5 Ways to Save $1000 Quickly

Saving doesn't have to be that complicated. As long as you do not spend more than you earn, every month you'll have some money to put aside for the future. The following tips will help you reach that goal.

Give yourself a deadline

The first step to achieving your goal is to set a deadline. By what date do you want to have the $1000? The more concrete you make the goal to yourself, the more likely you are to achieve it.

Go to the supermarket once a week

To ensure that you have money left at the end of the month, you probably need to save. But this doesn't have to be annoying at all. Make a weekly menu. Do you want to reach your goal in a few months? Then buy products in bulk or economy packs. This is cheaper than buying a small package.

And if you have the time: go to different supermarkets to grab the offers. Finally, never buy grooming products at full price. There is always an offer somewhere for toothpaste, shampoo, and shower gel.

Sell (refurbished) items online

One way to reach your savings goal faster is to work more. That's not feasible for everyone. But maybe you can do something on the side that earns you money. Maybe you make wonderful soaps that you can sell. Or maybe you love cleaning up and can tackle other people's garages for a fee. Or do you have an old cabinet you want to get rid of? Fix it up and sell it for a higher amount online. 

Go by bike more often (or find a carpool buddy)

Leave the car behind if you can. The ride to the gym may take longer by bike, but it's free. Moreover, you have already had your warm-up. Do you use your car for work? Maybe you can carpool with a colleague on certain days.

Avoid impulse purchases

Impulse purchases are expenses that you may not notice immediately in your wallet, but that weigh on your budget at the end of the month. Are you out and about? Then take a refillable bottle of water with you, so you don't have to buy a bottle as soon as you get thirsty. Going grocery shopping? Then eat some ahead of time so that the chocolate bars not on your list are just a little less appealing.

If you think about whether you need it when you make purchases, you may increasingly conclude that the answer is "no". Try it out for thirty days!

Bonus tip

Here's our bonus tip. Before you start, make your income and expenses clear. There are user-friendly apps for this but you can also make a list on the computer or pon aper. Who knows, maybe you have double insurance, you can switch to another company to reduce your monthly costs and you notice that ordering clothes is expensive. By becoming aware of what and how much you spend, you will also start spending your money more consciously.