. But as she did, she noticed something about him.

A Memory

She noticed the wrinkles around his mouth and the frown he’d held for all those years. Suddenly, she remembered the first time she noticed that deep frown between his eyebrows.

She stood frozen in place as her mind wandered to a specific night many decades ago. She could still remember that freezing January evening. How could she ever forget? It was the night she overheard a bone-chilling conversation between her husband and an unknown individual.

She Wasn’t Satisfied

It was shortly after he returned from his time in Connecticut. Margery was beyond thrilled to have him back, but she wasn’t completely satisfied.

She spent most of her time wondering what he’d been up to for all those years. But each time she asked him about Yale, he stiffened and went quiet. But one night, as she prepared dinner for the pair, she heard his voice from the living room. Maregry would never forget what she heard that night.

Invading His Privacy

Margery could vividly remember placing her apron on the counter as she quietly left the kitchen. Lately, he’d been receiving many phone calls.

For some strange reason, he would answer them in separate rooms from her. But she always wondered what these private phone calls were really about. Of course, when she asked him about it, he shrugged it off. But that night, she heard something that just didn’t sit right with her.


At first, she didn’t plan to eavesdrop, but Tom refused to open up to her, so she decided to invade his privacy. She wanted to hear what these phone calls were about.

His back was turned to the living room entrance as he held the telephone up to his ear. He was whispering to someone on the other end of the line. Margery slowly crept into the room, desperate to hear what he was saying, but she would never forget the words that left his mouth that fateful evening.

The Words She Didn’t Want To Hear

For weeks, she had found him in rooms around the house, speaking to an unknown individual. But each time she asked about it, he said nothing.

That night, she was determined to find out what was going on. But then, the words left his lips that would stick with her for all those years. “You have to stop calling this number. I can’t risk anyone finding out about this,” he said, instantly sending a chill down Margery’s spine.

She Always Wondered

For so long, she wondered what he got up to during his time at Yale. That night, she realized that Tom was hiding more secrets than she ever could have imagined. She stood stunned behind the man she loved. 

She wanted to confront him right then and there, but she knew it would end badly. But this was far from over. She slowly took a step back, desperate to leave the room before his call ended. But then, he said something else.

Let It Go

She could hear the pain in his voice as he whispered the words to the unknown individual over the phone, “You have to let it go. Stop calling.” She could tell that he didn’t want to say those words, but he had to.

 A second later, he hung up the phone, a thick tension crowding the small room. He stood with his back toward Margery for a few moments, seemingly lost in his thoughts after what seemed to be a tough conversation.

Nothing Good

Margery froze in place, wondering if she was supposed to comfort him or run back to the kitchen. But she knew that if he realized that she had been listening in on his conversation, nothing good would come of it.

It was then that she rushed out of the living room. But as she was about to head for the kitchen, she decided to glance back at the man she loved. That’s when she saw it.

The Look

Tom placed his hand over his forehead as he leaned against the wall, holding a bottle of beer in his shaky hand.

She could see the side of his face perfectly from where she stood, but he was oblivious to her presence. He was lost in his thought as the deep, concerning frown set between his eyebrows. That was the first time she ever saw that look on his face.

Business As Usual

That night, Margery went about her business as usual. She prepared them a warm, hearty soup while Tom sulked in the living room. By the time dinner was served, Tom’s demeanor had changed.

 He seemed completely fine, but she knew he was just saving face. The more normal he appeared, the less likely she was to ask any unwanted questions. She pretended not to have a clue.

He Never Knew

Tom never knew Margery was in the room with him that night. For weeks, a terrible feeling sat in the pit of her stomach. For months, she would hear the phone ringing through their small home, but he always insisted on answering it. 

She knew he was speaking to that same person. She often contemplated telling him the truth, but she knew Tom better than anyone else. If he wanted to tell her the truth, he would’ve.

Bad Emotions

Afraid to lose him, she decided to bottle up every single bad emotion she had through the years. But she often saw that same look on his face. It was no secret to Margery that Tom was hiding something big about his time at Yale, but she could only assume that it was best if she didn’t know. 

Although he still held many of the same qualities as before, something about him changed over the years.

He Never Said A Word

It was always like he was dying to say something, but he never did. Sometimes, he would stare at Margery like he was thinking of the perfect thing to say.

But he never came out and said it. By the time their son was a teenager, she accepted the fact that she would never know the truth. She never thought she would someday get the answers she’d been hoping for, especially not at her husband’s wake.

Snapping Back

The memory vanished from her brain as she brought a shaky hand toward her husband’s face. He looked so peaceful in that coffin.

“I always knew you hid things from me, but I never thought you would actually take those secrets to the grave,” She spoke quietly. She knew he was gone, but in her mind, she liked to think that he could hear every word that left her mouth. But she was about to get the answers she’d been hoping for.

It Was Time

She combed a hand through his silver hair as she thought of him. “There was nothing you could have done to make me stop loving you,” She said.

More tears were starting to stain her cheeks as her hand found his. At that moment, she accepted that she would never know. She glanced at the clock. The wake was about to start. But as she realized that, she heard something.

An Unexpected Guest

Margery’s eyes slowly raised from her husband’s face to the set of doors to her right, but as they did, she saw the small crowd of guests. People had started to arrive. Margery smiled at the familiar faces, wiping the tears from her cheeks. 

But as her eyes trailed from face to face, they suddenly stopped on one woman in particular. Then it hit her: she had seen that face before. That's when she realized there was something she didn't know about her late husband.

A Memory

The second she saw the woman’s face, a memory popped into her mind. It was a memory that hadn’t come to mind since decades earlier.

It was two years after she and Tom had gotten back together that she found a photo of a woman in one of his old jackets’ pockets. She’d asked Tom who the woman was, but he seemed to become extremely uncomfortable with her question. He refused to answer.

The Same Woman

The woman standing before her was the same woman she had seen in that photo so many years ago. She wondered if the woman knew about Tom’s life in Connecticut.

Marjory greeted her friends and family, but her eyes hardly trailed from the woman standing all by herself. Once she had greeted everyone, she decided to approach the woman. But she was not prepared for the truth.

He Never Stopped

“Hi there,” Marjory said as she approached the woman. “I’m Marjory Williams,” she said, waiting for the woman to introduce herself.

But the woman said something that surprised her. “I know who you are. Tom never stopped talking about you in Chicago,” She said. Marjory was confused as she waited for the woman to continue. That was when she learned something new about her husband.


“I’m Sarah. I don’t suppose he ever mentioned me,” she said. Marjory confirmed this fact, and Sarah continued.

“You know, your husband was so depressed while he was away from you,” Sarah said, “I always knew that someday he would leave me for you.” Marjory was taken aback by this. But then, the woman revealed a secret that Tom had kept for all his life.

A Secret

“We were together for a few months,” She shrugged her shoulders, taking a seat beside Marjory at a nearby table.

“But one night, he just up and left without telling anyone. He left me a note. He said he’d come back for me,” The woman sniffed. It seemed Tom had left an impression on her, too. “I knew he went to find you. He called me now and then. He told me to wait for him while he was with you.”

He Loved Her

Marjory’s heart sank at those words. Was he still with Sarah when they got back together? The woman continued.

“But one night, he called to tell me that it was over. It was the night he decided that he would marry you. I thought maybe someday he would come back to me.” “But I guess now I know. You were always the one for him,” Sarah said, placing a hand on Marjory’s shoulder and squeezing it gently.

That Was All

“Your husband loved you from the second he met you until the day he left this earth. It was you and no one else,” Sarah said. Tears began pouring down Marjory’s face as the woman stood up. 

She looked toward the coffin to look at his face one last time, and then, she left. Sarah had come all that way just to tell Marjory how much he loved her. She knew it would take time to heal, but she was so grateful for the man she had for all those years.