Casinos are often seen as places of excitement, fantasy, and excess. For many of us, the concept of a casino conjures up images of storied locations like Las Vegas, Macau, or Monte Carlo, or James Bond elegantly sipping his Martini while seated by a baccarat table.

The reality, however, is far darker, and the best witnesses to this are those working at the casinos themselves. Below, casino employees share the most bizarre incidents they’ve ever seen while on the job.
From people gambling away their life savings to adult guests wearing diapers at the slot machines, these stories will make you think twice about visiting a casino.
Are They Okay?
Although it’s the first story of its kind on our list, rest assured that it won’t be the last. Here’s the thing: apparently, many people pass away at casinos from various causes, including old age, heart attacks, and other maladies.

Many casino employees claim that fatalities occur at casino premises all the time. While it can be quite unnerving at first, they all learn to deal with it eventually. Even if guests often die of natural causes, it’s still not a very comforting thought, is it?
A Messy Situation
We’re going to delve straight into the bizarre, unsettling world of casinos with this entry from a casino worker about guests frequently soiling themselves in casinos because they don’t want to give up their seats at the slot machines. Pretty crazy, huh?

Fair warning: there are far more outlandish stories on our list after this one. The things that take place at casinos every single day are truly comical and far more baffling than you could have ever imagined.
Worried Wives
Some people like to hit up casinos alone so they can gamble in peace. However, this also means that people can lose track of time more easily, and end up staying longer than they had intended.

As it turns out, casinos would often get calls at odd hours from worried wives asking them to get their husbands to come home. Unfortunately, casinos aren’t usually able to take action due to their privacy policies. Still, it’s quite depressing to learn that this sort of thing happens so frequently.
What are the Odds?
We won’t do the math to show how improbable winning the jackpot is. Let’s just say that it’s extremely rare. Employees are taught to express delight for their guests’ wins when it does happen. However, there are times when things can get rather awkward.

What are the chances of winning the jackpot while a family member is going through a medical emergency? We think that it’s pretty astronomical. We can only imagine how uncomfortable this must have been for the casino employee.
A Waste of Money
Going to casinos is a good way to blow all of your money. However, you’d think that during a major global health crisis, folks would tone it down a bit. According to this casino employee, though, that wasn’t the case.

Some people will spend any amount of money they can get their hands on to experience the rush that comes from gambling. Don’t let anybody fool you: gambling addictions are as bit as dangerous as other addictions.
Entitled Guests
It seems that a lot of casino patrons believe they deserve some form of compensation for losing all their money there. That line of thinking doesn’t make any sense to us. It’s not like the casino made them hand over their money, after all.

Of course, we can see why some individuals would think that the casino has somehow stolen their money, but there’s no denying that the customers weren’t forced by anyone to go there and spend all their money.
Carry On
Here’s yet another story about people soiling themselves. This one, however, stands out a little more since it shows just how often it occurs. Because it happens so frequently, nobody at the casino pays too much attention to it and just carries on as if nothing happened.

For casino employees, these incidents happen almost every day, so it doesn’t affect them as much anymore. If you’re squeamish, a job at a casino probably isn’t for you.
Poor Planning
While it’s not uncommon for people to lose so much money in casinos, did you know that there are people who lose so much money that they can’t even afford a ride home? This happens more often than you may think.

We know that many people who struggle with gambling addictions do so because they lack self-control, but shouldn’t you at least make sure that you have enough money to get home? That’s some poor planning and decision-making right there.
Putting Lives at Risk
We’re quite confident that you won’t have any trouble understanding why this story is included on our list of the wackiest casino stories. It’s mind-boggling how little self-control and common sense some people have.

It’s just so unbelievable how some people willingly put seniors in their families in danger just so they can have some fun, even at the height of a global health emergency when it’s extremely dangerous to go out in public. This is just plain bonkers.
Give the Man a Break
Are you ready for yet another story of casino guests soiling themselves? Sadly, this isn’t the last one on our list. At the very least, this one is simply a humiliating tale about the possibility of a man wetting his pants.

In any case, was it necessary for the wife in the story to humiliate her husband that way? Come on, you don’t need to announce this to the entire world, do you? Give the man a break, lady.
What a Mess
Casino employees typically have someone to cover for them while they take breaks. However, if your colleague fails to show up when they’re supposed to, you could potentially find yourself dealing with a rather smelly situation.

Are you keeping track of how many soiling incidents there are on this list? At this point, you could practically turn it into a party game. How much human waste do casinos have laying about at any given time? Too much, in our opinion.
Gone in No Time
Winning huge sums of money at casinos is quite rare. Imagine winning all that money, only to lose it all again in no time by gambling some more. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens way too often than most people realize.

While it may be tempting to try to push one’s luck, losing money like this can be a great way to teach some people to be satisfied with what they already have. Imagine what the two women could have done with all that money instead.
No Time to Rest
Do you know why some casino patrons end up soiling themselves? Well, it may have something to do with the fact that these people stay in the same place for eight to twelve hours without bathroom breaks.

Some people have become so addicted to gambling that they don’t even leave their seats to eat or to get some sleep. We wouldn’t be surprised if these folks end up with all sorts of health issues (if they don’t already have them) in the future.
Used Underwear Everywhere
No, this story isn’t about casino patrons and employees soiling themselves, but it’s close enough. It has more to do with how frequently people leave their underwear laying around the casino, regardless if they’ve been soiled or not.

Whatever the case may be, we think it’s disgusting. We find it hard to believe that some people behave this way. These people have no shame at all. Or do they lose all feelings of shame the minute they step into a casino?
Bad Parenting
Believe it or not, many parents bring their children to casinos and then leave them alone to fend for themselves while they gamble. That’s bad parenting, right there. It’s sad how casino employees seem to show more concern for the kids in situations like these.

At least the kids have someone watching out for them. Considering how frequently gamblers bring their children with them, some casinos even have playgrounds and childcare facilities. Is it just us, or does it seem a bit depressing?
Win a Little, Lose a Lot
The problem with casinos is that even if you occasionally win, the amount of money that you will have to lose to win is so huge that you could easily find yourself in a precarious situation. Very rarely do people win without losing so much in the process.

It’s highly unlikely for anyone to ever come out ahead financially, especially if you’re a regular gambler. After all, a casino’s main goal is to squeeze as much money out of its patrons as possible.
Some People Never Learn
People who keep losing so much of their money in casinos are the types of people who are unlikely to learn anything from their mistakes. People who bail them out know that they’ll probably be doing it again soon enough.

It’s a vicious cycle that never seems to end. Casino employees can only watch in horror as their patrons make the same mistakes over and over again. Though it’s sad to see, it is what it is.
The Dangers of Gambling
If you need someone to talk you out of going to a casino, just talk to an employee when they aren’t on duty. They’ll likely share stories with you that are similar to these, detailing the awful things they’ve seen and experienced at work.

These stories seem quite convincing, don’t you think? While some good things do happen to people at casinos, there’s a reason why we tend to hear a lot more negative stories than positive ones. You’ve been warned.
Kicking the Habit
Did you know that you can ask casinos to ban you from their premises for a set period? This is quite helpful especially if you want to kick the habit. Of course, this only works if you stay local and avoid visiting a different state or city.

After all, you can’t possibly ask every casino in the world to ban you. So, if you ever change your mind and realize you can’t resist visiting a casino, you know what to do.
That’s Got to Hurt
We understand that losing a significant amount of money at a casino (even though $100 isn’t much in comparison) can be quite infuriating. However, banging your head against a slot machine probably won’t do any good.

If you take into account any potential injuries, hitting your head will only make things even worse. Depending on where you live, hospital bills can be costly. After already losing some money, do you really want to lose even more?
Awkward Small Talk
Remember how we mentioned the ratio of winning to losing money in a casino? Well, here’s more proof that the situation isn’t favorable for the gambler most of the time. You’re more likely to be losing a lot of money, even on “good” days.

You need to be very lucky to make a lot of money without losing more than what you’ve already won. This sort of thing usually only happens every so often. Most of the time, guests won’t get to enjoy their “winnings” at all.
Strange Rules
Considering how rare it is for anyone to ever win a large sum of money, we can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be for anyone to be denied the money that they’ve supposedly won because of a strange rule. This is what this next story is about.

While we understand the rationale behind the rule, surely there’s a way to make sure that the man wasn’t cheating, right? Aren’t there supposed to be security cameras everywhere? They really ought to check those cameras before jumping to conclusions.
Special Delivery
High rollers have a reputation for being exceedingly demanding. But it’s simply absurd how far some casinos will go to appease them. Just take a moment to read this story and see how ridiculous it is.

Did the casino really need to charter a private jet just to deliver some doughnuts? The high roller could have just purchased some wherever he was at the time, don’t you think? That would surely have been a much better (and less expensive) course of action.
The Good Samaritan
Unbeknownst to many, petty crimes take place at casinos all the time. While most casinos have a team of security personnel to ensure their guests’ safety, these trained professionals sometimes do get some help from the very people they’re supposed to protect.

Fortunately for the security personnel, the good samaritan just made their job of catching the thief a lot easier. This must have been quite a sight for the hundreds of patrons who were at the casino at the time!
Business as Usual
Here’s yet another tale of someone passing away at a casino with hardly anyone noticing. Considering how crowded casinos can get, we suppose that makes sense. When there’s so much activity going on, it’s easy to miss something like that.

It must have been quite upsetting to see a dead person being carried through a crowded area on a stretcher. Still, the casino continued operating as usual. Thankfully, casino employees are well-trained to deal with these situations.
More Criminal Activity
As mentioned earlier, crimes do happen at casinos all the time. It’s also one of the first places that some criminals go to after stealing someone’s money or credit card. Unfortunately for them, many police officers already have this all figured out.

A criminal making a scene after getting caught at a casino isn’t probably something that you’d see every day. It does help provide some entertainment and make things a bit more interesting for the casino employees, though.
An Unusual Good Luck Charm
Some superstitious gamblers think that bringing a good luck charm to a casino will bring them luck. While good luck charms are typically harmless, some people do take things a bit too far. Take this man, for example.

Having a syringe protruding from your thigh while gambling “for good luck” is something that we do not recommend. Not everything qualifies as a good luck charm, even if you had it with you when something fortunate happens to you.
Some Good News
There have been a lot of sad stories on our list so far so here’s something more positive for a change. This one is about someone who managed to find success at a casino with no repercussions at all.

Even though there isn’t much of a story here, it’s quite rare to see a gambler succeed with little to no drawbacks. We figured this story would be worth highlighting to balance out the good and the bad.
Leaving Empty-Handed
The positive vibes weren’t going to last very long, but you knew that already, didn’t you? You just heard a story about someone winning big. Now here’s a story about someone who tried to do the same but failed miserably.

But hey, we have to respect the guy’s tenacity. Having a little swagger can certainly come in handy when you’re in a casino – that is, until you lose all the money you had with you when you walked in. That’s life, we suppose.
Never Mess With a Dealer
Dealers, also known as “croupiers,” are typically in charge of running the games in casinos. While their usual responsibilities include spinning roulette wheels, dealing cards, and interacting with guests, they can also fill in as security personnel if needed, just like the guy in this story.

The thief must have thought he could get away with stealing a roulette ball, but judging by how quickly the dealer caught him, he may have overestimated his abilities. Never mess with a casino dealer!
Dealing With Troublemakers
While most casinos are usually well-guarded and have decent security systems in place, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be any troublemakers around. One type of troublemaker to watch out for is someone who has a short fuse or doesn’t take losing very well and takes out their frustration on other people.

Fortunately, no one was hurt by this guy’s actions. If you’re the type of person who can’t control their temper or can’t handle losing, maybe it’s best to stay away from a casino.
Workplace Hazards
Working at a casino comes can be quite dangerous. This is most especially true for those who have to interact with guests every single day. Ask any casino employee and there will surely be at least a few who’ve experienced being slapped, punched, or even maced by angry guests.

If you’ve ever been maced before, you’re probably well aware of how painful it can be. We feel terrible for those who get hurt for simply doing their job.
Bad Decisions
Here’s another example of someone taking their loot to a casino after committing a crime. Considering how tight the security at many casinos can be, we don’t quite understand how some people think that that’s a good idea.

It seems like many criminals don’t give their actions much thought; otherwise, they wouldn’t have committed them in the first place. So it comes as no surprise that they would take their stolen money to the worst place imaginable, right?
Ridiculous Demands
Rich people are known to make ludicrous requests when visiting a hotel or casino. We think it’s because they believe there isn’t anything that money can buy. Take this high roller for example – why on earth would they ask for an entire case of canned tuna?

Most luxury hotels and casinos are usually more than happy to grant their guests’ requests, no matter how absurd they can be. Maybe this high roller just happens to be a huge fan of canned tuna.
Safety First
One way to know whether someone has become truly addicted to something is if they’re willing to risk their lives for it. This casino employee claims that some guests didn’t even budge when someone pulled the fire alarm at the casino.

Even if there wasn’t an actual fire, there’s no way they could have known that right away. When you hear the fire alarm go off, you must always be ready to evacuate. Don’t wait until someone has to get you out of there by force.
Gambling for a Cause
There are many reasons why people gamble. While some do it simply for the thrill of it, others do it because they need to pay off their debts. This woman’s reason for going to a casino, however, simply takes the cake.

Seeing a guest place a photo of their recently-deceased son on the casino table is quite shocking enough, but being told that they need the money so they can pay for their funeral just takes things to a whole new level. We sure hope that the woman got what she wanted.
Dealing With Serious Threats
By now, you’re most likely aware that casino employees deal with all kinds of situations at work, including bomb threats. Though bomb threats don’t happen very often, many are still taught to be ready for them so they know what to do in case they need to evacuate everyone in the casino.

Fortunately, the bomb threat at this particular casino turned out to be a false alarm. However, we wouldn’t be surprised if some gamblers just shrugged it off and continued whatever it is they were doing.
Be Kind to Your Servers
This story is a bit unsettling, as it involves a casino cocktail hostess doing something terrible. Visine – a brand of eye drops – should only be applied to your eyes and should never be swallowed.

Eye drops contain tetrahydrozoline, which can constrict blood vessels, cause difficulty breathing, and slow down a person’s heartbeat if ingested in large amounts. This goes to show that you should always treat the people handling your food and drinks kindly. Who knows what they’re capable of doing?
What Dealers Have to Put Up With
It’s not uncommon for gamblers to take out their frustration on casino dealers. They get yelled at, punched, spat upon, you name it – this is something that they’ve had to put up with at some point. But to be urinated on? That’s just nasty.

Unfortunately, this is what the poor dealer in this story had to endure. The dealer certainly deserves praise for dealing with it so professionally, and so do her co-workers for coming to her rescue right away.
When Gamblers Turn Violent
People who lose big time in casinos sometimes behave in very strange ways, as you may already know by now. They can also get violent, like this particular gambler who thought nothing of yanking a phone off the wall and hurling it towards a casino employee.

We hope that the guy was kicked off the premises right away and that no one was seriously hurt. People like him should never be allowed anywhere near a casino.