Anyone who sees a yellow school bus will immediately think of the noisy rides they took to and from school. However, this man had something different in mind. When a man named Michael Talley set his eyes on an old, rusty school bus, he didn’t see a useless jalopy. Instead, he saw nothing but potential. Using his DIY skills, Talley transformed the bus into his dream home.

Armed with his creativity, he embarked on a memorable journey that brought him many struggles and setbacks. But in the end, they were worth it.
What follows is the story of a man who turned someone’s trash into an epic treasure.
New Type of Work
Michael Talley didn’t know what he was getting into when he decided to purchase an old school bus from an auction he saw online. At the time, he was working as a graphic designer and residing in Austin, Texas. He was also getting tired of his $1,200 monthly rent for his studio apartment.

Talley realized his lifestyle was unsustainable, so he had to think of another option. Tiny houses were becoming a trend, so he decided to create his own small house. Being a designer, he had tons of ideas for his tiny home.
Life-changing Decision
Talley had a lightbulb moment when he decided he could convert a school bus into a house. After all, a bus already has a roof and four walls. Putting a home together would therefore be easy. Of course, things didn’t go quite so smoothly.

Looking back, Talley realized how foolish he was when he thought converting the bus into a house would be easy. Still, he always wanted a small mobile home that he could use to travel all over the country. So he began to research anything and everything about buses.
Bargain Bus
Talley’s search for buses led him to scour the internet for the vehicle of his dreams. He didn’t expect to find a bus so quickly, but ended up being a gold mine. Fortunately, few people knew that the Austin School District offered their school buses for sale on the site, so there were barely any bidders.

Talley found a bargain he could not refuse. He bought the bus for only $2,200 – far less than you’d pay for most used cars. Talley was genuinely satisfied with his purchase. He was more than excited to start the next step of his DIY journey.
Moving Out and Moving In
Talley was deeply committed to his project. He had to move out of his $ 1,200-a-month apartment to save money as he’d need that money to complete the bus transformation. Instead of paying rent for his studio apartment, he funneled all his funds into his tiny home project.

The entire process was challenging. Talley had to move into a tent to limit his spending further. All his income went to renovating the bus. He also had to commute 40 minutes each way to work, so every penny was crucial.
A Difficult Year
During the time Talley was busy with his renovation, he also experienced many personal difficulties. In one eventful year, his girlfriend broke up with him, he lost his job, and his grandfather died. To escape from all this, Talley focused his energy on the renovations.

He felt alone but tried to keep himself busy working towards his dream. The bus project helped Talley persevere. He also felt grateful that he started the project at the perfect time. He did not let roadblocks stand in the way of his goal.
Working from the Ground Up
Talley knew he was facing a major task. All odds seemed against him, but he didn’t want to quit. Still, it was clear that it would take tons of work to make his dream a reality. So he took it one step at a time, seeing the bus as a frame for what he intended to do.

Talley reportedly spent many sleepless nights working on his design and figuring out how to construct it. He always made sure he had new ideas and could not rest until he knew his home’s final layout. The task was daunting, but he was ready to get the ball rolling.
Gutting the Bus
He started the renovation by removing everything from inside the bus. He wanted to start with a blank canvas, so he removed all the seats. His stepfather also removed the bolts found underneath the vehicle.

Talley admitted that everything would have been easier if he had an angle grinder. However, he was not yet comfortable using power tools. At this time, he was slowly but surely seeing the full potential of the bus. Talley couldn’t help but feel excited.
Many Errors
When all the seats were removed and cleared, he began working on the ceilings. Unfortunately, Talley was not using an impact drill, so removing the paneling was difficult. It took a considerably long time to finish this task.

When the panels were finally off, Talley also removed the existing insulation. However, in hindsight, he shouldn’t have because it was still in excellent condition. It would have saved him a lot of time and energy if he’d left it alone. Talley realized he still had a lot to learn about renovating.
Raise the Roof
Talley’s first problem was his height. He was inches taller than the bus. Specifically, he was five inches taller relative to the bus's ceiling. As a result, Talley had to hunch over to step inside. He didn’t know how to solve the problem.

Talley is 6 feet and six inches tall, while the ceiling was 6'1”. This height difference meant he had to make a series of unexpected changes to the physical structure of the bus. Of course, these changes weren’t immediately evident, so his solution was to watch YouTube tutorials. The goal was to find a way to raise the roof.
Cutting The Roof In Half
Additional space was needed to allow Talley to live comfortably on the bus. So his friends helped him cut the roof in half – a nerve-racking process because it almost destroyed the bus. Yet it needed to be done.

Talley used custom metal sleeves in place of the old ceiling. He also put an additional 20 inches of height on the bus. Initially, he wanted 24 inches, but he changed his mind when his friends recommended that such a task was too ambitious.
Making the Impossible Happen
Talley made sure he documented the entire process online. He received tons of comments from people who couldn’t help but make “raise the roof” jokes. Still, the process was not as easy as he hoped it might be.

Talley and his friends turned all the screw jacks simultaneously to raise the roof to the level Talley wanted. The entire process was complicated, but together, they made it happen. This part of the story is an excellent example of the power of friendship and teamwork.
Bus Design
Talley had various design plans for the bus. One of his inspirations was the movie The Lost World: Jurassic Park. However, his plan needed some adjustments to work out. His goal was to make the bus convenient enough to move around in.

Talley also placed the kitchen and bathroom near the door, as these were basic things a guest would require. Regarding guests, he loved entertaining friends and wanted his home to be cozy whenever someone stopped by. That’s what friends are for, after all!
Making Each Space Matter
Talley made sure he effectively used every inch of space in the bus. His measurements were precise, as one incorrect inch could destroy the entire design.

Though his design was inspired by a popular Hollywood movie, he had to go in a different direction. Public areas were placed near the front of the bus’s entrance. Meanwhile, his office and bedroom were located at the back. His brand-new kitchen was actually more extensive than the one he had in his old apartment.
A Little Help From Friends
Talley could not do everything on his own. He needed additional help. His stepfather was skilled at using power tools and could crawl underneath the bus to remove the old bolts. However, the job was too large for two people.

Talley's friends also provided help. When he removed the seats from the bus, a couple offered to collect them and take them to the scrap metal yard. The support he received further motivated Talley to finish the project. He was more than happy to know he was not alone.
Hidden Treasures
When he stripped the bus's insides, Talley did not expect to find any treasurer. However, this is exactly what he found. On one occasion, he uncovered a “kick me” note kids probably used to prank each other. It is impossible to forget such memories anytime you see a yellow school bus pass by.

Talley was making new memories while giving the school bus a new life. Throughout this process, his intention remained the same: to make the bus look nothing like its former self.
The Bus Was Taking Shape
Finally, the bus was coming together. Fortunately, its framework made the process easy as Talley and his friends could see where each part would go. It also allowed furniture to be perfectly measured within the small space. He was even able to set up a makeshift office to enable him to work in between construction.

The most significant change was the removal of the windows. Talley initially wanted to keep the originals, but they would rattle and provide poor insulation. He also wanted privacy and thus installed new sets of windows.
Movie Room
Talley loves to entertain and be entertained. He is a die-hard movie fan. When you see his social media posts, you will see that the young man has rubbed shoulders with Hollywood celebrities such as Matthew McConaughey. So naturally, he wanted his new house to have a space where he could watch movies.

Most importantly, he needed to work, so he required a dedicated workstation. Though his needs were plenty, he was ready to deal with the challenges of making his home sweet home a reality.
Classy, Affordable Kitchen
Since Talley also loves to cook, he needed to include a good kitchen. He didn’t allow the limited space he had to stifle his imagination. Instead, Tally made sure to maximize his counter area. He wanted his countertop to be suitable for cutting vegetables without bringing out additional plates or boards.

Fortunately, IKEA was removing its old kitchen line. Talley could, therefore, pay a mere $30 for drawers and cabinets. He used the money he saved wisely, funneling it into other parts of the design.
Using Furniture from the Past
Talley used the furniture from his previous apartment and customized it to fit the small space of the bus. For example, he removed the arms and back of his old couch to ensure it would fit. He then placed new armrests to boost its comfort factor. This move was more cost-efficient than buying a new one.

For Talley, the couch was where he would spend most of his time at home, watching movies or enjoying meals. So he decorated the space behind it with the American flag. Essentially, this space is now a stylish and comfortable place to relax.
Power Tools Were a Necessity
Talley didn’t want to use power tools throughout the project because he feared them. But such equipment is a necessity in any job that involves construction because it allows work to flow at a faster rate. So, though power tools are dangerous, Talley overcame his fear of them.

He used power tools to cut the kitchen and bathroom windows. Eventually, he could use them more comfortably while completing the project’s more challenging aspects. He just had to ensure he was taking the necessary safety precautions to avoid injury.
A Home You Can Drive
One of the challenges Talley had to deal with was the bus's engine. When he drove the bus one time, he got stuck in the mud, breaking the power steering. He admitted that parking a 40-foot vehicle was tricky without power steering.

Talley similarly had to figure out if he should remove the entire engine. He always wanted a bus he could use to travel the country. So he finally decided he had to fix the machinery. Of course, this added a new and challenging dimension to the project.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
The entire process had tons of bumps in the road. It was filled with mistakes big and small and a few injuries along the way. Since he was using power tools and heavy materials, it was inevitable he would get hurt in one form or another.

While Talley was installing the steel siding, one of the panels dropped on his arm and sliced it open. Though injured, he was fine. The wound healed and became a permanent scar, reminding him of his hard work while building his mobile home. In the end, the blood, sweat, and tears were all worth it.
Solar Panel Installation
Talley wanted to live in an energy-efficient home. Being environmentally aware, he wanted his house to reflect his life philosophy. So he decided to install solar panels on the bus – an arduous but rewarding task.

The panels were not only difficult to move, but he also needed assistance the day he installed them. The day became incredibly frustrating because there were strong winds that blew off anything placed on the roof. How on earth was he supposed to get this job done?
Everything Was DIY
Converting the bus into a tiny home was a large DIY project. Talley made sure he could do everything by himself as much as he could. He was particularly proud of the backsplash in the kitchen. He was happy he was able to bring his vision into reality.

He wanted dark hardwood floors and white subway tiles with black grout. Though he admitted it was not his best work, it was an impressive task for someone who had yet to install a backsplash before. He similarly made sure he used light and sturdy material.
The Memory of the Armadillo Bus
Talley felt something magical when he saw the buses were being auctioned. He chose this specific bus because of the armadillo sign on its side – a memory he cherished because it was the same bus he and his friends rode in when they were young. Christened the “Armadillo Bus,” this was indeed very special.

While doing his DIY bus project, he couldn’t help but think of his childhood friends. They supported him throughout his journey. But unfortunately, the armadillo sign had to be scrapped when the bus was renovated.
A Mobile Home Office
Being a graphic designer, Talley wanted a space in his home where he could be freely creative. He had to have a proper home office. He needed a place that would get his creative juices going.

Talley’s research led him to the discovery that most desks in tiny homes are installed on a wall so they can flip up and down. But he did not want this. So instead, he made a five-foot wide and two-foot deep desk – the biggest one he had ever owned.
Lucky Talley
Talley’s goal while completing the interior renovation was to be efficient in his use of space. He also aimed to utilize materials that were budget-friendly and good for the environment. Fortunately, he got lucky with the wood he used for the interior furnishings and the floor.

According to Talley, he picked up reclaimed floorboards from a 1941 house in Austin’s Hyde Park. Then, armed with this valuable material, he flipped the floorboards upside down and used the unfinished sides for his home’s accent walls and couch. Essentially, Talley used his ingenuity and creativity to save money.
The Essentials Also Mattered
Besides the furnishing and design, Talley needed to figure out how to install plumbing and electricity. Indeed, it is not a home in the absence of such essentials. Such details had to be figured out, and there was no room for errors.

Once he’d installed the plumbing and lighting, he could complete the other design aspects of the bus. After installing solar panels on the roof, he placed interior panels onto the ceiling. The result was that he finally had electricity.
Being Cool
While working on the bus, Talley had to keep his cool, literally and figuratively. After all, it took a lot of work. Before the bus had electricity and an air conditioner, Talley felt like he was inside an oven. The Texas sun was hot, and cooling off was challenging because having a fan and opening the doors and windows did not seem to cut it.

Talley had to remain hydrated and comfortable. So he added fans inside the bus to allow the air to flow. Though there were initial drawbacks, he was able to work through them.
Changing The Wheels
The school bus Talley bought was old. However, it was the same bus he and his childhood friends rode in, so he expected a few of its features to fall apart. For example, as Talley was working on the bus, one of the wheels fell off.

Though he was able to remain within his building schedule, having to change the tires was expensive. It was a blow to Talley’s budget. As a result, he had to make some cut backs.
Burning Bus
Though Talley took the building process seriously, he also had a sense of humor. A lot of people were following his journey on Facebook. He constantly updated his friends and followers on the transformation the bus underwent. But he decided to play a prank on them on April Fools Day.

He posted an image of a bus that was on fire. Naturally, he scared everyone. But Talley was amused. Everyone thought Talley’s hard work had gone up in flames. He almost gave his mother a heart attack.
Relaxing After a Hard Day’s Work
Talley had to test some of the parts he installed. He completed this task during the final days of the building process. Then, all that was left was to ensure his movie room was working perfectly. It felt good to kick back and relax after a hard day’s work.

However, he immediately realized he had made a mistake. Upon hooking up the HDMI cables, he realized he also should have wired them to the cabinets. As a result, he had to plug in his PS4 every time he used his movie room. We think that’s not a bad compromise at all.
A Fridge for the Bus
A house needs all the essentials, and a bus transformed into a home must have all the amenities a regular abode has. A refrigerator is one item a comfortable home must have. Talley had to ensure his fridge had the correct measurement to fit within the small space.

The fridge he eventually got seems perfect for his small mobile home. However, he ran out of supplies and needed to restock its shelves! Another thing to consider was how to make items inside the fridge stay in place. Indeed, no one wants food to fly off while driving along a zigzag road.
A New Paint Job
This picture is one of the last Talley took before he gave the bus a new paint job. Though yellow was an iconic color, he decided it needed a fresh coat. He wanted the exterior to look just as nice as the interior. Eventually, Talley chose a neutral color.

The roof went by a different color because it had been raised. Talley had to move the bus to prepare it for the paint job. However, he was more than excited to see the fruits of his hard labor.
The Perfect Sink
Though Talley encountered many difficulties, luck was always on his side. He was not only able to save money when he got a ton of discounts on the cabinets and countertop, but he also had the perfect sink thanks to IKEA. It cost half of its original asking price.

The sink came in gorgeous matte black and was perfectly sized for his small space. It looked beautiful against the light wood, and as he gazed at it, Talley knew he couldn’t have asked for anything more.
A Food Lover’s Kitchen
The kitchen, just like the movie room, was essential for Talley. He believed his kitchen looked so fancy he was genuinely impressed. Plus, it was bigger than the kitchen he had in his old apartment.

He had space to store just about everything, and all items could be neatly organized. Talley couldn’t wait to let his friends come over and marvel at his new home. He was also excited to cook for them. The space didn’t just look good – he also got everything at a bargain!
The Bedroom
Let us not forget the most important part of any house – the bedroom. A house is not a home if you can’t sleep peacefully in it. Talley wanted it to be a place he could relax in. He couldn’t wait to finally have a cozy place to sleep in, as he had been camping in a tent throughout the building process.

Talley ensured his bedroom allowed him to enjoy a glimpse of the forest. Being a nature lover, he wanted his bed to be by the window. He intentionally kept the front and back of the bus in the original shape, ensuring the emergency doors remained fully functional.
The Devil Is in the Details
Talley believed that having two televisions in his house was great. Though some think it was too much, he felt he deserved it after all his hard work. Though he initially only had one TV, he decided to install another because he couldn’t view Netflix on his phone each night.

Talley made sure the details were taken care of flawlessly. Of course, he wanted the transformation of the bus to be perfect. After all, the energy, time, and money he put in should all be worth it in the end.
Final Touches
As the remaining days of the transformation neared, Talley was busy adding all the finishing touches to his new home. He did a great job with the living room, as it had become an inviting place where he and his friends could hang out.

You wouldn’t know by simply looking at this picture that you are actually looking at a room in a bus. The steering wheel is barely visible in the background. It also looks like a regular home.
All the Hard Work Paid Off
Talley can only look back at the building process with happiness and fond memories. He shared a funny incident wherein he removed the previous insulation and had to redo everything to make the bus feel warm when it was cold outside.

However, while spraying the new insulation, a few splodges landed on his beard. He didn’t notice until more than an hour had gone by. As a result, he had to shave off his beard – there was no other way to get it off! Talley wasn’t happy with the incident, but it ended up being one of many fond memories he cherishes.