3 Fascinating Facts About Southpaws

Speak to anyone who is left-handed, and they can tell you a wide range of reasons why it is not as good as it might first appear. While the old trope of astronauts being left-handed is a good one to proclaim the awesomeness of being left-handed, it is a ‘condition’ that has often been seen as dangerous. in some religious groups, being left-handed is a sign of being in league with evil!

However, given that 1 in 10 of us are left-handed, it is not the curse that it is made out to be. Some of us assume that noticing the difference in left and right-handedness is a new thing; however, ancient findings from archaeological digs have found many left-handed specific tools from centuries ago.

Left-handedness might improve combat prowess

While it would be nice to go through life without getting into a scuffle, sometimes it cannot be helped. History shows us, though, that left-handers tend to be better scrappers than their right-handed colleagues. Combat sports have a long history of dominant left-handers; many right-handed fighters can find it tough to rebalance.

Despite left-handedness being in around 10% of the population, it is around 50/50 in the fighting world when it comes to elite combat talent.

Left-handedness is likely genetic

While it cannot be proven for certain yet, it is believed that genetics play an important role in determining what hand you use. A pair of left-handed parents are more likely to produce a left-handed child, and vice versa. Right-handed parents are unlikely to produce a left-handed child, though it does happen (the person writing this is an example of this)!

Left-handedness encourages brain development

Since left-handed people need to adapt and fit into a right-handed world, they more commonly use both sides of their brains. This means that many lefties use their brain more significantly than the average person. It is a big reason why many left-handed people are seen as generally more creative or intelligent than right-handed people.

So, if you are left-handed and feel like you have been cursed from time to time you are not. You are simply different – but not as different as you might have felt before reading this article (hopefully)!