Banks Are Giving Away Money Just To Open An Account Online
Just about everyone could use a few hundred bucks cash at the moment. Thanks to fierce competition in the online bank boom, some are actually giving away cash and up to 18x interest when new customers sign up. Oh, and you can sign up on your mobile phone in about 3 minutes (some don’t even require a deposit). Too good to be true? Judge for yourself.

The perks of online-only savings accounts-It’s No Secret!:
It’s no secret that banks leverage your money against the market in order to create a return on the investment. It’s only fair that they share more of that return with you. Over time, competition has moved from brick and mortar banks to online accounts. You no longer need to visit a banking location to handle the vast majority of household banking needs. Since many banks have adapted and lowered their overhead costs associated with brick and mortar locations, they are able to increase the incentive offers to customers. However, many smaller local and regional banks have adapted to the ever changing landscape by recognizing the opportunity online banking can offer. As a consumer, you should seek out bonus offers from both regional and big national banks in order to find the best fit for your money and lifestyle. You may find that additional incentives are available to local customers where big banks simply cannot compete.
Where Should I Look:
t’s actually pretty simple. The best deals currently available can be found online. The bonus amount and account can vary based upon your qualifications and timing. Here are a few of the bonus options and accounts you might expect to find in your online search.
Some Of Best Bank Account Bonuses For December, 2020
1. Citizens Bank — $300
Citizens Bank in Providence, Rhode Island, will award you $300 for opening a personal checking account between now and Nov. 26. All you need to do is make a direct deposit of $500 or more within 60 days of opening the account. In addition, you can earn $2 on each debit card purchase, up to $100, if made within those 60 days.
2. Chase — $200
Chase is offering a $200 bonus to new customers who open a Total Checking Account now through Jan. 20.
3. Citibank — $200, $400 or $700
Citibank, likewise, has a tiered bonus offer, which can yield $200, $400 or $700, if you're willing to open a checking account, or both a checking and a savings account. For $200, open a checking account in the Basic Banking Package and deposit a minimum of $5,000. To earn $400, open checking and savings accounts in the Citibank Account Package, and add at least $15,000. To yield $700, open checking and savings accounts in the Citi Priority Account Package and park at least $50,000
How do I find an online-only bank for my savings account?
Do your research! When you find an online-only bank that has good deals and good reviews, it will totally be worth it. Search around online to see which online-only banks offer the best incentives and have the best reviews.