Husband Leaves Wife And 3-Month-Old Baby Due To Indicent With Dog

A Working Woman

She felt like all the late nights were finally getting to her. Life had been a buzz of hospitals, diapers, and dogs over the past three months.

It was possible that she was hallucinating. One could never tell. But it was the smell that gave it away. She couldn’t find where it was coming from.

When Dad Is Home

The busy father Henry James paced back and forth in the living room, his dog Sparky howling relentlessly. Every time their three-month-old son, Noah, came near, Sparky would let out a mournful howl that sent chills down Henry's spine.

It had been going on for weeks, and the more he tried to understand it, the more perplexed he became. He was convinced there was a connection between Sparky's behavior and Noah, but he couldn't quite grasp what it was.

Starting To Get Annoyed

Henry sat in the living room, his eyebrows furrowed as he watched their dog, Sparky, howling incessantly. His work at the stock exchange in New York City. It was demanding, and he looked forward to the peace and quiet of his home. But he never got it.

They got sparky as a puppy a few months before Sarah gave birth. Sparky had always been a gentle and quiet dog, but lately, he wouldn't stop howling whenever their three-month-old baby, Noah, was around. This was deeply unsettling to Henry, who had grown up with dogs and understood their behavior.

Better Things To Do

Mother Sarah, on the other hand, was occupied with her work-from-home job as an interior designer. She was constantly glued to her laptop, typing away at her assignments.

She noticed Sparky's howling but dismissed it as the dog being overly protective of Noah. Although she loved her baby, she had a lot of catching up to do after he was born. She may have neglected his need for attention.

It Is Strange

One evening, Sarah was busy on a conference call, her laptop perched precariously on the edge of the kitchen counter. Noah was nestled in his crib nearby, and Sparky lay at his feet, eyeing the baby warily.

As Sarah juggled the call, she spotted a brown stain on Noah's diaper. Her heart skipped a beat. She hadn't noticed it before, but it was there, unmistakably. She quickly excused herself from the call, her mind racing with questions. What was the stain? How had it gotten there?

A Mark On Noah

Sparky let out a piercing howl, his eyes fixed on Sarah as she approached the crib. She gently picked up Noah, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she changed his diaper, she noticed that the stain was gone. It had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. She shrugged it off, thinking that the new brand of diaper was ultra-absorbent and made stains disappear.

Dad Notices It Too

Henry joined her in the nursery, a concerned look on his face. "Did you see it too?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes," Sarah replied, her eyes wide with worry. "But now it's gone. What do you think it was?" Henry shook his head, his brow furrowed. "I don't know, but I think it's connected to Sparky's behavior. We need to figure out what's going on."

Tantrums In The Apartment

Henry paced back and forth in the dimly lit nursery, his furrowed brows mirroring the concern etched on his face. Sparky, their Maltese poodle, sat at the door, his mournful howls echoing through the house.

Three-month-old Noah lay in his crib, tiny fists clenched and face scrunched up in distress. His parents didn’t take notice of the baby’s expression on his face at first. They usually saw him making weird faces as he was growing.

Henry Tries To Get Involved

It was the weekend, and Henry was home to help Noah. "What's wrong with Sparky, Henry?" asked Mother Sarah, who was working from home and trying to concentrate on her computer screen. "I can't focus with all this noise."

Henry sighed, "I don't know, Sarah. He's been like this for days now. I think it has something to do with Noah. Whenever Noah is nearby, Sparky starts howling like he's in pain or something." Sarah looked up from her work, concern etched on her face. "But why would Sparky act like this towards Noah? He's never shown any aggression before." "Exactly my point," Henry replied, scratching his head. "I think there's something wrong with Noah, and Sparky can sense it."

Henry Couldn’t Handle It

The howling became more frequent and intense. Sarah tried to console Noah, but he wouldn't stop crying. He seemed fine, and he didn’t even have a fever.

She was exhausted from trying to balance her work and taking care of a fussy baby. Sometimes, she begged Henry to stay at home and help, but he always put his job first. He told her that it was a woman’s duty to take care of the children. 

It’s Coming From Noah

It’s Coming From Noah

The next evening, as Sarah changed Noah's diaper, she noticed a brown stain on it that she hadn't seen before. The smell was unbearable, and she had to hold back her gag reflex. "Henry, come here!" Sarah called out, her voice trembling.

Henry hurried into the room and immediately wrinkled his nose at the stench. "What is that smell?" He told her to flip the baby over to check his diaper.

There Must Be More To This

"Sarah, something's not right," Henry said, his voice laced with worry as he glanced over at his wife, who was buried in her work at her home office. "Sparky won't stop howling whenever Noah's around. And Noah... he's been crying more than usual."

Sarah shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't know. I just noticed this brown stain on Noah's diaper. I think he’s sick," she cried. She tried to get Henry to figure it out himself.

A Faulty Diaper

Sarah looked up from her computer, exhaustion evident in her eyes. "I don't know, Henry. Maybe Noah's just going through a phase. Babies cry, it's normal."

"But not like this," Henry insisted, his heart aching at the sound of his son's cries. "And Sparky... he's trying to tell us something." He was annoyed at his wife’s don’t care attitude; she could try harder. He suspected that she was using the wrong brand of diaper.

A Cause For Concern

Sarah sighed, pushing her chair back and standing up. "Alright, let's check on Noah together." She made it known that she was stopping her work to check on Noah.

As they approached the crib, a pungent odor assaulted their senses. Sarah's eyes widened in horror as she noticed a brown stain spreading on Noah's diaper. "Oh my God, Henry, I didn't see this before," she exclaimed, her hands shaking.

The Baby Is Sick

Henry's stomach churned with dread. "We need to see what's causing this. Maybe that's why Noah's been crying so much."

With trembling hands, Sarah carefully flipped Noah over, revealing a mess far worse than they had anticipated. Noah whimpered in discomfort; his tiny body wracked with pain. "He's got diarrhea," Sarah whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "Oh, Henry, what do we do?"

Parents In Action

Henry tried to take control of the situation but he didn’t know where anything in the house was kept. Sarah was already changing his diaper and cleaning him up.

"We need to clean him up and get him some medication," Henry replied, his mind racing with worry. "He must be in so much pain." He shuffled through the cupboards looking for things as Sarah instructed him.

Sparky Saved The Day

As Sarah tended to Noah, Henry scooped up Sparky, who had been anxiously watching from the doorway. "You've been a good boy, Sparky," Henry murmured, scratching behind his ears. "Thanks for letting us know something was wrong."

He gave his dog a treat because he was alert but also because it kept him quiet. He had bought a bunch of chew toys to keep Sparky quiet, and the trick was working.

Under Control For Now

With Noah cleaned and medicated, the household fell into an uneasy quiet. But despite their efforts, Noah's condition worsened over the next few days. His cries grew louder, his tiny body wracked with fever.

Sarah felt bad because she thought that self-medicating him would work. She preferred homeopathic remedies. But it didn’t seem to be helping the baby at all.

Noah Gets Worse

Henry was angry to see his baby suffering and he took it out on Sarah, he blamed her for not being a good mother. Sarah hurried to get Noah’s things together as they rushed to the hospital.

Baby Noah suddenly let out a lot of gas which they both heard. Henry's eyes widened in alarm. "That's not good, Sarah. We need to get him to a doctor right away."

A Dog Under Stress

As they rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night, Sparky's howling seemed to get louder and more frantic. He already finished two bone chews.

Sarah and Henry exchanged worried glances as they tried to comfort Noah, who was crying inconsolably. They attached another chew toy to Sparky’s collar for later and the dog hushed. They had to take him with them.

The Ride To The Hospital

In the car, Noah was crying because of all the commotion. The worried parents were stressed and arguing with each other. “You’re never at home anyway, I had him, can’t you see him?”

Henry argued with her about his job being more important than hers which only made her angrier. The two couldn’t seem to keep it together with the screaming baby and fussy dog in the backseat.

Tender Toddler Tummy

At the hospital, the doctors examined Noah and confirmed that he did indeed have diarrhea. It was very light as he was a baby and it’s the reason the parents didn’t really notice it in the beginning. “It’s the smell that will warn you,” the doctor said.

They prescribed him some medication and instructed Sarah and Henry on how to take care of him. The couple was relieved when Noah finally fell asleep, but their relief was short-lived.

The Parents Don’t Get A Break

A few days later, Noah's condition worsened. He developed a fever, and his cries became more intense. To make matters worse, Sparky got sick too and he was having runs all over the house. It was a mess. Sarah put a diaper on him too because she was tired of cleaning the house.

Sarah and Henry were beside themselves with worry, and Sparky's howling only added to their anxiety. They considered finding Sparky a new home until Noah got better.

Verge Of A Breakdown

Sarah could see that Henry was on the verge of a breakdown. His usual resolve seemed to have deserted him, and she couldn't help but worry about what might be coming next.

Her own sense of dread was growing stronger by the minute as she tried to figure out what was causing the strange problems in her house. It was as if they were being haunted the way her son wasn’t getting better.


Every little creak and groan made her jump, and she found herself constantly checking over her shoulder, unable to shake the feeling that something was watching her from the shadows.

Despite her fear, however, she knew she had to keep her wits about her if she was going to get to the bottom of this mystery. She needed to be the best mother possible for her child. But she had no idea what was about to happen next.

Searching For Answers

Sarah was in a state of panic as she desperately searched for answers. She had even considered consulting multiple doctors but she felt it would matter little. She was still in the dark about what was going on.

Frustrated and anxious, she decided to take matters into her own hands and investigate the matter herself.

Desperate Measures

Sarah's heart raced as she dialed the number, her hands trembling with anxiety. She needed answers, and she needed them fast. The receptionist picked up after the third ring, her voice cheerful and bright. "Good afternoon. How can I assist you today?" she chirped. Sarah took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "I need to speak to Dr. Richards, please. It's urgent," she replied, her voice tight with worry.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before the receptionist responded. "I'm sorry, but Dr. Richards is currently unavailable.”

Bad News

Sarah’s heart dropped. This was among the worst answers to be receiving at a time like this. But the receptionist wasn’t done yet. “Would you like to leave a message?" she asked. But Sarah felt a surge of frustration rising within her. She needed to speak to someone now, not later.

"I need to see a doctor. It's about my son, Noah. He's been sick for days, and I don't know what to do," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

A Glint Of Hope

The receptionist sighed sympathetically. "I understand, ma'am. Let me see if I can find someone else who's available to speak with you."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat as she waited anxiously for the receptionist to return. She couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out, and she needed help fast. Just when she was about to lose hope, a voice came on the line. "Hello, this is Dr. Stevens. How can I assist you today?" Sarah felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her chest. Maybe this doctor would be able to help her.

Noah’s Symptoms

She quickly explained Noah's symptoms, her voice cracking with emotion. Dr. Stevens listened attentively, asking several questions along the way. 

When Sarah had finished, there was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "I think it would be best if you brought Noah in for an examination. “Is that okay with you? I can clear my schedule for this afternoon if that’s alright. Can you make it here by 3 o'clock?"

Relief Floods In

Relief flooded through Sarah as she thanked Dr. Stevens profusely. Finally, someone was taking her seriously. She quickly hung up the phone and rushed to inform her husband of the progress she’d made. 

Henry was thankful for the news. Everything had been getting to him, and although Sarah knew he’d give his life up first before cracking under the pressure, she could see that all this was taking a toll on him. With a tight hug, she assured him they’d be okay. He let out a slow exhale, the corners of his lips curling over so slightly, a sad smile. It was like he didn’t believe her words.

She Needs To Understand

With one last peck on the forehead, Henry left for work. Sarah, who had the day for herself, rushed to prepare Noah for the trip to the hospital. As she bundled him into his car seat, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope wash over her. Maybe, just maybe, they would finally get some answers today.

She needed to understand what was happening to her little bundle of joy. But little did she know, the answers they would uncover would only lead to more questions.

A Mother's Determination

Sarah drove with a sense of purpose, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. She was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery and find out what was wrong with her son. 

Nothing was going to stand in her way, not even the doubts that lingered in the back of her mind. As she pulled into the hospital parking lot, she took a deep breath and gathered her courage. She had to be strong for Noah, no matter what lay ahead. With a steely resolve, she scooped him up into her arms and marched into the hospital, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

The Waiting Game Begins

The waiting room was packed with people, their anxious faces reflecting Sarah's own feelings of apprehension. She found an empty seat in the corner and settled in to wait, Noah cradled against her chest. 

Minutes stretched into hours as they waited for their turn to see the doctor. Sarah tried to keep Noah entertained, singing softly to him and playing with his tiny fingers. But her mind was elsewhere, consumed with worry and fear. She still had her dog to worry about after all this. It was all starting to be too much to bear.

A Doctor's Assessment

Finally, their name was called, and Sarah's heart leaped into her throat. It was time to get some answers. She squared her shoulders and marched into the examination room, determined to face whatever lay ahead. 

Dr. Stevens greeted them warmly as they entered the room, his friendly smile putting Sarah at ease. She quickly explained Noah's symptoms once again, her voice steady despite the fear that churned in her stomach. Dr. Stevens listened attentively, nodding along as Sarah spoke. When she had finished, he turned his attention to Noah, his expression serious as he began to examine him.

Anxiously Waiting

Sarah held her breath, waiting anxiously for his diagnosis. She watched as the good doctor took her baby and gently placed him on the examination table lined with blankets. After what felt like an eternity, Dr. Stevens straightened up and turned to face Sarah. "I'm afraid Noah's condition is quite serious," he said gravely.

"But I can’t be sure what’s wrong just yet.” Sarah felt her blood run cold at the words. It was even more disheartening that the doctor, who seemed like a seasoned medical veteran, had no idea what was happening to the baby.

A Mother's Agony

Sarah felt a wave of agony wash over her at Dr. Stevens' words. She had been hoping for answers, for a solution to Noah's suffering, but instead, she was met with uncertainty.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion. Dr. Stevens sighed, his brow furrowing with concern. "I've run some tests, but so far, everything appears to be normal. There's no sign of infection or illness that would explain Noah's symptoms," he explained.

The Mysterious Affliction

Sarah's heart sank at the news. How could this be happening? She had brought Noah to the hospital expecting to finally get some answers, but now it seemed they were back to square one. As Sarah tried to process the doctor's words, her mind raced with questions. What could be causing Noah's symptoms, if not some serious infection or illness? Was it something more serious?

Dr. Stevens could see the fear and confusion in her eyes and did his best to reassure her. "We'll keep running tests and monitoring Noah closely. Hopefully, we'll be able to figure out what's going on soon," he said, his tone gentle but serious.

A Flicker Of Hope

Sarah nodded, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. She felt so helpless, watching her baby suffer and not knowing how to help him. All she could do was cling to the hope that someone would find answers soon. Despite the uncertainty surrounding Noah's condition, Sarah held onto that flicker of hope.

Surely, there had to be a solution out there somewhere, a treatment that would help her baby get better. For now, she needed to call her husband to inform her of what she’d learned here.

The Search Continues

She resolved to do whatever it took to find answers, no matter how long it took or how many doctors she had to see. She would not rest until Noah was healthy and happy again. 

With determination fueling her every step, Sarah left the hospital with Noah cradled in her arms. She knew their journey was far from over, but she refused to give up hope. Over the following days, Sarah threw herself into the search for answers, taking Noah to see specialist after specialist in a desperate attempt to uncover the truth.

A Mother's Determination

But no matter how many tests were run or how many doctors they saw, the results were always the same. There was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that could explain Noah's symptoms. 

Sarah felt herself growing more and more frustrated with each passing day. How could it be possible that no one knew what was wrong with her baby? Despite the lack of progress, Sarah refused to give up hope. Frustrated and anxious, she decided to take matters into her own hands and investigate the matter herself.

Grave Danger

However, little did she know that a new challenge was about to arise, one that would not only intensify the existing strain in her marriage with Henry but also put their young son, Noah, in grave danger. 

Just a week after she had taken Noah to the new doctor, she walked into the nursery, expecting to see her son in his crib, perhaps sleeping or playing with his toys. That’s when she knew things were very wrong.

Not In His Crib

To her surprise, Noah was nowhere to be found. The nursery was eerily quiet, with no sign of the baby. Sarah began to feel a sense of panic rising within her as she frantically looked around the room, checking under the crib and behind the curtains.

However, Noah was nowhere to be seen. She couldn't help but feel a shiver go down her spine as she realized her baby was missing.

Looking For Him

Sarah's heart raced as she let out a blood-curdling scream. She frantically searched every corner of the room, but her baby was nowhere to be found.

Her mind was racing as she tried to think of where he could be. Suddenly, she heard barking coming from another room. Was it Sparky? Was he with Noah? She bolted out of the room, running as fast as she could to find out.

Hearing Sparky

Her heart pounding in her chest, she burst into the next room and stopped dead in her tracks. What she saw made her heart sink. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized her worst nightmare had come true.

As soon as she heard her dog, Sparky, barking, the mother sprinted to the source of the sound. But it wasn’t going to be a happy ending once she found him.

Coming From The Bathroom

The barking seemed to be coming from the bathroom, which was quite unusual since she never kept Sparky locked inside. 

However, what was even more perplexing was that the bathroom door was now closed, which was inexplicable since nobody had entered the bathroom for hours. How had they gotten inside?

Barking Incessantly

The mother could hear Sparky barking incessantly, followed by the faint cries of her son, Noah. She wondered how Sparky and Noah had managed to get inside the bathroom and why the door was now locked from the inside.

Sarah's heart raced as she realized her baby was in the bathroom alone. She knew she had to act fast before something terrible happened. 

Not Wasting Any Time

Without wasting any time, she rushed to the bowl, where they kept all of the spare keys to the house. Her hands trembled as she rummaged through the keys, trying to find the right one. 

She could hear her baby crying and calling out for her, adding to the sense of urgency. Finally, she found the key to the bathroom and quickly made her way to the door. 

Something Wasn’t Right

With trembling hands, she inserted the key, but something was wrong. Sarah's heart raced as she fumbled with the key in her hand, trying to find the right one for the bathroom door. 

She was anxious to free her baby, who was inside and needed her attention. As she tried the key, she was sure it was the right one, but to her dismay, it wouldn't turn the lock. 

Something Blocking The Door

Panic began to set in as she realized that the door hadn't even been locked in the first place. She wondered what could be blocking the door from opening.

Fueled by a mother's instinct, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She started to kick the door with all her might, hoping to break down whatever obstacle was preventing her from getting to her baby. But she had more adrenalin than to know what to do with.

Kicking It Down

The door creaked and groaned but still wouldn't budge. Sarah was determined, and she kept kicking until, finally, the door swung open with a loud crash.

But what she saw inside the bathroom left her in shock. The sight was so unexpected and terrifying that she couldn't believe her eyes.

Entering The Bathroom

As she entered the bathroom, Sarah found Sparky sitting on the floor while Noah was propped up on the toilet. She couldn't help but wonder if Sparky had taken Noah there to help him go to the bathroom. 

It was a surprisingly clever move for a dog, and Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the loyal pet. 

More Questions

However, the more pressing question was why both of them had stomach conditions. Sarah knew that something was off, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was a deeper underlying issue at play. 

Despite her initial confusion, Sarah was certain that she was much closer to the truth than she knew. She took Noah back to her crib, but she had a lot to think about.

A Tough Situation

Sarah and Henry were consumed with worry, their once peaceful home was now filled with chaos and fear. They both weren’t eating or sleeping properly, it was taking a toll on their relationship.

Henry struggled to cope with the stress, his patience wearing thin as he watched his son suffer. He wanted a child with Sarah. loved his family, but this wasn’t the picture he had of how his home would be. He didn’t sign up for this.

Henry Can’t Take It

Henry knew that he had to get away for his own peace and sanity. "I can't do this anymore, Sarah, I’m cramped in this house, " Henry confessed one evening, his voice choked with emotion. "I need some time alone to clear my head."

He hung his head in shame, he knew that he was being selfish. He was leaving Sarah in a difficult circumstance. But he had to put himself first, for them.

Sarah Steps Up

Sarah's heart shattered at his words, but she knew he needed space to process his emotions. "Take all the time you need, Henry," she said softly, her eyes brimming with tears. "I'll take care of Noah."

Henry said he was going to stay with his parents for a few days. Sarah hated him for being so weak. But she had no choice but to be strong for her son. She could do it alone.

Finding Routine

Alone with her son and their faithful dog, Sarah found strength she never knew she had. She tended to Noah day and night, never once wavering in her determination to see him through this ordeal.

Even Sparky got accustomed to wearing the cheaper brand diapers which saved Sarah so much time. She was getting the hang of being a single mother.

A Happy Baby Again

Weeks passed, and Noah's condition finally began to improve. His cries faded, replaced by the sound of his joyful laughter ringing through the house once more.

Sarah started to feel that her life was finally reaching balance. She could enjoy things again and even took Noah and Sparky out to the park for the day. She didn’t even bother phoning Henry once.

A Coward Husband Returns

A month later, Henry returned, shame written across his face as he faced his wife and son. "I'm sorry, Sarah," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "I should never have left you."

But Sarah merely smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "You're here now, Henry. That's all that matters." She was the bigger person, and now her family was healed and complete.

A Full House Again

Together, they watched as Noah and Sparky played on the floor, their laughter filling the room with warmth and love. They learned a thing or two about being parents and knew they had much more to learn too.

And in that moment, as they held each other close, they knew that their family was stronger than ever before. But one thing was for certain, they would have to get a bigger house for the four of them.