Teacher Gives Boy Granola Bar, Has To Pay Family $1M

A Mother's Love

Pain. That's what flooded her veins as she listened to the police report. She tried her best to stay composed and pay attention but could only think about her sweet boy. 

She wiped away her tears, anger, and grief surging within her. That teacher would pay for what she had done.  

A Fresh Start

Moving to Carthage, Missouri, was supposed to be a fresh start for her and her fourteen-year-old son. After a year of endless issues culminating in a nasty divorce, she only wanted a clean slate. 

Everything was going great when she received the call from the school principal. From his tone, she knew something had gone terribly wrong. She'd be heartbroken when she reached the school. 

Her Dreams

Jessica Hayes was tired of life kicking her around. She'd always imagined that by the time she turned thirty, she'd have a big, happy, and stable family. 

After dating her high school sweetheart through college, she married him and had a beautiful son named Cody. However, her wonderful family life would come to an abrupt end. 

A Year Of Pain And Regret

Jessica didn't know her husband was being unfaithful until it was too late. A year of pain and regret followed, coming to a close in her divorce. 

Having no family nearby to fall back on, Jessica made the decision to move to Carthage. She'd heard that the cost of living there was lower and hoped it would be a great place to start fresh. If only she knew what awaited her there. 

Her Rock

Jessica was determined to give Cody a better life, so they packed all their belongings, called a moving truck, and relocated to Missouri. 

The move was chaotic, and the single mom felt like throwing in the towel a dozen times. But seeing the bright smile on Cody's face made her push on. It seemed she wasn't the only one who wanted a new beginning.

Settling In

The momma and her son settled into a small cozy apartment in a safe neighborhood. Jessica started scouring the town for work, hoping she and Cody wouldn't have to live off her savings for the rest of the year. 

She had experience as a hairdresser, so she reached out to different salons, giving them her resume. It wouldn't be a short time before she got a call for an interview. 

Cody Hayes

Cody had always wanted the best for her mom. He was the one who found out that his dad wasn't being faithful. Although he didn't want his parents to divorce, he knew it would be unfair not to tell his mom. 

His dad wasn't good to her. He always came home drunk, started fights, and broke things in their room. Just like his mom, Cody, too, needed to get away. 

Peace And Quiet

Carthage promised the peace he'd been searching for in the last few months. There was a tranquility to his neighborhood that he'd never experienced, a more colorful palette that wasn't there in his previous community. 

More than anything, his mom seemed happy. Of course, Cody could still sense her sadness. He hated that she was still hurting even after they'd moved states. He was hurting too. But all this would soon end. 

The Full School Experience

The high school that his mom enrolled him in was great. No kids called him names because of his dad's unsavory activities, and no teachers forced him into impromptu therapy sessions. 

As the new freshman on the block, Cody had his pick of new friends, ensuring he'd have people to help him forget his past. There was no place to go but up. 

A Good Experience

The first few weeks at the school were perfect. Cody, who had been struggling with his classes in his last school, was finally thriving academically.  

The classes were enjoyable, the students were warm and welcoming, and the teachers were informative and accommodating. But all this seemed to fade away when the new substitute teacher walked in.

A New Teacher

From what Cody heard around school, his biology teacher had just gone on maternity leave, which meant the school would bring in a substitute to cover for her. 

True enough, a new teacher walked into their next biology class, introducing herself as Ms. Davids, the new biology sub. But she didn't look like the typical teacher Cody was used to seeing. 

His Mom's Teaching

Cody had never been one to judge people on their looks or first impression. He understood that to know someone demanded several interactions with them.  

His mom had taught him this, and the advice had held fast for the fourteen years of his life. But he found it difficult not to pass judgment after his first interaction with Ms. Davids. 

A Different Teaching Style

The teacher seemed too engrossed in herself, asking one student to read a textbook passage as she retired to her phone.

She looked a few years younger than Cody's mom, dressed in jeans and a biker's jacket and chewing gum in class. She snapped her fingers at students and didn't bother to learn any of their names. But this was only the beginning.

Her Views

Ms. Davids’ views didn’t seem to fit with her role as a substitute biology teacher. To say that she knew anything about the subject would be an assumption.

Because instead of teaching biology, Ms. Davids gave a twenty-minute lecture about the nation's political climate. But that wasn’t even the worst part about this teacher. What she did to Cody couldn’t be excused as easily as her teaching style.

Any Biology?

For the remainder of the lesson, she handed out quizzes on topics the class still needed to cover. At least that was something, right?

Well, the teacher returned to her phone after that, leaving Cody and his fellow classmates baffled. But this was only the beginning of her long, tortuous reign. Her behavior was about to get a whole lot worse.

It Continues

The rest of the week’s biology classes followed exactly the same pattern. Ms. Davids would show up, discuss her political views, and give the students quizzes on topics they knew absolutely nothing about. 

One day, as Cody admired the mess before him, he wondered how on earth Ms. Davids managed to keep her job as a teacher. It was clear that she had no interest in what she was doing. And her attitude wasn’t really helping matters.

Something Different?

Then one day, Ms. Davids decided to do something new. She divided the students into groups. Cody was delighted. He thought they'd have a fun lesson for once. But that wasn’t the case.

Instead of a new approach, she just handed out even more quizzes before going to scroll her phone and even FaceTiming some of her friends. It couldn’t get worse, right? If only Cody knew what she'd do to him. 

It's Working

Apart from his experience with Ms. Davids, Cody enjoyed his time in Carthage. His mom would take him to the movies on Saturdays and play video games with him on Sundays. 

For the first time since the divorce, things were looking up, and Cody liked that. There was a look in his mother’s eyes lately. Something that told him everything would be okay.

Feeling Better

He could see the pain in her eyes ebb. She seemed less troubled of late, and he was here for it. It was a nice thought, knowing that their life was getting back on track.

But Cody was unaware that something tragic was about to happen. He had no idea how much grief was about to strike his mother. 

A Few Things

There were only a few things that Cody truly cared about. Top of this list was his mom. He would give anything to see her smile. All he wanted was for her to be happy, after all. 

He'd been there through her traumatic marriage and saw it as his responsibility to help her forget her pain. But could he save her from the pain his suffering would cause?

Top Two

The second on his list was his new school, which had given him friends and was actively helping him work through his past. A lot of his wounds have healed since he joined that school. But lately, things weren’t the same.

There was definitely an issue with Ms. Davids, and Cody didn’t like it. But what could he do? She would be gone soon enough. But before she left, she would set her eyes on poor Cody. 

A Simple Request

It all started when Cody whispered something to his best friend, Tim, while in her class. Cody had a simple question for his friend. He had no idea that it would cause a world of trouble. 

But unfortunately, things got out of hand, and in the end, Cody would pay the price for his disobedience. What would the substitute teacher force him to do?

Second Last Period

It happened in the second to last period of the day. And Cody wouldn’t have done anything if he had another choice. 

But sadly, he felt the urge to act on his instincts, and it didn’t sit too well with Ms. Davids. She hated it when her orders were disobeyed, and she would make sure everyone knew about it.

Just A Bite

Cody had missed lunch because he was studying for an English quiz. He wouldn’t have thought about it, but he saw his friend eating a muffin that was hidden under his desk. 

Cody was starving, so he called his friend to ask if he could have a bite. He had no idea that the question would put him in a life-threatening situation.

Sharing Is Caring

The request was harmless, and Cody was sure to keep his voice low so he wouldn't disturb the class or pull Ms. Davids from her phone. 

His stomach grumbled as he tried to convince his friend to share his snack. The friend, Tim, was in the middle of dividing the muffin when the teacher materialized above them. 

Taking Offense

For someone who didn't seem to care about her student's welfare, Ms. Davids took offense to the two students talking and eating during class. 

She snatched the muffin from Tim's hands and crumbled it within her fist. But that was just the beginning of her act. Things were about to get a whole lot worse.


"Stand!" Ms. Davids barked as she slapped her hand down on his desk. Cody shot to his feet, not knowing what else to do, but his friend, Tim, didn't. 

He should have known this wouldn't end well, but it seemed like the boy was feeling daring. If only he knew what the consequences of his actions would be. 

Go To The Front

"I said, stand," Ms. Davids snarled, plucking the chewing gum from her mouth and stuffing it into Tim's hair. 

The class gasped as she rubbed it into his hair, ensuring it tangled through the curls down to his scalp. But if they thought that was the end of her rant, they were in for a massive surprise.

Nowhere Near The End

It was a shocking sight, especially for a group of young children who looked up to their teachers for guidance and assistance. 

It was clear that everyone in the class was terrified by what they had witnessed. But it was nowhere near the end. The next step Ms. Davids would take would be far more extreme.


"You," she said as she pointed at Cody. Her irises were shining so menacingly that the fourteen-year-old stepped back. "Go to the front."

Cody was beyond scared. He had seen Ms. Davids do a lot in her time as their substitute teacher. But what she had done on that day was going too far. Unfortunately, things were only going to get worse.

Noise-Making Is Illegal

Cody walked to the front of the class in silence. After seeing what Ms. Davids had done to Tim's hair, he knew his punishment would be scary. 

"Why were you making noise when I specifically asked the class to focus on the quiz?" Ms. Davids asked. Cody swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.

A Little Hungry

"I was a little hungry," Cody stammered. "I haven't eaten anything since this morning. I only wanted a small bite of his muffin."

He had never been as ashamed as he was at that moment. He tried to be quiet about the situation, but Ms. Davids forced him to speak up in front of all his classmates. Could it get any worse than that?

Unexpected Response

Ms. Davids stared at Cody with livid eyes. "Eating in class is not allowed," she said in a low tone. She stalked up to the teen, making him take another step back.

He had no idea what to expect, especially not after what she did to his friend. But Ms. Davids walked right past Cody and reached for her purse. 

Eat This

She reached in and fished out a granola bar. "Eat this," she said, half threateningly and half caringly. At the sight of the snack in her hand, Cody turned pale. 

It was a generous offer, but there was absolutely no way he could ever accept it.  If he did, he would be signing his own death warrant.

I Can't

Cody took another step away from her with his arms raised up high. His voice cracked a little as he whispered, "I can't."  

In that instant, Ms. Davids’ expression changed. Her brows furrowed as her eyes darted between the boy and the granola bar she was holding. What was she thinking? Would she accept his reason and move on?

I Insist

"What?" the slight concern that had been in Ms. Davids' voice had all but melted away. "You're going to eat this now," she declared before forcing the bar onto Cody's hand. "Eat it!"

"I can't, Miss," Cody responded. "I'm allergic to nuts." A muscle ticked in Ms. Davids' jaw. She stepped up to him. This would end with the authorities flocking to the school ground.

Forcing Him

Ms. David snatched the bar from Cody's hand and ripped it open. The class was silent now. They were watching intently as she snapped the bar into two and handed one half to Cody. 

"You are going to eat this, or I swear I will make your life miserable," she snapped before taking a seat on her desk. Her eyes were burning into Cody. It was like she was daring him to stand up to her. 

Should He Eat It?

Cody looked down at the granola bar in his hand. He knew eating it would end badly for him. But he couldn't land himself in any trouble with the school. 

It was a difficult decision for a boy his age to make. But he was in the deep end now, and there was no other way out. Should he worry his mom? Or should he just take the risk?

He Couldn’t

He couldn't put his mom through more problems than she was already dealing with. It was the whole reason he kept quiet about Ms. Davids in the first place. 

But eating that bar would come with risks, he knew all too well. However, there was always a way out of an allergic attack. And it was sitting in his backpack. Would that be enough?

Thinking It Through

Cody could use his EpiPen to shoot the antidote into his system after eating the bar, and everything would return to normal. 

At least, that was what he thought. With that thought in mind, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for what he was about to feel. He took a tiny bite, hoping to satiate the teacher.  But it wasn’t enough.

Urging Him On

Ms. Davids gestured for him to take another bite, egging him on until he finished the entire half bar. Cody could feel the effect kicking in almost immediately, but his teacher wouldn’t give in.

She was about to hand him the second half when something terrible happened. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. And that was when he knew how bad the situation really was. 

It Burns

A hot, painful sensation burned through Cody, wrenching a moan from him. His skin started to burn from the inside out as his tongue began to swell. 

His mind started clouding as his body went into survival mode. And the only thing he could think of was getting to his bag so he could get rid of this terrible feeling. But it was already too late.

Can’t Breathe

He started coughing as breathing became impossible. It took the last of his strength to hold and rub at his chest in hopes of alleviating the discomfort. His reaction was worse than ever before.

Cody collapsed to his knees as his body started shutting down. And his teacher was doing absolutely nothing to help him. Did anyone understand what he was going through?

Getting Worse

Cody tried everything his frazzled mind could think of. But the sensation just kept getting worse. It felt like someone had parked a car on his chest. Like he was drowning in the air that surrounded him.

And the only thing that could help him was just outside of his grasp. At that point, he could no longer see a way out.

With The Help Of Friends

He couldn't breathe. He couldn’t think. The world around him was starting to darken. He knew he had reached the end. If he didn’t get help immediately, he wouldn’t make it.

But before he could process what was happening, two of his friends picked him up, and they dragged him all the way to the school nurse.

Benadryl And Epinephrine

The nurse saw Cody and immediately jumped into action. She shot Cody with Benadryl in a bid to reverse the aggressive allergic reaction. 

But when it was clear that his condition was only worsening, she gave him an epinephrine shot. She tried everything she could. But ultimately, there was only one thing she could do to help the boy.


Seeing that her efforts weren’t working, the nurse took that ultimate step. Her struggles to remain calm were evident as she reached for her phone and called the emergency room.

She explained the situation to the operator, and within a matter of minutes, the paramedics were storming through her door. Would they be able to save him?

How Could She Be So Cruel?

Pain flared through Cody's mom’s heart as she listened to the officer reading the police report. She could barely speak and had been crying since she arrived at the hospital earlier that day. 

But the more she heard about what happened that day, the more upset she became. She simply couldn’t believe that a person could be so cruel.

So Many Thoughts

How could everything go south so fast? Wasn't this supposed to be her and Cody's fresh start? How could a teacher be so cruel? How could she ignore the boy’s pleas even after telling her he was allergic to nuts?

But his mother didn’t hear the entire story yet. And when she did, it would force her to take the kind of action she never thought she would have to take.

It's Not Looking Good

Jessica sniffled as she watched the doctors work on her son. They'd put him on life support, saying they were doing everything possible to save him. But it wasn't looking good from where she stood. 

The mom wiped away the tears that had marked her face. Anger and grief surged within her. Ms. Davids had knowingly done this to her son. She would pay dearly for her actions. 

Two Whole Days

Jessica sat in the intensive care unit for two whole days. That was how long it took for the doctors to get Cody into a stable, manageable condition.

For the entire time, he had been on the brink of death. And that left his mother with a lot of mixed feelings. She was broken, but at the same time, she had a need to get revenge.

Visiting His Friend

Things took a turn for the worst when Tim came to visit Cody. He had told Jessica exactly what had happened in the class, and it made the blood in her veins evaporate.

Tim, along with all the other students, were concerned about their own safety after they saw what happened to Cody. And that was something Jessica couldn’t ignore.

A Week And A Half

After Cody woke up, he had to stay in the hospital for a week and a half. His friends came to visit him every day. But it was his mother who had him concerned. 

He had never seen her that angry before. But that was the least of his concerns. His mom had changed, and that was what frightened him the most.

Muted Phone Calls

The worst part of the shift in his mom’s behavior was that she would often have agitated yet muted phone calls. And a strange man had pulled her from his room the other night. 

What was going on? Who was the man that pulled her out of the room? And who was she calling at all times of the day and night?

Action Vs. Reaction

It was only when Cody got home that his mom informed him that the man she was seeing and speaking to was a lawyer. She had called him in order to deal with the case she was about to open against Ms. Davids.

Cody was speechless. He never wanted things to go that far. But was there any way he could stop his mother?

Seeing Her Side

Cody tried to reason with his mother. But she was beyond the point of negotiations. And he couldn’t really blame her. He could’ve died that day.

Plus, he wasn’t the only child who suffered at the hands of Ms. Davids. And he didn’t want any of his friends to go through any of that mistreatment again. Would a judge see things differently?

A Long Trial

Within a couple of months, Cody and his mother were standing in a courtroom. When his mother spoke about how she felt those days, his heart shattered. Tears were streaming down her face as she recalled the events. And Tim’s testimony only added to the hurt.

But when Ms. Davids spoke, the severity of the matter actually set in.

Her Testimony

From her testimony, everyone in the courtroom could tell that the woman had no remorse for what she did to Cody. In fact, it actually seemed like she was proud of herself.

And even though Cody didn’t care about any of that, the judge clearly did, and he wasn’t about to hold his tongue. Ms. Davids was in more trouble than she ever could’ve imagined.

The Verdict

The trial had two sections. The case filed by Jessica requested the cost of their medical bills and a suit for pain and suffering, as the event was just too much for her to handle. 

They won the case, and Ms. Davids had to pay a total of $1 million to Cody and his mother.

The State Case

The second was a case filed by the state, and it revolved around the endangerment of children. Ms. Davids lost that case as well. She was arrested for child endangerment, bodily harm, and attempted murder. 

For those charges, Ms. Davids not only lost her teaching license. She was also arrested and faced a minimum of two years without parole.