Soldier Returns Home Early to Surprise New Mom, Discovers His Error Upon Seeing the Chart

A Fool

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His heart sank as he stared at the chart. The man knew exactly what this meant, he wasn't a fool. After years of sacrifice for his wife, he was devastated by her betrayal.

His eyes were filled with tears as he wiped them away. Since he had been away for all those months, what had happened? The heartbreaking truth was about to be revealed to him.

Becoming A Father

He expected to have the best night of his life when he arrived at the hospital that night. It had been a dream of his for so long. Finally, he was going to be a father. 

Despite the nervous butterflies in his stomach, he walked the long corridors with a smile on his face. Was there a reason for his nervousness? Surely, this would be one of the happiest days of his life.

His Wife

He headed for the counter once he reached the correct ward. There were nurses standing around, smiling. Overall, it seemed like a good day. Suddenly, John's stomach twisted into a knot as he approached. 

Before speaking with the nurse, he tried to shake off the nervous feeling. "I have come to see Nadine Adams. She is my wife, and I am going to be a father today!” He told the nurse, a proud smile on his face. 

You’re The Father?

In spite of this, the nurse lost her smile. As she gazed down at her papers, it was replaced by a frown. “Mrs. Nadine Adams? You are the father?” Her voice was laced with confusion as she asked.

Despite being taken aback by her response, John nodded. His mind was racing as he listened to what she had to say next.

First Flight Home

"Sir," she looked down at her documents, "I am afraid I cannot let you in. There is already someone in there with your wife," she said, confused and suspicious in her voice. At first, John didn't think this was strange. 

It was unknown to his wife that he was there. As soon as he heard her water had broken, he took the first flight home. There was no way for her to know.

Nothing Strange

It is likely that her sister, or possibly her mother, were in there with her while she gave birth to their baby girl. The situation never seemed strange to him. 

It made him sad that he couldn't be with her, but he waited outside, eager to meet the little girl he'd dreamed about for so long.

Waiting Room

For hours, he stared into space and played with his hands nervously. In the waiting room, he hadn't noticed the nurse's eyes never leaving him. 

In an instant, the door to the ward opened, and a nurse emerged wheeling a hospital bed. As soon as his eyes landed on his wife holding the baby, tears sprang to his eyes. Seeing who stood beside her, however, made his heart sink.

Hopeless Romantic

John Adams grew up in Houston, Texas, and considered himself a hopeless romantic. Throughout his childhood, he had two dreams. First and foremost, he wanted to find the perfect wife with whom to begin a family.

The second was to join the military. From his earliest memories, he had dreamed of joining the military. 

Head Over Heals

Nadine first caught his eye in his early twenties, and he fell head over heels in love with her. They were at a party hosted by a mutual friend, and he didn't hesitate to ask her out. 

While he spoke to Nadine, she was giggling and blushing. Upon his request, she agreed to a first date and gave him her number.

Biggest Mistake Ever

It was a perfect first date. On the inside as well as outside, Nadine was beautiful. There was no doubt in John's mind that he would see her again, and he was eager to start their relationship. 

Within one month of meeting her, he asked her to be his girlfriend, and of course she said yes. Nevertheless, it was only a year later that he made the most critical mistake of his life.

He Proposed

The day John asked Nadine to marry him, he was certain that he was making the right decision. He envisioned life by her side, and he was certain that they would be together forever. 

Of course, Nadine said yes. Although they were extremely young, they thought they were making the right decision. With the support of their families, they got married just months later.

The Best Years

The first two years of their marriage were two of the best years of John’s life. Not a single day went by without him thinking about how lucky he was. He couldn’t believe that someone so wonderful could love him back.

Over the years, he’d been working endlessly on his military training, wishing and hoping that he would be accepted. But one day, he got the call.

The Call

Nadine stared at her husband with confused eyes as he held the phone to his ear, his expression shifting with emotion. But what on earth was going on?

As soon as he hung up, he dashed toward his wife, lifting her into his arms as he gave her the wonderful news. “I’m in! I’m in! They accepted me. I'm going to the military!” He cheered. It was the best news he’d gotten in years.


In the weeks that followed, John did everything he could to prepare for the military. It was during this time that he noticed a change in his wife. All of a sudden, she just seemed happier. 

He assumed that Nadine was just happy for him. But every time he mentioned the fact that he would be gone for at least six months at a time, she didn’t show any sign of sadness. This confused John. 

She Was Happy

The day he left, he noticed the wide smile on her face. He was a tearful mess. He was going to miss waking up beside her every morning. He assumed that she was just excited for some alone time. 

But as he sat in the airplane, watching the city beneath him, he was completely unaware of his wife's whereabouts. 

Working Hard

The first few weeks were tough. John worked every day for hours on end. He was in the best shape of his life, and he barely had the time to think about his life at home. 

But one Thursday evening, he received a call that he never expected. It was Nadine, and she had important news to share. When she told John that she was pregnant with their first child, he cried with joy.

Sad Reality

John would only be home in nine months, and he was devastated that he wouldn’t be there to experience the wonders of pregnancy with his wife. But as the weeks turned into months, she was sure to keep him involved.

With every visit to the gynecologist, she sent her husband photos of the x-rays. She was carrying their first baby daughter, and he couldn’t wait to meet her.

Flying By

The months were passing fast, and John couldn’t wait for the day he got to fly home and see his wife and daughter. But there was just one issue. 

John wouldn’t be there for the birth of their first child. The due date was two weeks before he would return from the military. This bothered John, he knew he had to make a plan. But he wasn’t going to tell his wife about his plan.

A Big Day

As soon as he received the news that Nadine’s water had broken, he took the first flight home. When John showed up at the hospital that night, he expected it to be the best night of his life. For so long, he had been dreaming of this moment. He was finally about to become a father. 

He walked the long corridors, a smile on his face despite the nervous butterflies in his stomach. But why was he nervous? This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of his life. 


Before he knew it, he was sitting in the waiting room, excited to see his wife and the little bundle of joy he’d been dreaming about for the last nine months. Unfortunately, he couldn’t be by his wife’s side while she gave birth.

She had no idea that her husband had decided to fly down for the birth, which was why she’d asked someone else to accompany her in the delivery room. 

Waiting Nervously

John sat there for hours, nervously playing with his hands and staring into space. He kept wondering if his baby girl had been born yet. 

But just then, the door to the ward opened, and out came a nurse wheeling a hospital bed. The second his eyes landed on his wife with the baby in her arms, tears sprung to his eyes. But his heart dropped when he saw who was standing beside her. 

Someone Else

“John?” Nadine gasped, her face turning red as she stared at her husband in utter confusion. “What are you doing here?” She breathed.

John arose from his seat and stepped toward his wife and child, that’s when the man who had accompanied his wife in the delivery room spoke up. “John, it’s so nice to see you again,” He said casually. 


The man’s name was Simon, and he was one of John’s best friends. “What are you doing here?” John asked, his face twisted in confusion. He had no idea what was going on.

“Nadine came over for dinner tonight since she can’t cook for herself. When her water broke, I offered to drive her to the hospital. She asked me to stay for emotional support,” The man said without flinching.


John let out a sigh of relief. Simon’s story made sense, and he didn’t give it a second thought. He nodded, smiling politely. “Thank you so much for helping, man. As soon as I got the news, I got the first plane in,” John said, his heart full.

He turned to his wife and child, and that was when she placed the baby in his arms. His heart swelled. He loved her the second he saw her. Together, they made their way toward Nadine’s hospital room.

That Night

Simon left, and as soon as he did, Nadine fell asleep. John held onto the baby until the nurse from earlier came into the room. He placed the baby in her crib while the nurse worked on Nadine and the baby’s charts.

But as he stood beside the nurse, chatting about the days ahead, he noticed something on the chart. His blood ran cold.

Blood TypesBlood Types

Something didn’t make sense. Nadine and John had always donated blood together, and he knew for a fact that he and Nadine both had type A blood.

But when he checked the baby’s chart, it said her blood was type B. His eyes widened as he stared at the chart. It wasn’t possible. Had the nurses messed something up? They couldn’t have a type B child together. 

The Chart

John couldn’t believe his eyes. As he stared at the chart, his heart sank in disappointment. He was no fool, he knew exactly what this meant. For years, he’d worked himself to the bone for his wife, but now, she had betrayed him in the worst way possible.

He wiped the tears from his eyes. What had been happening for all those months while he was gone? He was about to learn the heartbreaking truth. 

A Question

“Can I ask you a question?” He turned to the nurse, tears burning behind his eyes. She looked up at him, a knowing look behind her sorrowful eyes. He took a deep breath and asked the question. “Who did my wife say the man was who was with her earlier?” 

A thick tension hung in the air as the woman looked up at him sadly. “She told us that he was the father of the child,” The nurse said, crushing his heart into smithereens. 

An Affair

John couldn’t believe his ears. All along, Nadine and Simon had been having an affair. Was that why she was so excited for him to leave for the military? Was it so that she could spend alone time with his best friend?

He sat there for hours in a state of shock. But eventually, he knew he had to make a decision. Writing a note to his wife, he knew that this would be the hardest thing he’d ever do.

Leaving Her

When Nadine awoke, he was already long gone. She read his note, which instantly had her calling his phone, begging for him to come back and speak about it. But he wasn’t interested. 

As far as he was concerned, they were already divorced. That day, he threw all of her belongings across his front yard and texted Simon to pick them up. He wanted nothing more to do with her. Eventually, he moved on, but Nadine never stopped regretting her decision. It was a decision that cost her the most amazing man she’d ever met.