Cops Pull School Bus Over After Seeing Girls Arm Through Window

What She Wanted

Her 10 years behind the wheel had given her the impression that she had seen it all. She wanted to work with children.

A stray dog once wandered onto the bus, as well as rowdy teenagers and mechanical breakdowns. When she glanced in her rearview mirror one sunny Tuesday afternoon, she was unprepared for what she saw. That day, the journey was unexpected.

Her Career

A 56-year-old woman had been driving the number 42 school bus for ten years. Her job was straightforward, and nothing unusual ever happened to her.

Every morning, she delivered chattering children from sleepy neighborhoods to Millbrook Middle School in Greenbrook, California. She knew every student's name and the parents' cars. It was all there for her to witness—the squabbles, the laughter, and the tears. On this day, however, things were different.

Her Routine

As Lisa drove her normal route to pick up her students from school, it was a routine day. Upon arriving at the school, she parked the school bus.

As always, the bus was filled with laughter and chatter from the kids. Despite the usual cacophony, Lisa noticed Emily, who usually sat alone near the back, amidst the usual chaos. With her face contorted in discomfort, Emily looked around frantically. It was unclear to her what was wrong with the teenager.

It Comforted Her

There was nothing Lisa couldn't spot when trouble was brewing. She has driven the same routes for over a decade, picking up and dropping off generations of children. 

It was a routine that she found both comforting and mundane. Her military background made her appreciate the peace and quiet of suburban life. Her grip on the steering wheel tightened, however, when she glanced in her rearview mirror as she turned onto Maple Street on that chilly autumn afternoon.

Being Careful

In her rearview mirror, Lisa glanced as she rounded a bend in the road, a habit she had developed over the years. At that moment, Emily, an eighth-grader who was quiet, started scratching her arm frantically. A look of irritation crossed her face.

Her demeanor was shy and reserved, and her nose was buried in a book most of the time. Lisa called her back, concerned. As she was about to receive the answer, she wasn't prepared.

She Stood Out

Today, Emily was frantically scratching her arm, which she usually kept to herself. Lisa thought at first that it was just another kid acting out because of the fast movement. 

She had witnessed all types of pranks, fights, and more. In the past, she had acted as a mediator between moody teenagers. The distress Emily experienced was different, however. Other students' faces were mixed with fear and curiosity as Lisa watched them recoil.

Slowing Things Down

Her speed was immediately slowed, and she kept a safe distance between the school bus and the car in front of her. That Friday afternoon, she witnessed a sight, unlike any tantrum, argument, or joke she had seen before. 

When she glanced in her rearview mirror, Emily was still frantically scratching her arm as she navigated the familiar streets. There was something wrong, and she needed to figure out what it was.

Something Was Amiss

Bus passengers were jolted by a pothole when the bus hit it. She ached with fatigue as her temples throbbed. Due to a colleague's illness, she had covered extra routes since dawn. 

In the end, all she wanted was to finish dropping off the children and go home. However, Emily felt a sense of responsibility tugging at her when the kids moved away from her. It was her duty to ensure their safety, but she lacked the energy to deal with a crisis today. Although she was responsible for the children, it was her duty to do so.

Not Giving Up

Seeing Emily in the rearview mirror, the bus driver looked up concernedly. "Emily, are you all right?" Lisa asked with a whisper of concern in her voice. "Yes, ma'am," Emily replied barely audible. Her shirt was pulled at with such urgency that Lisa's heart raced as she watched her scratch.

Lisa knew she was lying, but she covered up anyway. Despite the usual buzz of conversation on the bus, Lisa's voice carried over Emily's worry. "Emily, are you sure that you're okay back there?" she asked.

Feeling Guilty

She watched a girl whispering to her friend, her eyes darting towards Emily. There was a low murmur and shifting bodies on the bus as the whisper spread like wildfire. 

Despite her pain, Emily scratched more frantically. Lisa felt a pang of guilt. What was she supposed to do? Despite knowing she should pull over and check on the girl, she felt overwhelmed at the prospect. On the road, traffic was already heavy.

What To Do

As the bus continued its route, Lisa tried to focus on the road. Her mind raced through the possibilities. She kept looking at Emily through the mirror. Allergic reaction? Bug bites? She couldn't ignore the instinct that told her something was wrong, but she was tired—so tired.

Pulling over meant delays, paperwork, and maybe even calling an ambulance. Her bones ached just thinking about it. She had no idea how much worse things were going to get.

Quick Thinking

The next stop was approaching, and Lisa made a decision. She was taking a risk, and needed to get permission first, but she had to think fast.

She would drop off the next set of kids and then assess the situation. She just needed to get out of the traffic. She slowed the bus, opening the doors to the familiar chorus of "Goodbye, Ms. Sanchez!" The departing students shot worried glances at Emily, who now looked pale and teary-eyed.

A Few More Stops

With fewer kids on board, the atmosphere shifted. She saw that Emily still looked irritated and knew that she had to go to her.

The remaining students, emboldened by the reduced audience, began to speak up. "Ms. Sanchez, I think something's wrong with Emily," a boy in the back called out. Lisa's heart sank. She knew she couldn't ignore it any longer. The worried bus driver put the blinkers on and pulled the bus over.

The Crazy Bus

Pulling over to the side of the road, Lisa unbuckled her seatbelt and stood up. "Alright, everyone stay calm," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos inside her.  She walked down the aisle, her steps heavy with reluctance. The students were oohing and aahing as she walked past.

When she reached Emily, the sight made her gasp. She didn’t expect to see what she did. Emily's arm was covered in red, swollen welts.

Let Me See

The worried bus driver knelt down next to the agitated child. She touched her arm slightly, making sure not to hurt her. The student turned red with embarrassment. "Emily, are you okay?" Lisa called out, her voice cutting through the din.

Emily's head snapped up, and she looked at Lisa with tears in her eyes. "Yes, I'm fine," she replied quickly, pulling her sleeve down over her arm. She was trying to hide whatever it was.

Stuck In Traffic

Lisa frowned but turned her attention back to the road. As she approached a red light, she glanced again at the mirror and noticed something alarming. 

Emily had moved closer to the window, scratching her arm with increased urgency. She clearly was not fine.  Through the bus windows, Lisa saw other drivers staring at the bus, some pointing, others with their mouths agape. It was getting worse now that people in public were looking into the bus.

Tell Me More

The annoyed bus driver waved at the other drivers, signaling for them to pass her on the road. She couldn’t drive any faster. Lisa kept talking to Emily, “What's going on?”. Emily looked up, her face pale. "Yeah, I'm fine, Miss Sanchez," she replied, her voice shaky.

She pulled her jersey over her head, revealing her bare arms, red and swollen with scratches. Lisa's stomach twisted with worry. It looked like the rash was spreading.

Other People Saw

Lisa's attention flicked between the road and Emily, who was now visibly agitated. The other students began to notice too, their eyes widening in alarm. 

The bus rolled to a stop at a red light, and Lisa saw something that made her heart skip a beat. Another car pulled up close to the bus window, she could see the driver clearly. Drivers in the cars beside the bus were staring, their faces contorted with concern. Some were pointing, and others reaching for their phones.

Commotion On The Road

Other drivers noticed the big yellow school bus slowly driving down the main road. Lisa was holding up the traffic. Suddenly, a car horn blared, startling Lisa. She turned her head to see a woman in a minivan frantically waving at her.

Lisa pulled over to the side of the road, her heart pounding. She opened the bus window and the woman from the minivan shouted at her. She couldn’t hide anymore; other people were surely going to report her.

Being Nice

Lisa smiled at the woman and told her that everything was alright, “I’m carrying precious cargo,” she laughed nervously. The woman was nosy. "What's wrong with that girl?" the woman exclaimed, pointing towards Emily. "She looks like she's in serious trouble!"

Lisa chuckled, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment, “She fine, you know these teens of today and their trends,” she looked nervously over her shoulder. But the driver wasn’t buying it.

Sort Yourself Out

The clever driver brushed the rude driver off and allowed her to pass her on the road. Lisa turned back to Emily, who was now pulling at her jersey, desperately trying to get it off. 

She shouted through the bus, "Emily, what's going on?" she asked, her voice urgent. Emily looked up, tears streaming down her face. "It hurts, Ms. Sanchez! It itches so bad!" Lisa knew that they had run out of time. The girl needed help now.

A Tough Choice

Lisa's heart sank. She had never seen Emily, or any student for that matter, in such distress. She felt helpless. The nearest hospital was five miles away in the opposite direction. She would never make it in time, and she would be late dropping all the other children home.

The worried bus driver made a quick decision. She parked the bus and walked quickly down the aisle. "Let me see," she said gently, taking Emily's arm.

Up To Lisa

Emily hesitated but then rolled up her sleeve. Other students peered over the bus seats to try and have a look at Emily's condition. Lisa gasped. Emily's arm was covered in angry red welts, some of them bleeding from where she had scratched too hard.

She asked Emily several questions about her diet and medication but she promised that she didn’t take anything different. Lisa had no idea how to help her at that moment.

Empty Promises

The concerned bus driver assured Emily that she would be okay. "We need to get you to a doctor," Lisa said, trying to keep her voice calm. By now, the other students had noticed the commotion and were whispering among themselves. "What's wrong with Emily?" "Is she gonna be okay?" Lisa heard them murmur.

"Everybody stay calm," Lisa said, turning to address the bus. "We'll be moving shortly." But she had no idea if she would be able to save Emily.

What’s The Hold Up

As Lisa helped Emily to the front of the bus, another car horn blared, and Lisa looked up to see more cars had stopped, their drivers watching the scene unfold.  Some were taking pictures with their phones. Lisa knew that unsolicited pictures and videos could make the matter worse.

"We need to get moving," Lisa muttered, helping Emily into the seat right behind her. She had already caused a scene on the road and knew her supervisor would hear about it.

Backed Up

A loud honk from behind jolted Lisa back to reality. She pressed the gas, the bus lurching forward. In her mirror, she saw Emily scratching more fervently, her eyes wild. The cars around the bus seemed to close in, their honking growing louder, more insistent. But it was peak afternoon traffic.

"Stay calm, everyone," Lisa called out, trying to keep her voice steady. "Emily, just sit tight. We'll be okay soon." But she didn’t know how much worse things were going to get. 

A Terrifying Challenge

Lisa was faced with a terrifying challenge. She didn’t know what to do next. Was she supposed to take Emily to the hospital, or take the kids home? Countless children’s parents were waiting for them at home. 

What would they think if their children just didn’t come home? Lisa knew she had to make a decision, but before she could, something terrifying happened right behind her.

Act Fast

Lisa was driving with a lump in her throat. Emily was groaning in pain behind her. It was clear that something terrible was happening to the young girl. But as she turned a corner, she suddenly heard a terrifying sound from behind her. Emily was crying loudly, begging for help.

Lisa made a quick decision. She decided to pull over one last time in an attempt to help Emily. But she had no idea what was about to happen.

Stopping The Bus

Lisa quickly pulled onto the side of the road and loosened her seatbelt. She had to get a good look at the young girl. Emily was writing in the front seat, desperately trying to remove the clothes that brushed against her unusually sensitive skin.

Lisa reached for her handbag and removed a small pot of lotion, hoping that it would work. But that was when something awful happened.

She Was Sick

Tears painted Emily’s cheeks when Lisa got down on her knees in front of the hysterical girl. But then, Emily said something she would never forget. “I can’t do this. I’m going to be sick,” Emily said and cupped a hand over her mouth. Her face was pale now.

Luckily, Lisa reacted right away, ordering one of the students to pass her the lunch bag on her lap. The girl did as instructed.

A Paper Bag

Lisa dumped the bag's contents onto the seat beside Emily and passed it to her. Emily accepted it with shaky hands. That was when the girl brought it up to her lips, and emptied the contents of her stomach into the brown bag.

Lisa was growing increasingly worried. Had she ingested something she was allergic to, or was it far worse than that? But the situation would get darker from there.

A Question

Lisa didn’t know what to do next. Sitting beside the girl, she tried to get advice from Emily herself. She had no other option. “Do you want me to take you to the hospital?’ she asked, desperate for a clear answer. But she did not expect Emily’s response.

The girl shook her head, her eyes wide as she stared up at the older woman. But what she said raised Lisa’s suspicions.

A Suspicious Response

“No, you can’t take me to the hospital,” she said, shaking her head vigorously. Lisa found this rather suspicious. “I can’t go there. Just take me home. I’ll be fine,” she said, but Lisa was not convinced that she would be fine.

Why did she seem so scared to go to the hospital? Was she hiding something that she didn’t want the doctors to detect?


The thought alone terrified the older woman. What if Emily knew what was happening to her, but she couldn’t tell the truth? Lisa didn’t know what to do, but the girl seemed terrified of going to the hospital. She wanted to protect her.

“Okay, I will take you home, sweetheart,” she said, her heart filled with doubt. She just hoped she wasn’t making the wrong decision.

Trying To Help

But before she returned to the front of the bus, she handed Emily the small bottle of lotion. She hoped it would help. “Try applying this to the itchy spots. The least we can do is try and see if it works,” she said. Emily looked relieved.

But the relief didn’t last long. Her face twisted in pain as she began scratching again. Lisa had to get her home.


Emily slowly began to apply the lotion to the red marks on her arms as Lisa approached the front of the bus. As she strapped herself into her seat, she just hoped Emily would be okay until she got back to her house.

She watched the young girl in the rearview mirror as she began applying the lotion. But teh problems were far from over.

Driving Off

Lisa started the bus and began driving once again, but she had a tight knot in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t help but feel like she was making a mistake by not taking Emily to a hospital. What if she had ingested something harmful?

All she could think about was the fear in Emily’s eyes when she begged her not to go to the hospital.

What If?

Lisa’s thoughts began to dwell as she drove the usually carefree route. What if someone had poisoned the girl? He thought alone terrified her. But who could do something like that? In the back, she could still hear Emily’s cries.

“It’s not doing anything,” Emily cried as she rubbed thick blobs of lotion into her skin. She felt like her arms were on fire.

As Fast As She Could

“I’m going as fast as I can. I will have you home in no time,” Lisa promised her. But what if she was too late? What would she do or say if something terrible happened to Emily under her care? Would her parents blame Lisa?

Lisa was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn’t even notice the line of cars that had been following her.

People Noticed

People from around town had noticed that something strange was happening inside of that bus, and they all wanted to help. But Lisa’s mind was elsewhere. She had never been in this kind of situation before. What if she couldn’t help Emily?

Kids sat further back in the bus. They were terrified, too. None of them had ever seen anything like this before.

Praying For A Miracle

Lisa was counting down the seconds until she could get Emily into the safe hands of her parents. They would know what to do. But little did she know that she was being followed. The situation would only get worse from there, and she had no idea.

She was praying for a miracle as the bus filled with the sound of Emily’s soft cries. “Everything will be okay,” Lisa tried to convince herself.

Get Away From The Window

Lisa's worry deepened as she noticed the cars behind the bus. Drivers were honking their horns, trying to get her attention. The situation was quickly spiraling out of control.

"Emily, honey, I think you need to stop scratching," Lisa urged, her eyes darting between the road and the rearview mirror. She tried to get Emily to lay low, but it didn’t stop other drivers from peering inside. Lisa struggled to keep the children under control.

Help Me Please

The aggravated teen was in tears. "I can't," Emily whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes. She scratched harder, her skin turning red and raw.

Lisa's heart pounded. She needed to get Emily to help, but she was driving a bus full of kids. She couldn't just stop. The honking intensified, and she realized the cars behind her were trying to alert her to Emily's distress. Lisa had to get off the road as fast as possible.

Almost There

Lisa's driving was faster and more precise. "Stay calm, everyone," Lisa said, trying to keep her voice steady. "We're almost at the next stop."

The bus turned onto the main road leading to the residential area. Lisa's eyes darted between the road and the chaos in her mirror. At least traffic was moving now that she was out of the way. Her heart pounded. She had never felt so helpless. She only had two more stops to make before she could see Emily.

Authorities Alerted

As they approached the main road, Lisa noticed flashing lights in her side mirror. Her pulse quickened. A police car was speeding up behind them, lights blazing, siren wailing. Lisa's hands tightened on the wheel. This couldn’t be happening.

The police car pulled up alongside the bus, and an officer gestured for Lisa to pull over. She felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. She signaled and brought the bus to a stop on the shoulder.

License And Registration Please

As the bus pulled up to the intersection, the police car parked on the corner immediately turned on its sirens and lights. Lisa's stomach dropped. The officers wanted her to pull over.

She guided the bus to the side of the road and opened the door. They greeted her and told her to step out of the vehicle. Two officers approached, their expressions stern. Lisa's hands trembled as she stepped down to meet them. A traffic fine was the last thing she needed today.

We Got A Call

Lisa showed them her driver’s license and the school bus maintenance papers. Everything was in order. "What's going on here?" Officer Brenton demanded. "We got calls about a girl in distress on your bus."

The officer approached the door, his face stern. "Ma'am, we need to check the bus," he said, his voice leaving no room for argument. Was Lisa going to get into trouble?

A Student

Lisa nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's Emily. She...she's been scratching herself. I think something's wrong." The officer's eyes narrowed. "Open the doors, please." The three adults walked inside the school bus, their eyes observing everything.

Lisa did as she was told. The officer and his partner boarded the bus, their presence filling the small space with an intimidating aura. The students fell silent, their eyes wide with fear.

Officers On Board

The children were intimidated by the burly officer on board the bus. A few of them immediately cowered into their seats. They stood in front of Emily. "Everyone stay seated," the officer commanded. He turned to Lisa. "What do you know about this girl?"

Lisa swallowed hard. "Her name is Emily. She comes from a broken home. Her father...he's an alcoholic. I don't know much more than that." She had no idea how much worse she had made things for Emily.

Talk To Us

The officers exchanged a look before one of them approached Emily. She shrank back in her seat, her arms wrapped tightly around her. The female officer smiled warmly at her. "Emily, we're here to help," she said gently. "Can you tell us what's going on?"

Emily's eyes darted around, tears brimming. "I...I don't know," she stammered. "I just...can't stop itching." She looked out the window, they could tell that she wasn’t saying everything.

I Know Her

Lisa took a deep breath and tried to speak to the female officer in private. "She's been scratching her arm non-stop. I'm worried it's something serious. I know she comes from a tough home situation; her father's an alcoholic."

The female officer understood that it was a sensitive issue. They would have to speak to Emily's parents in person. Officer Brenton nodded and signaled to his partner. They stood on the bus, their presence intimidating the children who had fallen silent.

Follow You Home

The other officer wanted more information about her home. "Emily, can you come here?" Brenton called gently. Emily hesitated, then stood, her eyes wide with fear. The scratches on her arm were visible now, angry red lines crisscrossing her skin.

"Looks like an allergic reaction," Officer Brenton said, examining her arm closely. "We're going to follow the bus until all the kids are dropped off, just to be safe." They wanted to see where Emily lived.

Going The Extra Mile

The officer nodded, his expression softening. He turned to his partner. "We need to get her to the nurse. There could be something serious going on here."

The second officer spoke into her radio, requesting medical assistance. Lisa felt a pang of guilt. She wished she had known how to help Emily sooner. The issue was called in and now there was an official report. It was all extra, unnecessary paperwork because of one child. Lisa felt guilty that she was so annoyed.

In Trouble

Lisa drove on, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. She climbed back into her seat and started the bus. The police car followed closely behind. The bus ride to the suburbs was somber. The flashing lights of the police car cast eerie shadows inside the bus. 

Lisa kept glancing at Emily, who seemed to be calming down a little under the officers' watchful eyes. But she still looked nervous. Something wasn’t right.

The Last Stop

At each stop, Lisa's nerves frayed a little more. She kept glancing at Emily, who seemed exhausted and on the verge of tears. Finally, they reached Emily's stop.

"Okay, Emily. Let's get you home," Lisa said softly. The teenager smiled meekly as they turned into her street. Emily stood and walked down the aisle, her movements slow and heavy. Lisa watched as she stepped off the bus, the officers trailing behind. They had no idea what to expect next.

Emilys’ Home

They approached Emily's house, a small, rundown building that had seen better days. Emily knocked on the door, and after a moment, it opened. A disheveled man peered out, his expression hardening when he saw the police. "What's going on?" he barked.

The officer immediately caught the stench of old beer on the man’s breath and knew that it must be Emily's father. They introduced themselves and took control of the situation.

The Drunk Dad

Officer Brenton was standing next to Emily and pointed to her arm. “The bus driver was lucky to have picked it up,” he said. "Sir, your daughter appears to be having an allergic reaction," Officer Brenton explained. "We just want to make sure she's safe."

The man looked at Emily, who shrank back slightly. "She's fine. Get inside, Emily." He half-shoved his daughter into the house and abruptly shut the door.

Enigmatic Emily

Emily obeyed, slipping past her father and disappearing into the house. The door slammed shut behind her. Officer Brenton turned back to Lisa, who had stepped off the bus. "We'll be keeping an eye on things here. You did the right thing by stopping."

"Thank you, Officer," Lisa replied, her voice shaky. But she had no idea if she helped Emily or just made things worse within her family. She felt confused.

An Empty Bus

The officers nodded and walked back to their car. Lisa climbed back onto the bus, her mind racing. She resumed the route, but her thoughts remained with Emily. As the last child disembarked and the bus emptied out, Lisa couldn't shake the worry gnawing at her. 

She had seen the fear in Emily's eyes and the tension in her father's demeanor. She knew all too well the signs of a troubled home. But was she already too late?

All About Emily

The ex-vet was a big ol’ softie. "Will she be okay?" Lisa murmured to herself as she drove the empty bus back to the depot. She parked and turned off the engine, but the question lingered in her mind, unanswered.

Lisa hoped that Emily would get the help she needed, but she also knew that the road to healing was a long and uncertain one. All she could do was keep an eye out and offer a safe space on her bus, hoping that someday, things would get better for Emily.