Having no debts, making ends meet every month, and having a full savings account: for some, this is a dream, for others reality. Now you don't have to be a superhero or rich person to pull this off. While some people learn from their parents to take out as few loans as possible, not everyone grew up this way. But with the following tips, being mindful of money and patience, you too can live a stress-free life when it comes to finances!

Future-oriented people are better at handling their money. By setting money goals and/or savings goals, it's easier to scrape together the money you need to pay off that credit card debt or take that one trip you've been dreaming about for so long. Calculate for yourself how much you can set aside each month for this goal and how long it will take you to reach it.
People who are not in debt are less sensitive to offers. They are less likely to buy a big car because it gives them prestige, but deliberately choose a cheaper model to save on costs. They also think about offers - no matter how big or small - whether it is a good offer and whether they need the product, or whether they want to buy it purely because there is a discount sticker on it.

The difference between people who are good with money and people who have a hole in their hands is that those without debt stick more closely to their budget. They don't spend more than they earn each month and if they want to buy something, but don't have the money, they wait until the money is in their account.
People who are good with money are more patient when it comes to the purchases they make. They do not need the order confirmation to feel 'satisfied' for a while. They are also less likely to make impulse purchases because they are focused on the future: a house for the long term and their retirement are more important than buying trendy designer shoes now that are only in fashion for one season.
Living debt-free comes with a certain responsibility. Knowing that you can't live beyond your means because it's financially unhealthy. Take a look at your household book. Are you overinsured? Can you part with a few subscriptions? Aren't you spending too much money on groceries proportionally? By sticking to budgets, you'll be able to make better use of your money each month and be less likely to end up in debt.