40 eBay Items That Prove One Person’s Trash Can Always Be Someone Else’s Treasure

eBay is not only the place to buy hard-to-find collectibles—but it has also turned into a place that offers infinite entertainment. Thanks to resourceful and creative people whose sole focus is to make a quick buck on an eclectic buy, eBay is now filled with weird and strange listings that could either make you go “Oh!” or “Ew.”

If you don’t believe us, we present this list that serves as solid proof of how bizarre eBay can be. We have to acknowledge the efforts of ebaybae’s Instagram account for diligently collecting the odd and uncanny for putting a smile on our faces. We tip our waffle hat to you, good user. 

Now, let us take our first step into this world of wonders!

Best Steampunk Keyboard Ever?

Steampunk is a well-known subgenre of sci-fi. Or at least it’s well-known to steampunk fans. It deftly combines retro-future technology and 19th-century steam-powered machinery. The result is everything a steampunk geek would sell their kidney for. Whoever the eBay seller of this to-die-for keyboard is can effortlessly take our money and run. We are not going to chase after them.

We adore this keyboard so much we want to hug it like a teddy bear as we fall asleep. But then, we would have nightmares figuring out how to pay its $2,000 price tag. Even Apple’s pretentious keyboard is not that overpriced. Someone out there will buy it, no doubt. Probably someone on a bronze airship or something.

Pink Is In

The statement “pink is the new black” is highly debatable. As proof, this all-pink accessorized car could elicit some “oohs” and “aahs” along with some “ughs,”, especially for those who are sensitive to bright colors and color-uncoordinated craziness. This is why pink be kept to a minimum.

We also worry and wonder what will happen to all the pink fur come summer. One or two items of fur are fine, but more than five is too much. Blame our anti-pink stance on our dark, cynical souls and our highly-developed visual tastebuds.

Gucci’s $7,000 Handcuffs

Everything branded costs a tad more than generic items. A Prada paper clip fetched $185. In the same vein, their padded headband cost $500. After all, Prada is Prada, and they need your money, or their business will be nada.

But these $7,000 Gucci handcuffs are simply exorbitant. Who do they expect to use them? Paris Hilton or the Kardashians? In all likelihood, they will be used on the runway or as an accessory for a fashion photo shoot. They may even successfully make handcuffs look cool! But we hope that trend won’t catch on.

Teddy Bear As Pants

We are not sure if these quirky pants were previously owned by Lady Gaga. Even if they are, we recommend that you think twice, and maybe thrice, before buying them—unless you plan to use them for Halloween. It’s probably better to set your sights on more sane clothing choices.

Imagine the inconvenience these pants would bring during the winter season, treading in the snow with small bears clutching your legs. Either way, prepare to fork up $3,000 just to make people stare at you.

Headless Model Not Included

Many would think a “brainless model” to be some kind of insult, but this eBay listing took that statement literally, and probably for a good reason, too. If you are trying to make people buy your clothes, you need to capture people’s attention. Similar to a trainwreck, we cannot imagine anyone not wanting to take a second look at this listing.

But just because this eBay seller’s plan worked, it doesn’t mean you need to do the same thing. Maybe the seller wanted to highlight the clothes minus the model. Still, editing a model’s head out of the picture is odd. But if that keeps his business going, we respect their decision.

Horse Sculpture Bench, Anyone?

Horse breeds cost an average of $3,000 to as much as $30,000. Usually, this cost covers the most famous breed, referred to as the Arabian horse. But the top stallions actually cost more. They could fetch as much as $120,000.

But for those who love horses but hate the fact that they don’t have tons of dough to buy one, this horse sculpture is available instead. It can seat two people and is apparently hand-painted. Plus, the seller can ship it to you for free. He clearly isn’t horsing around.

Albino Baby Monkey

Those three words are more than enough to capture anyone’s attention on eBay. Add in a picture of the item along with a close-up of their little feet, and we promise you’ll have enough nightmare fuel to ensure that you never sleep ever again.

Besides the strangeness of the product, its price is also frightening. Despite the offer of free shipping, we would prefer the seller to keep the product to themselves and spare us from their love of the creepy and macabre.

Keyboard Bag

Some take their work home with them because they have tons to do and too little time to do it. But very few decide to wear their work on their sleeve—literally. This eBay seller is trying to capture that niche market. Either that or they are after buyers who want very quirky bags to add to their collection.

However, no one wants to be reminded of the work they need to do while using this purse to buy groceries or eat at a restaurant. But if that is what floats your boat, by all means, you do you. We’d prefer to CTRL+ALT+Delete this one out of existence, thanks. 

Sandals With Spikes

Footwear has existed for a long time. Its 40,000-year history is a testament to humanity’s love for their feet, thus the need to keep them covered and protected. Although shoes initially served a practical purpose, some types of footwear stray off the beaten path.

This may be another item that previously belonged to Lady Gaga. The designer of this footwear quite literally nailed it. But although these appear to be old, they are not ancient. What we know is that it would probably hurt if someone stepped on your shoes with these bad boys.

Medieval Shoe Covers

Based on historical records, footwear, as we know it today, was used during medieval times. However, we are still trying to determine if this item did indeed come from the medieval era. We are betting $45 that they weren’t—coincidentally, the same cost as this footwear.

Still, these shoe covers are filled with tons of possibilities. Imagine wearing these during your morning commute. Expect people trying to avoid getting too close to you, lest they be subjected to these pointed metals of medieval mayhem. For $45, that may be worth it.

A Used 14k Toothpick

Regularly flossing your teeth is a good way to keep them healthy. Using a toothpick is one of the many ways to rid the mouth of pesky food particles. However, experts say that wooden toothpicks can damage the gums. Though this eBay listing of a toothpick is made of gold and not wood, we are sure it could still damage your wallet.

Would you replace your regular dental floss with this 14k gold item? It even looks like a small sword. Its tiny embellishments are also uniquely adorable. For $400, we promise you’d want to floss regularly. Plus, it comes with free shipping. It had better be for that price.

Expensive Thrift Store Shoes

This pair did not come from a thrift store, even if it looks like it did. Never mind its gaudy look and intricately designed angel details—these shoes are actually from Dolce and Gabbana. Once again, we find ourselves swearing that this item could have come from Lady Gaga’s shoe closet.

If you find it hard to believe that such an esteemed brand could produce cheap-looking shoes, you haven’t heard anything yet. Would you buy this pair for $2,750? You can buy a dozen more comfortable and less garish footwear with that amount.

Gemstones On Crocs

Another example of weird footwear is this pair of crocs that is sure to make your feet comfortable and raise tons of eyebrows as well. Though we personally dislike Crocs, we have to admit that they are cozy on the feet.

However, this listing is taking “overpriced” to a whole new level. Whatever made this seller think that placing gemstones on shoes would legitimize a price of $350 is simply a type of delusion that we have never before encountered. 

Chanel-Branded Candy

Luxury knows no bounds. Not even candies are immune to the whims of designer brands. However, just because there’s a big name attached to a confection doesn’t mean you are immune to diabetes. Your blood sugar will still skyrocket even if you eat these Chanel candies.

Similarly, ants have no idea what a Chanel is, so expect this candy necklace to be filled with insects when left outside the fridge. For almost $3,000, we recommend you spend it eating healthy instead of consuming branded food items that will raise your blood sugar to triple figures.

Cat Nail Spa

This eBay listing is perfect if you want to punish your pet cat. We doubt that the pink color will lessen the cat’s annoyance, but maybe it will help you feel better as you trim your cat’s nails. Prepare for your cat’s outrage once it gets out of the grooming bag.

Even this cat doesn’t look pleased with its human. After its picture was taken, it was probably ready to pounce and scratch its way out. Essentially, no one gets to treat a cat this way and get away with it. There’s always a price.

Rare Cards Table

If you want to lay all your cards on the table, this more-than-$2,000 Gucci-branded serving tray might be perfect for you. Its hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds design is ideal for the tacky gambler inside us all.

Just buying this overpriced serving tray is a gamble that we aren’t sure will ever pay off. Either way, we bet you will enjoy using this tray because you have no choice—you’ll never get your $2,100 back once you buy it, no matter how hard you’ll try to flog it.

Top Dog

eBay listings are filled with designer shoes, both weird and expensive. This item is not that odd, but its price is a tad shocking. Though it is a big name brand—Vivienne Westwood designed it—and it has a distinct collie seen on the front of the shirt—it looks like a regular item of clothing that costs $80 - not its advertised $1,000 price tag.

Many would think this item was only worth $100. However, you would be mistaken. The shirt’s price is the same as if you put your kidney up for sale on the black market. If you think it’s better to get your galaxy shirts at Walmart—we agree with you 100%.

Faux Custom Fur Chair

This custom faux fur chair is perfect for anyone with $6,000 worth of money to burn. We only hope it is comfortable to the back and that it’s cozy to sit on because it’s painful to look at. For that same amount, you could have your entire living room renovated.

Still, for $6,000, it wouldn’t be too much to expect the chair to feel like a cloud of soft kitten fur and rainbows when sitting on it. Unfortunately, we imagine it would just feel like getting cat-scratched and rained on when you remember how much you forked over for it. 

Pretzel Alcohol Flask

Who would think that an innocent-looking pretzel could carry the elixir of life? This flask is cleverly designed to appear like a regular pretzel but is actually a container for brandy, whisky, or anything you can get your alcohol-loving hands on. Careful, though, as some people might ask for a bite of your pretzel. Better think of a wise way to turn them down without eliciting suspicion.

We believe this is the best item on this list. Plus, you can have it for a mere $29.99. The shipping is a bit costly, though, but all things considered, it’s definitely worth it. We just hope that it isn’t as soft as a real pretzel.

Cherry In The Bathroom

We think this item is the second-best on the list. Imagine going to the bathroom and seeing a red cherry. We could not think of a single reason why a cherry would be there. But someone apparently did and subsequently brought this artifact into the world.

Disguising a cleaning brush to make it look like fruit is genius. Just make sure to remind the cleaner where the brush is so she doesn’t need to spend time looking for something she might never see. Can you imagine telling them to “look for the cherry?”

Martini Kitty

If you’ve never imagined your kitty cat swimming in a martini glass, this eBay-listed item will help you do just that. It does not mean that your cat will actually get to swim in a cocktail—instead, expect your cat to be able to play in a martini-like world.

The downside is you have to fork up almost $600 to make your cat happy. The upside is that your cat will probably find the martini cat tree enjoyable, but your pet will never thank you for it—as cats are naturally inclined.

The Original Apple TV

Look no further if you’re on the lookout for a full-fledged Apple TV. This item is literally an apple television. We believe this will last longer than Steve Jobs’ Apple TV. It is a novelty item that will beat all other eBay products. Who knows, it might be worth a ton of money after a few years.

Though the price is a bit steep for something that resembles a literal fruit, we believe you can recoup your investment after a few years. We are just unsure if it will be able to keep up with the fast-changing technology by then. Still, we’re sure an apple-shaped television will never go out of style.

Bearded Barbie doll?

We think this eBay item is being passed off as a heavily bearded version of Merlin instead of what it actually is—a faulty Barbie doll rejected by the production line. We’re not sure Merlin ever wore his own beard as clothing, either.

We can’t blame the seller for trying to make a quick buck out of a production mistake. It’s a free country, after all. Who knows, maybe this will become a rare collectible shortly. But for now, it’s a $49.99 product waiting for an eager sucker—or rather, a buyer. 

The Halloween And Christmas Grinch

Other than Santa Claus, another famous Christmas character is the Grinch. Though he is not everyone’s Christmas favorite, he managed to learn a valuable lesson in the end. An interesting piece of trivia about the Grinch is his color. In the book, he is not at all green but black and white. His eyes are also pink.

But these special Grinch gloves are green. They are also guaranteed to scare kids from asking for Christmas gifts. Plus, they can genuinely keep hands warm. However, they might burn a hole through your wallet because of their almost $100 asking price.

Do You Want To Buy A Snowball?

Anyone, even a three-year-old, can make snowballs at no cost. It doesn’t take any special skill to create one. However, it does take a certain kind of asset to sell a pair of snowballs for $10,000—and those assets may well be a rude synonym for “confidence.”

These aren’t your ordinary snowballs—these came from the biggest snowfall that enveloped New York City in 2016. Never mind that they have been standing in the fridge for a few years. There is also no way to verify the seller’s claim. You only need to believe what you’re told and fork up $10,000.

Rare Gummy Bear?

Small gummy bear candies were a staple when we were growing up. They have been part of our childhood. However, that doesn’t mean we want to pay thousands for one. This eBay seller actually thinks someone would.

Who would want to own a hybrid of a gummy bear and a worm? Again, we believe this to be another production error passed off as a rare commodity. For $10,000, are you going to bite? We recommend you don’t.

Designer Wardrobe For Witches

Practicing Wiccans would love this stylish outfit. If witches had a red carpet event annually, this wardrobe pick would be perfect. We believe this is the third-best item on the list. The $5,000 price tag might shock you, but we think it is worth the price.

Even if you’re not a witch, you could wear this as a costume for Halloween. Watch people’s reactions when you tell them it has real human hair. This amazing replica of a 1675 Wiccan outfit will inspire you to concoct your own potions.

Black And White TV Zebra

This item would be great in a child’s bedroom. A zebra that comes with a 19-inch television is a cute addition to a room. The only issue we have is that it only comes with a black and white TV. In the age of hi-def, who would want to watch tv the way a 1950s family would?

We recommend simply purchasing a plush zebra and using it to encase your current television. Look, $10,000 is just too much for an out-of-date TV—even if it does come with a cool-looking zebra. Maybe a better idea would be to make one with your kids instead.

$599 For A Moschino Backpack?

You have to wonder how they reached $599 for this bag—at a discounted price. What did it originally cost? Either way, this Moschino cleaning powder backpack is way overpriced. Though we love using household brands as bags, this is asking too much of our money.

Also, making someone fork up almost $600 just to look like they are going to the laundry mat is not at all appealing to us. You could easily own a similar bag for way less. Well, it’s an aspirational asking price, we’ll say that much. 

Fuzzy Pink Trousers

We bet this eBay listing was made by the same person selling the all-pink interior car accessories. This outfit would definitely be perfect to wear when inside an all-pink car. And by perfect, we mean eyeball-gougingly horrific to look at.

Could this seller have been gifted an entire pink wardrobe and accessories by their significant other? They might then have decided to unload some of it on eBay to save themselves from throwing up because of all that bright pink crudity. Alas, we can only assume. 

Bread Bag

Designer handbags for ladies are expensive. For instance, a Hermes Nilo Crocodile Himalayan Birkin costs a whopping $100,000. With that in mind—behold, the most expensive novelty hotdog you’re ever likely to buy. Probably.

Our budget is limited to bags that cost a lot less than that. However, even if this eBay listing has an asking price of $100, we’re still not biting. Would you want to buy this? It would be perfect for an eccentric sausage dog owner. 

Apple Shoes

Anytime anyone mentions the word Apple, images of MacBooks and iPhones are the first to come to mind. We’re sure no one thinks of Apple shoes, but these things actually exist. Believe it or not, there used to be Apple sneakers way back in the 1990s. This pair being sold on eBay, worth $20,000, are proof.

Would you buy used, rundown shoes for that amount? It costs the same as branded designer shoes such as Gucci and Ferragamo. If you love everything Apple and think this is a rare collectible, go ahead. Give away your $20,000. We’ll cheer you on.

Toothbrush And Spoon

Have you ever wanted to brush your teeth immediately after eating? You can easily do that now with the Weidlich Sterling spoon. The company has existed for more than a century. They combined the spoon and the toothbrush in one item simply because they could. We believe the ancestry pattern is just icing on the cake.

However, this item is already used. We doubt that anyone would want to buy a used toothbrush for $45. Still, that ancestry pattern is difficult to pass up. This one is for the rare type of person that is both lavishly rich and gross when it comes to mouth stuff.

Kentucky-Made Recliner

Where else would a moving recliner be invented but in Kentucky? This one-of-a-kind Recline-O-Cycle can be yours for almost $3,000. You can move anywhere you want while bringing all your food and drinks with you.

Though we love this amazing product because it checks all the points in our too-lazy-to-stand list, this is still overpriced. We are only willing to pay $1,000 for a scooter and a chair, which is what this actually is, minus the cool name.

Sphynx Cat Toy Doll

If you are into nightmarish items that will keep you up at night, this sphynx toy doll is perfect for you. This eBay listing belongs in the albino monkey doll category previously seen in this list. It is 18 inches in length and is made of soft silicone. It also comes with clothes.

This item was priced down to the penny—probably because the seller factored in the shipping costs. It is a reasonable price for an odd-looking animal doll. We are happy it has clothes on as it minimizes its horror factor. 

U.S. Map Glasses

Would you like to look at the world through the eyes of the United States map? If your answer is “yes,” then go ahead and purchase these $300 sunglasses. They also come in silver gray, in case you’re the type of person with a preference for silver gray U.S.-shaped sunglasses.

Though it covered the inland states, we are a bit bummed it left out Alaska and Hawaii. If this is up your alley, this could be a good purchase. But we’d rather stick to our $20 Fourth of July blue sunglasses, thanks. 

1960s Face Drawers

If you are into the ridiculous, this drawer is the perfect item for you. This face drawer is not afraid to shoot you a judgmental look every time your things are disorganized. This item is so ugly and so beautiful that it deserves its own place in a museum somewhere.

Kudos to the seller for being straightforward about the ridiculousness of this product. We can also attest to the fact that this drawer dates back to the 1960s because we’ve seen tons of odd items from that era. It was a great time of experimentation.

Pink Phone

We believe this eBay listing came from the same seller offering pink car accessories and pink fur pants. Now, they seem to be unloading a pink telephone. This one isn’t entirely pink—it seems to come with a sick-colored handle and wire.

For less than $40, this product seems quite reasonable. It is a fun-looking item that can adorn any Pepto-Bismol-colored abode. If fuzzy pink objects make you happy, we’re sure this pink phone would make you happy too.

Glitter Cowboy

If your grandpa is into shiny and glittery cowboy outfits, maybe he was a Liberace fan, or he just likes shiny things. He may also like this $300 cowboy costume. It is perfect for Halloween! Imagine your grandad parading around in this loud glittery number.

This vintage, authentic, theatrical, and handmade costume is worth the splurge if it makes your grandad happy. It is also a rare find. The shipping fee is also reasonable. All good reasons to turn your grandpa into a sparkling rough-rider. 

Authentic-looking fried rice

Frying and tossing fried rice in a wok takes some deft cooking skill. If you don’t have the talent but have 1,000 dollars to buy this eBay item, you can make anyone believe you are a fried rice cooking expert—for precisely one second.

Take Instagram-worthy shots of you frying rice, which will certainly impress your friends. But we think this is too expensive. Best to look for another seller that offers this product at a more reasonable price point.