There is no shortage of options when it comes to gaining knowledge about things that are out there in the world. The issue with statistics is that explaining something concretely as an accurate statistic takes a lot of research, analysis, and understanding of various data points and trends from multiple sources. Nevertheless, we gain a better experience of specific patterns occurring in the world thanks to the statistics provided by public and commercial organizations.

Though some people assume statistics are uninteresting, we know this isn’t the case. So, we searched for the world's facts that are both fascinating and surprising. To prove the astonishing value of statistics, what follows is a list full of the information you would never have been able to predict without the help of numbers.
Let's take a look at some statistics that gave us a fresh perspective on the world!
The Most Pilfered Book in the World
Of all the books for people to steal, it’s hilarious that the Bible is the most common. Isn’t there some rule in there about not taking what doesn’t belong to you? We wonder how these Bible thieves justify their behavior.

Yes, that’s right – the Bible is the most commonly shoplifted book in the world. We’re sure Christians would like to think that it’s because people want to learn about God. However, it’s more likely that the Bible simply has a reliable resale value.
Murderous Cats
Several factors determine the likelihood of a species enduring the test of time, and each of these factors impacts the overall success rate of various species. Specific flora and fauna require hospitable surroundings to flourish. They must also be located in remote areas away from dangerous predators to survive.

Certain species of birds in Australia are doomed to extinction due to the presence of feral cats. It isn't easy to fathom how quickly these cats are ending Australian birds' lives. How is it even possible that these cats murder over a million birds every single day?
In the Event of an Emergency
Though many people around the globe regard the United States as exceptional, others do not agree. There are undoubtedly beautiful aspects to the land of the free, but there are also some that people wish they could change.

It's absurd to think that 40% of Americans can't "afford" to have an emergency. The thing about a true emergency is that you can’t plan it or decide when to have it. Emergencies are incidents for which individuals typically have no way to prepare. So what do Americans do if they need an ambulance but don't have the money to call one?
A Horrifying New Diet
It's common knowledge that many people attempt to slim down so they can look and feel better. And while there's no magic bullet for ensuring the pounds stay off, some routines can help.

We don't know how they do it, but Formula 1 drivers are rumored to shed up to 5 kilograms (11 pounds) with each race. While F1 racing isn't universally recognized as a sport, this kind of weight loss has us thinking that maybe it should be everyone's new cardio.
Keep an Eye Out
No one can predict where we will end up after we die. The concept of death is so overwhelming, daunting, and scary that most people try to disregard it. Of course, that doesn’t mean it won’t come for you one day, and it may come in the most unexpected form.

Though sharks are undoubtedly terrifying, the likelihood of getting killed by one is significantly lower than the risk of being killed by a vending machine. The truth is that shark attacks cause relatively few fatalities.
Poor Birds
Many species of animals are lost to extinction every year. And while many hold the view that extinction isn't so horrible because it's an example of natural selection, they're mistaken. Many animals are going extinct now for reasons that humans have brought about.

Are you familiar with the African grey parrot in its natural habitat? There's a 99% chance that you haven't seen one, as almost all of them vanished sometime around 1992. To ensure the survival of their species, zoos house all of the world's surviving wild African grey bandits.
Countless Possibilities
The Earth has limitless resources, despite appearances to the contrary. Thankfully, we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of all the possibilities yet to be discovered, whether we're talking about the spiritual, physical, or mental realms.

We are given the impression that there is an infinite number of atoms when we study them in school. Did you know there are more possible card permutations than there are atoms? We understand that this seems to oppose everything you learned in your seventh-grade science class, but bear with us: it turns out that this is indeed the case.
Oh, Deere!
We will all find ourselves in comparable situations at some point in our lives, whether because we purposely did something risky, were involved in a freak accident, or fell victim to an illness. If only there were equal opportunities for all.

So far this year, lawnmowers have been responsible for 46 deaths in the United States. Unfortunately, lawnmower accidents of this severity are real. We have no idea how they go down, and we don’t want the details. All we do know is that a license to possess one of these might be necessary.
Bad Day
Many people have a hard time in life, even though it may not appear that way. People today are masters at hiding their less admirable or attractive aspects. These same people may be internally pleading for assistance.

Mental illness is less of a social taboo than it once was in today's society. Because of our progress as a culture, people now feel more comfortable discussing their emotions in public. In some way, shape, or form, everyone experiences difficulties with their mental health.
The Bitter Truth
It feels like we have all spent days learning CPR, yet we still need to feel confident that we'll ever be able to perform it effectively on another person. Many individuals assume that a defibrillator will always be available; therefore, they only need to learn how to use the machine properly.

However, a defibrillator isn't always readily available, and the odds of survival without one are low. Without a defibrillator, the odds of survival are slim, even if CPR has been conducted flawlessly.
So Many Popes
Some cultural traditions can't be found anywhere else in the world. There's something special about every nation, city, town, and region on Earth. And while every location has unique qualities, some have features that stand out even more.

For instance, in what other place besides the Vatican would you find 2.3% popes per square mile? Although it may be amusing to quantify popes in this way, it is accurate. There is no other place on Earth with such a high concentration of popes.
English Speakers
There is little doubt that proficiency in English is now a prerequisite for full participation in our rapidly evolving global community. Still, it is not generally assumed that English-speaking countries have a greater level of English than non-English-speaking nations.

Some nations have English as their dominant language, despite having native speakers of other languages. Examples include Canada and Sweden. Though most of Canada is English-speaking, some regions of Canada are predominantly French-speaking, so Canadians may not necessarily speak better English than Swedes.
A New Set
Although some facts support the idea that humans are the dominant species on Earth, we are far from the only ones in history. Humans have been around for a long time, yet throughout history, every population of Homo sapiens has had a unique set of physical characteristics, cultural norms, and genetics.

If we know the age of the oldest human on Earth, then we can say definitively that their age plus one year ago, there was a completely different set of people on the planet. Humans, like all other life on Earth, undergo periodic evolutionary changes, and this statistic can help you grasp our evolution.
Who Needs School?
When it comes to helping more young people afford higher education, nations vary significantly in their assistance. Only some countries encourage their youth to pursue tertiary qualifications. While having a college degree may be considered "normal" in some countries, this is not necessarily the case in others.

Only 20% of Italians have completed tertiary education. An advanced degree certainly helps, but a degree is optional for success in today's society. While there are some industries where no formal training or experience is acceptable, others require a degree, even in Italy.
Only 384,400 Kilometers
Numerous aspects of our reality remain mysterious. But there are a few things we know about our solar system. For example, all the planets in our galaxy could fit in the space between our planet and our moon.

While this may not seem possible, our solar system's planets could fit in the distance between Earth and the Moon. This isn’t the most shocking information ever posted online, but we still think it's cool because it's about our solar system. Excuse us while we go and adjust our solar system project!
Who Would’ve Guessed?
There's no shortage of fast-food restaurants in the United States. People rarely have to go without their usual fast food fare of burgers and fries because there are many options for where to dine.

Perhaps we spoke too soon, though. There are reportedly more State Farm offices than McDonald's locations in the United States. The public has an equal need for health care and greasy, sugary fast food. But we're confident you can still find many fast-food restaurants in the area.
An Extensive Fence
Australia is one of those countries that, no matter how familiar its inhabitants become with the rest of the world, will always look strange to those who have never lived there. People here tend to think outside the box because of the strangeness of the creatures and the terrain.

Did you know a fence in Australia stretches for a whopping 5,531 kilometers? Between 1800 and 1900, the dingo barrier fence was built to keep rabbits off farms. The Eastern Queensland section of this barrier extends roughly the length of New York to London before terminating at the South Australian border.
Bed Sheet Woes
Some of us may believe that we know all possible ways to leave this planet, but we are here to tell you that you are wrong. The thought of death strikes fear in most people, but what if we told you that you use a particularly deadly item daily?

Have you heard that some people have choked to death on their sheets? You're probably wondering, "how does this even happen?" The truth is, we have no idea. What happened to turn a decent night's rest into a death match? We didn't know that something so remarkably tranquil could be so vicious.
Dedicated to Their Memory
It's safe to conclude that our current era is vastly different from before the two world wars. The thought of a global conflict may seem unfamiliar to those who entered the world in the 21st century. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who had to endure such armed conflicts, as many of us have never experienced the turmoil.

While the preceding sections of this article have contained exciting data, this part is far more somber. Eighty percent of all male Soviet infants born in 1923 did not survive World War II. They probably didn't have much choice except to enlist in the red army.
Canada’s Truce with Sharks
The animosity between the United States and Canada is well-documented. It's as if the proximity of these two countries, which has caused so much tension between them, is the source of sibling rivalry. But if there's one thing the Canadians excel at, it's avoiding shark attacks.

We're sure Canada is a great location because there have been only ten confirmed shark attacks since 1874. While it stands to reason that colder water temperatures would reduce the likelihood of shark attacks, this is still a flex that belongs only to Canada.
Lift Women Up
Many facets of life go unnoticed in our culture. Many people have been conditioned to keep quiet about the emotional discomfort they feel about specific subjects because they fear what others might think. Putting off contemplation of a traumatic event can be helpful for some, but there are better approaches.

We were taken aback by this number. Twenty percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, and that’s only counting the known losses. Having a miscarriage that you know is more than just a "late period" must be excruciatingly difficult for all involved.
Go After What You Love
More people than ever before are encouraging you to go for what you love. And while that's theoretically sound advice, not everyone can just up and quit their day job to pursue their passion, particularly when they need more resources to succeed.

It's vital to realize that while this may be the truth of someone else's life, it isn't always your reality. It's okay if you don't love your job to pieces! When the timing is right, you can go after your goals and build the life you've always wanted.
We're Young
When discussing the history of our species, it is common to make it sound much more ancient than it is. Yes, Homo sapiens have been around for a very long time and have gone through many physical incarnations. However, current-day culture is far younger than popular belief would have you believe.

A span of 200 thousand years may seem like an eternity, and it is, but it isn't as long as some would have you believe. Modern urban life, literacy, and other aspects of our culture are comparatively recent developments. What we have accomplished in such a short time is remarkable.
One of the World's Highest Points
Climbing Mount Everest has been a lifelong goal for many outdoor enthusiasts. Mountaineers and trekkers worldwide are familiar with Everest, the highest point on Earth. So many have tried, yet so few have reached the peak.

Shockingly, Mount Everest has grown even taller since the last time its dimensions were recorded, which we didn't think was possible. We don't know how this happened, but it could make it more challenging for some people to climb Mount Everest.
A Bit Wiffy
Though English is the official language in many countries, there are still subtle differences in how various regions pronounce certain words. There are moments when hearing a new pronunciation is fascinating, but there are also occasions when it sounds completely wrong.

We may safely assume that anyone who refers to wifi as “wiffy” is severely intoxicated. What possible reason could there be for pronouncing wifi in that manner? If you’re wondering where these wiffy people are, we have encountered them in Spain and France, so maybe it’s a European thing.
Yes, Jackpot!
It's not uncommon for people to be terrified of sharks, even if they have no reason to be. Since they are one of the most fearsome species in history, this is understandable. There's a good reason they share DNA with dinosaurs. However, shark attacks, while still possible, are highly uncommon.

If you play Powerball, you have a statistically more significant chance of winning the jackpot than being killed by a shark. Those chances are appealing. Excuse us while we grab a Powerball ticket! If you're afraid of the ocean, just buy a Powerball ticket before visiting the beach.
Where Is Everyone?
You probably haven’t thought much about how many people inhabit the Earth, much less the hemisphere in which they reside. Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western hemispheres comprise the planet's four divisions. There are different numbers of people living in each quadrant, but one half in particular reigns supreme.

We bet you didn't know that 90% of the world's population resides in the North. Of course, the South also has a sizable human population, but it can’t compare to the bulk of the North. We don't know how all those people fit, so it's a good thing there's a lot of space in that part of the world.
Was She Aware of the Selfie?
Our lives today would be unthinkable without the iPhone. The advent of this particular electronic device has profoundly altered how we communicate and connect with one another. Of course, most of us consider this development quite cutting-edge, but it would be even more impressive to a certain queen.

Cleopatra and ancient Egypt do not immediately bring to mind 21st-century concepts. However, we now know Cleopatra was closer in time to the iPhone than the construction of the pyramids. Life is so strange!
The Sad Cause of Maternal Death
It's common knowledge that pregnancy can be risky. There is a far higher probability of developing certain health problems for the developing baby or the pregnant mother herself. But we never imagined that murder would be the leading cause of death for pregnant American women.

When it comes to US women who die during pregnancy, it appears that homicide is the top cause. That this is true makes us sick because it defies all imagination. The common misconception is that maternal mortality is high due to pregnancy-related issues. But alas, that is not the situation.
Paradise in Hawaii
Can anything beat the feeling of seeing a rainbow for the first time? Seeing a rainbow always makes us feel like there's more magic in the world. Though rainbows occur naturally, we like to believe that they are the work of a benevolent being out to lift our spirits.

Rainbows are the most spectacular in Hawaii. And we can't say this data is a complete surprise to us. Of course, Hawaii is where you'll find the most beautiful rainbows. Indeed, nature couldn't have made that location any more stunning. There’s almost nothing we wouldn't give to be in Hawaii, marveling at rainbows right now.
The Law of Gravity
There are numerous factors to consider when attempting to make sense of our reality. The concept that we live on a giant floating rock in space, let alone the air we breathe, is puzzling to many people.

If the information in this slide didn't throw you off, trying to wrap your head around gravity probably would. We can thank gravity for keeping Earth's surface anchored to the fabric of spacetime. That sounds like a handy tool! Additionally, gravity is the barrier that prevents us from the unforgiving vacuum of space.
No Coke for You
Is there another flavor on the planet with the same stranglehold on the market as Coca-Cola? One could go so far as to declare that Coke is the taste of modern life. Since its inception, Coke has spread to nearly every country and territory. As a result, you can always find a Coca-Cola machine, no matter where you are.

Actually, that’s not entirely true. Two countries don't offer the internationally renowned soda. Those nations are Cuba and North Korea. Lack of demand and political opposition are among the reasons why Coke hasn’t ventured into these lands. We had no idea Coke-less regions existed on Earth!
The Ocean's Deepest Depths
Have you ever thought about the wide variety of marine life? We're all familiar with fish, cephalopods, and jellyfish, but what about the other aquatic creatures we don’t regularly encounter? It stands to reason that we have yet to uncover every ocean mystery, given its size, breadth, and depth.

It's mind-boggling that humans haven't explored 99% of the world's oceans. How is it possible for so much of our planet to remain untouched? After all these years of studying the water, you'd think we'd finally make some headway in our quest for knowledge.
Los Angeles is the Best!
LA is a city everyone in the world either knows, likes, or despises – there’s no middle ground. Unlike many others in the United States, LA has gorgeous beaches, boardwalks, and city centers, but it also feels enormous enough to house everyone who wants to come there.

Los Angeles has enough room to house the whole human population. How wild is it that we could all uproot and begin afresh there? While we love LA, we worry that a mass influx of people would make the city more congested than it already is.
Missing Kids
The fear of losing a loved one is unparalleled. As much as people desire answers, they cannot always discover what happened to someone who went missing, and this uncertainty may eat away at them. The cruelest element of this unfortunate reality is that it affects children too.

About 2,100 American kids are reported missing every single day in America alone. This is a startling and tragic number. However, it’s important to remember that it includes kids who go missing for only a few minutes or hours. It does not refer exclusively to kids who are never found.
Earth's Long and Winding Past
Humans have been around for a long time, and most agree that we're significant contributors to the planet's history. While we have made some incredible things happen, it's easy to get so caught up in our glory that we forget we're just a speck in the history of Earth.

Today's human population represents 7% of all human history. When put in a context like that, the figure is less prominent than most people imagine. While our actions have had far-reaching consequences for the modern world, we should not use this as a cause for arrogance.
What Are You Saying?
Some students feel accomplished in the classroom, but that’s not the case for all. You are consistently rewarded for your hard work when you excel in school. However, if you don't do well, you may fear being found out. As a result, you probably won't be motivated to ask questions out of fear of public humiliation.

This statistic appears to mock those people who don’t understand fractions. Approximately four-thirds of Americans are apparently unable to work with fractions. A child who is already having trouble with numbers would find this figure puzzling, but the grownups in this equation can have a laugh.
What You Talkin' 'Bout?
Have you ever wondered how structures come together, even though you have witnessed construction firsthand? Contemporary architecture is so remarkable that it boggles the mind.

For example, did you know that Chicago's stunning Willis Tower has 104 lifts? It's reasonable to assume that a building of that height and sophistication would require a good number of elevators to transport the numerous people who work there from one floor to another. But 104 elevators seems like a lot, even for the Willis Tower.
A Fair Shot
The ultimate goal of anyone's life is security in their financial future. Individuals and families may experience it differently at various times, but generally, it is a relatively significant need. Sadly, it can be challenging to reach a place where one is financially secure.

Many people take these numbers at face value, but the reality is that they are only sometimes applicable. Many things affect whether or not a person will get a job, stay employed, graduate from high school, and delay having a child until they are married. Nobody can predict where they'll end up in life.
A Real War Hero
Some animals on Earth have survived much longer than humans have. Humans like to imagine themselves as the rightful proprietors of this magnificent world, but we are transient guests. Though they have no concept of the passage of time or space, many aquatic organisms are far more ancient than we are.

Did you know that sharks are direct descendants of ancient marine reptiles? Their species dates back about 450 million years. Yes, we agree – it's impossible to make sense of this sum. Still, these frightening yet magnificent creatures have existed for much longer than humans and will continue to for a long time.
Please Explain
We may never be able to fully grasp time and space. It's true that we can grasp the concept of time and the various time measurement tools we've developed, but this is in no way the same as having a thorough comprehension of time.

As soon as you have both of these pieces of information in front of you, your mind starts to spin. One million and one billion are two different quantities, but to most of us, they seem to be the same because we have a hard time conceptualizing numbers at either extreme. Oddly, these two instances are so dissimilar.