Since the pandemic began, more and more apps have appeared that let us meet with people and discuss things in a private chat. From workplaces to entrepreneurial meetings to webinars, many tools are used to help bring the discussion to the forefront. One fine example of this is Google Meet. This meeting-based arm of the Google app army has become very popular with many people.

It has seen some impressive updates recently, too. For example, they recently added an auto-brightness function for those who might be carrying out a video chat in less than suitable light conditions. This will allow people who want to try and find a way to be more visible or look more professional to do just that. The feature essentially looks to find poor lighting conditions and looks to up the brightness. The result? Clearer video chats where everyone is visible, not obscured.
Google Meet brings some intriguing new ideas to the table
Another useful function included in this new brightness feature is that there is no administrative control needed or required. So long as you are using a desktop device or an Android/Apple device, this should work. It will provide you with this functionality as long as you are using the G Suite Basic or Business subscription service.

To use this new feature, simply head over to Settings and choose Video. Here, click the box that initiates Adjust Video Illumination. When this is turned on, the brightness is adjusted accordingly so that you can always be more visible. If you worry that your meetings often look like they are shot in the boot of a car, this can help you to make sure that you are more visible and thus appear more professional.
However, please note that by using this function you could notice some device slowdown. If you find that you can get optimal lighting then you could turn this off to boost performance.
So, if you are someone who finds their meetings are often obscured due to poor lighting, you might want to try out Google Meet.