The Shocking News
Mary Cove returned home from her doctor’s appointment, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. She had news to share with her husband, Chandler—news she thought would bring joy.

Sitting across from him, she took a deep breath and delivered the life-changing announcement. But instead of happiness, his face twisted with anger. What happened next would leave Mary questioning everything.
Feeling Unwell
Mary woke up early that morning with a sinking feeling. For days, she’d been plagued by nausea and fatigue, and the discomfort was growing worse.

Determined to find answers, she scheduled a visit to her doctor. As she prepared to leave the house, she greeted Chandler, hopeful that the appointment would provide clarity about her symptoms.
The Long Wait
Sitting in the doctor’s waiting room, Mary couldn’t help but feel anxious. Memories of her last visit, which had ended in heartbreak, weighed heavily on her mind.

As she waited, every passing minute seemed to stretch into eternity. Finally, the receptionist called her name, and Mary’s heart sank as she prepared to hear the doctor’s findings.
A Puzzling Reaction
Mary explained her symptoms to Dr. Page, who listened carefully, peering at her over his glasses. “I’ve been feeling nauseous, especially in the mornings,” she said nervously.

The doctor’s expression shifted slightly, his brow furrowed in thought. “We’ll need to run some tests,” he said, leaving Mary uneasy as she noticed the curious look on his face.
A Lengthy Examination
Mary spent hours at the clinic as Dr. Page ran a series of tests. Alone in his office, she sat with her face in her hands, dreading the results.

When the doctor finally entered the room, holding a piece of paper, his expression caught her attention. His eyes held a flicker of disbelief, and Mary’s heart raced as she braced herself for what he would say.
The Results Are In
“Is something wrong?” Mary asked, her voice trembling. Dr. Page didn’t respond immediately as he sat down at his desk, taking a deep breath.

“Mrs. Cove,” he began cautiously, “your test results reveal something we didn’t expect.” His tone was serious but laced with an underlying astonishment that left Mary on edge.
A Miracle Revealed
Dr. Page explained that Mary was pregnant—a revelation she thought was impossible after years of struggling with fertility issues. Though she was nervous, joy overwhelmed her. This was the dream she had held onto for so long, finally coming true.

Rushing home to share the incredible news, Mary was unprepared for Chandler’s unexpected reaction, which revealed a side of him she had never seen before.
A Love Story Begins
Mary often thought back to the night she met Chandler in Houston, Texas. Their blind date had started with low expectations but ended with sparks flying.

By their third date, Mary knew Chandler was the one. She imagined a future with him as her husband and the father of her children, a vision that brought her endless joy.
The Promise He Made
At 32, Chandler was older and more established than his 26-year-old wife, but their age difference never mattered.

As a successful businessman, Chandler promised Mary the life she had always dreamed of: a happy home and a family. For years, she shared her desire to become a stay-at-home mother, and he assured her they would have children—when the time was right.
A Growing Impatience
After their wedding, the couple moved into a beautiful home close to Chandler’s office. For two years, Mary stayed patient, waiting for the right time to start a family.

Eventually, she brought up the subject again, explaining, “The older I get, the riskier it is to have a baby.” She hoped Chandler would understand, but his hesitance left her worried. Something about his reaction felt uncertain, and Mary began to question whether his promises would ever come true.
But behind Chandler’s bright blue eyes, she could tell that he was hesitant. She was about to ask him what was going on, but before she could, he responded. Suddenly, the concern on his face was replaced with a confident, laid-back smile.

“You’re right, now is a perfect time,” He said. Mary was so excited that she completely forgot about the uncertainty behind his eyes. She pulled him into a hug, her heart pounding in her chest.
She Couldn’t Wait
For all her life, Mary knew that she was destined to become a mother, and the time had finally come for them to start trying for a baby. They began trying right away. It was one of the happiest times of Mary’s life.

Each morning, she would awake with a smile on her face. She knew that as soon as they welcomed a baby into the world, she would have a reason to get out of bed every morning. But she had no idea what challenges awaited her.
High Hopes
Mary took her first test after the first month, but to her disappointment, it came back negative. But her hopes remained high. She knew that it took some women months and even years to finally fall pregnant.

She kept her head held high as the weeks passed. But it wasn’t long before she began noticing a change in her husband. Suddenly, Chandler wasn’t his usual bubbly self anymore.
Too Afraid To Ask
In the back of her mind, Mary knew something was up, but she was too afraid to ask her husband what was going on. But after weeks of slowly watching him transform into a shell of his old self, she finally decided to ask him what was going on.

That night, Mary sat with her husband and asked him how he really felt about the matter, but he said something surprised her.
“I guess I’m just a little nervous,” he said, shrugging his shoulders and placing a reassuring hand on her knee. Mary understood where he was coming from. After all, it was a big step. “I’m just hoping that we’re ready for it,” He said.

Mary nodded understandingly and gave her husband a supportive hug. But what she didn’t know was that he was hiding a dark secret.
Mary was grateful that her husband was so open and honest about how he felt. She reassured him along the way, unaware of what was to come. But when the fourth month passed, and Mary’s fourth test came back negative, she began to worry that something was wrong.

“I just don’t understand why I’m not pregnant yet. It’s been four months, and there’s nothing. I think we should see a doctor,” she told Chandler.
A Reminder
Mary was freaking out, but Chandler kept reminding her that it would take some time. She had to be patient. “It takes years for some women to finally get pregnant. We’ve only been trying for four months. Everything will be okay,” Chandler told her.

She knew he was right, but she couldn’t help it. She had a terrible gut feeling that something was wrong.
An Appointment
Two more months passed, and Mary couldn’t take it anymore. She decided that it was finally time to pay her doctor a visit. She scheduled an appointment with her doctor on Monday morning and arrived just on time.

She wanted to know if she was the problem. When she stepped into Dr. Page’s office, she was a nervous wreck. “What can I help you with today?” The old man asked.
Mary took a seat in front of him and immediately opened up about what had been going on. The doctor listened intently. Mary remained at the doctor’s office for more than two hours as he conducted all kinds of fertility tests.

Her heart was pounding in her chest the entire time. “Once we get the results of these tests, I will be in contact with you,” The doctor said before she left his office. She didn’t feel good about it.
A Gut Feeling
That day, Mary went home with a knot in her stomach. She couldn’t help but feel like something terrible was going to happen. She sat quietly in her house for hours, her mind consumed by a thousand thoughts a second. What if she couldn’t have children?

For all her life, she thought she was meant to be a mother. What if her body wasn’t made to carry a child? She was terrified.
A Long Wait
What followed was the worst week of Mary’s life. She spent every waking moment waiting, desperate for the test results. Chandler remained by her side, supporting her through every terrible feeling. She was grateful to have him by her side.

But when the following Monday rolled around, she remained close to her cell phone, waiting for the call that would change her life.
He Called
She spent that entire morning sitting on the couch, waiting for her phone to ring. It wasn’t until 1 p.m. that the doctor finally called. Mary’s stomach twisted into a tight knot as she stared at the number on the screen. She took a deep breath and brought the phone to her ear.

“Mrs. Cove,” Dr. Page said on the other end of the phone, “We have your test results back from the lab.”
The Truth
That day, Mary received the news she hoped she would never have to hear. She had severe endometriosis, which made it close to impossible to fall pregnant. Mary’s entire world came crashing down around her when those words left the doctor’s lips. She couldn’t believe it.

She was meant to be a mother, but he body wouldn’t let her. She hung up the phone without a word and let the tears slip from her eyes.
The Worst Day
That was one of the worst days of her life. For years, she had dreamed of becoming a mother, but in that moment, she knew she never would. Mary was a mess for that entire day.

By the time Chandler got home from work, she could hardly see out of her red and puffy eyes. As soon as he saw the state she was in, he knew what was wrong. But little did Mary know that he would soon betray her in the worst way possible.
By Her Side
Mary and Chandler spoke for hours on end about what the doctor had said. She poured her heart out to the man she loved. Chandler remained by her side and held her as she cried. “I don’t know if I will ever be okay again,” She admitted.

Her heart had been broken into smithereens, and she didn’t know how to pick up the pieces. But that night, she noticed something rather odd.
A Realization
She sat on the couch with her husband for the entire time, and he never seemed all that upset. He didn’t shed a single tear. This confused Mary. As far as she could remember, he’d always agreed when she spoke about her dreams of becoming a parent.

But why did it seem like he didn’t care? She wanted to ask him about it, but she was far too exhausted. All she wanted to do was lay in bed and wait for the days to pass.
A Harsh Reminder
Mary spent weeks in bed, mourning the loss of her biggest dream. Chandler went to work as usual while she stayed home all day. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened.

Every morning, when she awoke, she was reminded of the fact that she would never have children of her own. But by the time the fourth week passed, she knew it was time to get up and move on. But she had no idea what tragedy awaited her.
Working On Herself
For weeks, Mary did everything in her power to improve her mental state. From regular walks in the park to speaking to close friends and family, she tried everything. But she still couldn’t understand how Chandler had just moved on with his life like nothing had happened. She felt weird about it.

But the more she thought about it, the stranger it seemed. Not only did he seem to be doing fine, but he appeared to be doing better than ever before.
Not Phased
Mary just couldn’t understand it. It was the worst thing that had ever happened to her, and her husband was living his life normally. She tried not to think about it too much.

She told herself that this was his way of coping. He was just moving on with his life. It took a few months of actively working on herself, but eventually, Mary began to feel better. She knew she couldn’t change anything.
Back To Normal
After the third month, she began going out with friends and family again. Chandler was delighted to see this positive change.

Although she wasn’t back to her usual self just yet, Chandler made an effort to take her on a date every few weeks. This seemed to help her move past what had happened. But one week, something bizarre happened.
When Mary awoke that Monday morning, she could instantly tell that something wasn’t right. She felt uncomfortable just lying in her own bed. She slowly sat up, groaning to herself as she rubbed her stomach.

Their bed was empty already. Chandler had gone to work. Mary assumed she had some kind of stomach virus as she left the bedroom and went to make herself a cup of coffee.
She Was Sick
That morning, Mary took it easy. She enjoyed a warm cup of coffee before trying to eat a bowl of bran for breakfast. But as soon as she brought the spoon of bran up to her face and caught a whiff of the cereal, her stomach dropped.

She instantly knew she was going to be sick. She quickly got up from the breakfast table and ran for the bathroom.
A Day Or Two
Mary expected her stomach virus to last only a day or two. But the days passed, and she was only getting worse. It got to the point where she could hardly stand the scent of her own perfume. She felt nauseous all the time, and she couldn’t understand why.

It was Thursday afternoon when she finally decided to call Dr. Page and schedule an appointment for the very next day.
Getting Worse
Mary woke up just after 7 a.m. on Friday morning with a knot in her stomach. She had been feeling unwell for the past few days. Although she had scheduled an appointment with her doctor, she could feel something wrong in her stomach.

She had been nauseous and fatigued for days, and she wanted to know what was going on. She greeted Chandler before leaving the house.
Waiting for the doctor was excruciating. She received the most heartbreaking news from her doctor the last time she saw him. Her dread of being there was outweighed by her desperate need for help. Throughout the week, she felt terrible.

“Mrs. Cove,” The receptionist called through the small waiting room, “Dr. Page will see you now.” Mary’s heart dropped.
The Details
Mary sat in front of the elderly doctor, who peered at her through his glasses. She detailed what had happened the previous week. “I’ve been feeling really sick, especially in the morning," she said, rubbing her sweaty palms against her jeans.

She noticed the strange look on Dr. Page’s face as she listed her symptoms. Something wasn’t right. “I would like to run some tests,” he said.
She Needed Answers
Mary spent hours at the doctor's office as he ran test after test. She began to wonder if there was something seriously wrong with her.

After a while, she found herself alone in his office. Her face was buried in her hands as she awaited the doctor's verdict. But when he stepped through the door with a sheet of paper in his hands, she instantly noticed the surprise behind his eyes.
The Truth
“Is everything okay, doctor?” She asked in a shaky voice. But Dr. Page said nothing as he quickly walked toward his desk and took a seat. Taking a deep breath, he glanced at Mary over the brim of his glasses once again.

The discovery he had made left him speechless. “Mrs. Cove,” he began and swallowed loudly. I have the results of one of your tests, and it was not something we were expecting,” he said.
Mary learned that day that the impossible had happened. After all of those fertility issues, she was pregnant with their first child. Despite being extremely nervous and freaking out, Mary was overjoyed at the realization that her dream was finally coming true.

Tears welled up behind her eyes. She thanked the doctor again and again before leaving his office. She had to tell Chandler. If only she could’ve known what was about to happen.
Fantastic News
As soon as Mary stepped through the front door, she called out for her husband, desperate to tell him the fantastic news.

She imagined Chandler would be as excited as she was. She found him in the kitchen, eating lunch alone. When Chandler laid eyes on her, he quickly noticed the large grin on her face. But their lives were about to fall apart.
Telling Him
Mary could hardly speak as she ran up to her husband and took a seat beside him, her eyes wet with happy tears. Just then, the words left her mouth, “I’m pregnant! The doctor said it was nearly impossible, but I’m pregnant!” She cheered.

She laughed out in glee, but as she looked at her husband’s face, she noticed that he was anything but happy.
An Unexpected Reaction
The second those words left her mouth, Chandler’s face fell. A deep frown tugged at his eyebrows. He was upset. Mary noticed immediately. The smile fell from her face as she stared at him. “Honey, are you okay?” she asked.

But he hardly responded. Instead, he buried his head in his hands and shook it. She was about to learn the truth about the man she’d married.
What’s Going On?
Mary stared in confusion as he seemed to have some kind of meltdown. “Chandler, what’s going on?” She asked again.

Finally, he snapped. Standing up from his seat, he ran a hand through his hair. “Gosh, Mary! Don’t you get it? I don’t want any children!” He exclaimed. Mary was caught off guard as she stared at him with wide eyes. “I thought you couldn’t have children! I thought I was in the clear!”
Not Enough
She couldn’t believe her ears as he lashed out in front of her. “I only said I wanted kids so you’d marry me. Am I not enough? Why do you need kids?” He asked. Her heart shattered in her chest as she put two and two together.

That was why he always seemed so weird about the topic. She couldn’t take it. “We’re done. I am leaving you, and you will never see me or this child ever again,” She said. She couldn’t believe she had been lied to.
She Deserved Better
That afternoon, she drove to her sister’s house and told her about every last detail. Chandler tried to call, but she wouldn’t answer. She never wanted to see him again. While she was feeling broken inside, he was celebrating the fact that she couldn’t have a baby.

She filed for divorce the very next day. Although she had a tough road ahead of her, she was grateful for what was to come. She knew she deserved better.